As soon as Ying Zheng left,

Zhu Wusi could not help but show up.

Apart from the immortal and Ying Zheng, he was the one who gained the most from this mission.

The Fire Cloud Evil God doesn't count.

Didn't you see that he still owed 50,000 points?

Looking at the immortal grass that Ying Zheng got,

Zhu Wusi was also very envious.

It seemed a bit strange that this immortal grass had intelligence, but its value was real!

This is not an adjective, but a real immortal grass!

It even had intelligence!

Zhu Wusi could hardly imagine how rich the medicinal power was, and what kind of heaven-defying effect it would have after taking it!

It is estimated that Ying Zheng was embarrassed, and his mouth had been crooked with laughter in his heart!!

At this moment,

Zhu Wusi was still a little nervous.

3,000 points were a little too few after all.

I wonder if the immortal would be interested!

"Zhu Wusi also wants to trade?"

Lin Ge clicked to receive it, and looked at the 3000 points in the red envelope, with no fluctuations in his heart.

To be honest,

3000 points was not bad when I first joined the chat group, but for now,���Lin Ge, who was as quick as water, didn't care much about it.

However, since he had already collected the points, he might as well make a deal. However, it was a bit difficult to find a resource worth 3,000 points. A spiritual herb was so worthless to Lin Ge that it couldn't be worth more. Could he pick another one with worse quality for Zhu Wusi? Forget it!

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

3000 points are too low. I will give you two choices.

One is to keep these 3000 points here and exchange them for better resources next time.

The other is to teach you a lower-level sword technique, which is equivalent to the supreme sword technique in your world, to complete this transaction!

What do you want to choose?

"Sword Technique, or save it for the next time to change to a better one?"

Looking at the two choices given by Lin Ge,

Zhu Wusi was tangled in his heart.

The Supreme Sword Technique was actually very attractive to him.

Although in the mouth of the immortal, it was just an inferior sword technique, it was also given by the immortal.

With the immortal's vision of destroying the world at will, the inferior sword technique in his mouth might be a terrifying divine skill, which must not be weak!

If Zhu Wusi chooses this sword technique, he will definitely be able to quickly improve his combat power.

Maybe he can directly break through to an exaggerated level, and he will no longer have to fear the combat power of Ying Zheng's subordinates.

It will also be easier to take the initiative and get more points in the next group mission.

So on the surface, it seems that keeping the points is more conducive to long-term development, but in fact it may be better to quickly realize combat power to seize the initiative.

Of course, this also requires a gamble, betting that he can defeat Ying Zheng's combat power after practicing this sword technique, or be on par with him.

After a thorough analysis, Zhu Wusi is also a decisive person and made a choice

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

Immortal, I choose the second sword technique! Please give me the method!

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]: Yes.

Seeing Zhu Wushi made his decision,

Lin Ge didn't say much.

Without sending a red envelope, he directly transmitted the sword tactics into Zhu Wushi's sea of consciousness.

In the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes,

Zhu Wushi only felt a shock all over his body.

A gentle force made him feel as if he was there, guiding him to comprehend the sword tactics.

What a magical method!

Zhu Wushi was amazed.

This method was to teach him hand in hand, just like he had practiced for many years.

Even a pig would probably learn it.

Originally, he thought he needed to practice from the beginning, but he didn't expect that the immortal would actually do this process in one step, allowing him to fully comprehend this technique.

With just a casual move, he could change the world.

The immortal's methods were really unpredictable!

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

Received! The immortal is indeed omnipotent. He helped me comprehend this profound sword technique without using the red envelope function, saving me thirty to fifty years of hard work!

"Did he do it without using a red envelope? And he also made Tiedan Shenhou comprehend the sword tactics across countless planes?!"

Huoyun Evil God's eyes widened, muttering in disbelief. He had always thought that although immortals could cross planes, it would not be easy and would cost a certain price.

But now, the facts gave him a hard slap in the face.

It turned out that such an unimaginable and heaven-defying thing as crossing the boundary was just a piece of cake for immortals.

Huoyun Evil God was horrified.

So, as long as the coordinates were known, it would be a piece of cake for immortals to destroy the worlds!?

"Fortunately, the immortal has a good temper and didn't crush me to death at first!"

After realizing that it was a simple matter for the other party to kill him,

Huoyun Evil God couldn't help but wipe the non-existent sweat from his forehead, feeling extremely lucky.

At first, he was ignorant of the immensity of heaven and earth and dared to offend the immortal.

Now think about it, it was like walking a tightrope in the sky.

If the other party hadn't had a good temper,

I'm afraid there would have been nothing left of him!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

??? What's so surprising about this? Immortals are omnipotent. I am not surprised no matter how strong they are! I am a die-hard fan of immortals! Waving flags and shouting.JPG!

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

Indeed, he deserves to be punished! Isn't it normal for immortals to know everything? This has been verified long ago! Are you questioning the power of immortals! ? @【Iron-hearted Godly Marquis】

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

I don't know what to say, anyway, the Immortal is awesome!.JPG!

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook]:

Waving the flag and shouting.JPG!

【Persimmon in the Snow】:

@【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis], Divine Marquis, try it out, how powerful is this sword technique bestowed by the immortal! ?

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]: That's exactly what I meant!

After looking at the message in the group,

Iron-hearted Divine Marquis comprehended the information he had just received, and his entire body seemed to have transformed into an extremely sharp sword. The surroundings moved without wind, and turned into a sword domain ravaged by violent sword energy!

The surrounding Guardian Dragon Villa experts were all horrified and quickly withdrew from the domain.


Zhu Wusi directly put his fingers together to form a sword and slashed towards the open space in front of him.

The violent sword energy directly turned into a deep abyss in front of him!

Zhu Wusi:......

He himself was stunned.

Immortal, you call this an inferior sword technique! ? ?

【Ding! Member Tiedan Shenhou uploaded a video!】

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

You can see how terrifying the inferior sword techniques mentioned by the immortals are! He covered his face and smiled bitterly..JPG!

【Persimmon in the Snow】:? Let me see!

【Ding! Snow Persimmon downloaded the video!】

【Ding! The little chef from Peach Blossom Island downloaded the video!】

【Ding! The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace downloaded the video!】......

Everyone clicked to download immediately.

First, they were given two kinds of magic arts by Feng Yuxiu, and then they were given Ying Zheng's elixir of immortality.

Each time was definitely extraordinary and always made them feel incredible and caught off guard.

What kind of sword skills would Zhu Wusi get this time?

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