After watching the video recorded by Zhu Wushi, everyone in the group fell silent

【[Snow Persimmon]:

I finally understand how outrageous the low class is when the immortals talk about it! I have shared this with Lao Huang, and he was immediately emo after reading it. Thinking about life.JPG!

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Never take the words"ordinary" and"general" seriously as spoken by immortals, otherwise you will make huge mistakes!

【The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Wow, I also want a piece of the rubbish martial arts that the immortals talk about!

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

I just feel like I have been practicing kung fu for nothing in my whole life. The guidance from the immortal is countless times better than what I would have thought about in my whole life!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

After watching it, I lit a cigarette and fell into deep thought while looking at my levitation and sword-controlling skills!

"If you want to trade, then roll up your sleeves. The frequency of triggering tasks is still not high enough. Let me see how strong your potential is!"

Lin Ge looked at the message in the group and smiled slightly. He still admired the choice made by Zhu Wushi. Sometimes, if you get the first move, you can take advantage of the opportunity and take off directly. After Zhu Wushi traded, no one traded anymore. Their points were even less than Zhu Wushi's, and they couldn't show them off at all.

【Persimmon in the Snow】:

@【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the first emperor in history], did the First Emperor drink the spiritual liquid, and what was the effect?

Xu Fengnian directly tagged Ying Zheng, he was still waiting to see the effect of the spiritual liquid, he couldn't trade resources himself, but it was okay to look at the spiritual liquid bestowed by the immortals to satisfy his cravings

【[Iron-hearted Godly Marquis]:

Brother Ying, why don't you share your feelings? There's no need to be sneaky!

After becoming stronger,

Zhu Wusi became more confident.

Last time, he was forced back by masters like Donghuang Taiyi.

If he did it again, the result would probably be completely different.

He has been holding his breath, and now he can't wait to have a fight with these masters.

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

I was busy, but this guy didn't cooperate and ran around, and even spit into the bowl! I'm speechless! Frowning!.JPG!

【Ding! Member Across the Six Kingdoms, the Eternal Emperor uploaded a screenshot! 】

In the screenshot, there is a scene of spiritual grass crawling all over the beams, and below is a group of ministers and guards looking at the beams and surrounding the spiritual grass

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook】:......

【The Ultimate Killer】:......

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace】:......

【Snow Persimmon]: Come on, Shi Huang! In addition, the saliva spit by the fairy grass should also have an effect.......

【Iron-hearted God】:......

@【Persimmons in the Snow], what do you want to say?

Everyone's eyes went dark.

It was the first time they saw such a scene.

The medicine could not be brewed, and the fairy grass actually ran away by itself!

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

It's finally over! The process was a bit bumpy, but the spiritual liquid was finally made. Let me try it!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Wait, that can't be the saliva of the fairy grass.......

【[Iron-hearted Godly Marquis]:

??? Can you speak? Be bold! Could it be......

【The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages】: ???

That’s enough! If you say anything more, I’ll drag you out and chop off your heads!......

Ying Zheng looked at the sky-defying speech in the group, speechless, and silently made a note of Xu Fengnian and Zhu Wushi.

Looking at the ice-blue spiritual liquid in the bowl, it seemed to contain terrifying energy and exude a certain seductive breath.

Ying Zheng did not hesitate and drank it directly!


At this moment,

Ying Zheng's brain was buzzing!

He felt like he was back in his mother's arms, warm, safe, and comfortable, and wanted to fall asleep.

From the outside perspective, he saw a thick layer of ice on Ying Zheng's body.

This situation shocked all the guards!

Gai Nie was surprised and unconsciously squeezed Yuanhong, but when he thought of what the First Emperor had said before, it was a gift from the immortal, so he was relieved.

At the same time,

Ying Zheng suddenly woke up and felt a slight itching all over his body!

The ice began to melt, and

Ying Zheng's heart was shaken.

He could feel that he was shedding his skin!

There were a lot of impurities, dirt, and dead skin all over his body that were being discharged crazily.

Until the end,

Ying Zheng rubbed his cheeks and rubbed off a large piece of dead skin!

What's going on? Is my face gone?

Ying Zheng was slightly shocked and could no longer remain calm.

He rubbed off all the dirt and dead skin on his face, and felt smooth and tender to the touch!!!!!

Ying Zheng seemed to have realized something, suppressed his inner excitement, and shouted:

"Bring me a bronze mirror immediately!"

The guards around him immediately agreed, and looked at Ying Zheng with shock in their eyes!!

"Is this the method of the immortal? ?"

If he hadn't been familiar with Ying Zheng,

Gai Nie would have thought that this person was a fake.

When his subordinates quickly brought the bronze mirror,

Ying Zheng looked at himself in the mirror and was speechless for a long time!

Then, a loud laugh rang out, and

Ying Zheng laughed wantonly for a long time without stopping!

What he saw in the mirror was himself when he was just twenty years old!

In fact, he was already in his forties!

Not only his appearance, but even his voice became a little childish, returning to the state of his youth.


The body regained its vitality and returned to the peak moment!

A big stone that had been there for many years no longer existed at this moment!

Ying Zheng almost burst into tears!!!

Ignoring the cursing Xiancao on the side,

Ying Zheng directly sent the photo to the group, wanting to express his gratitude to the immortal!

Sincerely, with emotion!

The immortal's kindness to him this time was too great!

Changing fate against the will of heaven, that's it!

The immortal changed his fate for him, and he could not repay many favors.

Ying Zheng thought about it and prepared to order the whole country to build a statue of the immortal immediately after returning, and encourage the whole people to offer incense!!

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

Screenshot.JPG! Tears in my eyes! Thank you for extending my life! If you need anything, I will give it to you without hesitation! Crying loudly.JPG!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Damn, is this the First Emperor? @[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages], did you turn on the beauty filter?

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

Holy crap! Is the First Emperor rejuvenated?

Zhu Wusi's eyes widened.

He knew that the immortal's moves would be extraordinary.

He had made full mental preparations, but he was still frightened by the exaggerated effect!

The First Emperor's buyer show was too awesome!

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

??? Handsome guy, who are you? Did you have plastic surgery?

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Is this the same person? I would believe you if you said someone else was replaced! Shocked.JPG! Envious.JPG!

【[Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Immortal, I want this too! Forever Young Beauty!!

Lian Xing and Huang Rong's eyes were red.

They could ignore other things, but this time the temptation was too great for them.

Forever Young Beauty is definitely a killer.

Which woman can resist it? ?

At this moment, both of them had only one thing in mind, next time they must change to a better one than the Immortal Herb of the First Emperor!

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