It is recommended to skip this chapter, it will not affect the plot!

"It's time for another breakthrough!"

He calculated his remaining points.

The 12,788 points he had before, plus the 81,800 points he got from this mission, plus the 10,000 + 3,000 points Ying Zheng and Zhu Wusi used for trading, totaled 107,588 points, more than 100,000 points!!!

Lin Ge felt very satisfied.

Just this one mission brought him a big harvest, and his points increased to an unprecedented level!!

At the same time, everyone in the group began to leave the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes and return to the plane where their world was.

The next finishing work had to be handed over to the First Emperor and the Divine Marquis.

According to the original agreement, they had to leave some people behind to help Hong Qigong secure the throne!

The Jianghu of the Song Dynasty, however, could not calm down at all. They witnessed too many things with their own eyes on this day!

Strange phenomena fell from the sky!

Gods appeared!

The wrath of God!

The corrupt Song Dynasty was overthrown, and the Great Jin and Mongolia were directly wiped out and completely turned into history!

Until now, when the gods disappeared, there are still many people who cannot accept so much information in a short period of time, and they are wondering if all this is just a dream!

It's just that everything that happened today is too crazy!!

A person may have hallucinations in a dream, but not everyone will, until they remind each other

It was like a dream that had just been awakened.

All this was real, not a dream!

Gods really exist!!

The true god once descended to this place and disappeared again!

Even Lin Ge himself greatly underestimated the far-reaching influence that his actions would bring to this plane!

Countless people remembered what they saw today, their eyes lit up and they wanted to find the traces of the immortals.

A large number of officials, wealthy people, and civilians built temples to worship the gods who came to the world that day!

At the same time, a new sect quietly emerged in this world!

And it quickly suppressed the old religions such as Taoism and Buddhism, and expanded rapidly at an extremely terrifying speed. It became the largest religion in the Central Plains!

The True God Religion!

It was founded by some martial arts masters and righteous men, and it worships Lin Ge, the only true god that all the people in the Central Plains can never forget!!

In the prehistoric Three Immortals Island, suddenly, Lin Ge's aura suddenly surged, and a pure power of faith was continuously poured into Lin Ge, illuminating the entire cave with brilliance!!

Lin Ge: ??? Suddenly, something good happened to me? It seems that the saying that pie will not fall from the sky is wrong, isn't this true? With a confused head, Lin Ge calculated for a moment, and was slightly stunned after sensing the source of faith.

"It turned out to be the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes?"

He cast his eyes to the plane of The Legend of the Condor Heroes, and saw countless newly built temples standing densely here, like a sea of stars.

The power of faith comes from these temples, gathering in the sky like a sea of incense!!

For some illusory gods and immortals, there are countless people who spontaneously believe in them, and there will never be a lack of believers, not to mention the real gods who really appeared in front of them and exerted supreme power!!

Because of this, all the believers of the True God Church are extremely pious, praying and offering from the bottom of their hearts.

Looking at the power of faith like an ocean,

Lin Ge was excited.

The chat group could help him break through his cultivation by force, but it could not obtain the power of faith!

And the power of faith is very useful in the prehistoric world. It is an absolute panacea and is of great benefit to doing anything.

Incense can help immortals cultivate merits and reshape gold In order to improve one's health and increase one's Taoism, the gods of later generations all like to let mortals build temples for them and worship them with"incense".

In addition, incense has another function that cannot be ignored, which is to greatly increase the power of gods. If you want to reach a higher level, you must accept incense to increase your merits.

Therefore, incense is an extremely important part!!

More intuitively, for example, the three saints, Nuwa, Zhunti Taoist, and Jieyin Taoist, directly rely on merits to become saints!

Of course, this method of becoming a saint also has considerable flaws.

The saints of merit will be greatly restricted by the way of heaven.

Lin Ge, who has a chat group, naturally will not consider this method of becoming a saint.

However, this is enough to prove the importance of the power of incense faith.

For Lin Ge, such good things are also extremely coveted, and he will never have too much!

"I didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected gain!"

It must be said that this opportunity opened up a new idea for Lin Ge.

"Perhaps, I can build temples in various planes and obtain incense and offerings!"

With the existence of the chat group,

Lin Ge can completely shuttle between various planes and obtain incense and offerings from other worlds.

Compared with those illusory legends of gods and immortals in other planes, he, as a true god, undoubtedly has a great advantage and can easily gain a large number of believers!

Endless planes, even if they come from low-level planes, but the number is enough, how huge and terrifying is the power of faith?!!

Lin Ge has already imagined the scene of countless powers of faith being added to himself.

Anyone who sees it will probably be scared silly on the spot.

At that time, what saints will be concerned about?

He is the well-deserved only true god in the prehistoric world!

"The most urgent task is to break through first!"

After retracting his thoughts,

Lin Ge also focused on the large number of points he had at the moment.

Every time he counted the points and spoils, and felt the pleasure of a crazy breakthrough, it was undoubtedly the time when he was in the best mood.

Looking at the unprecedented six-digit amount in the account, even Lin Ge was a little excited.

With so many points accumulated, what realm could he break through to?

"Activate the concealment function and start the breakthrough!"

Lin Ge completed the operation with ease.

【Ding! The secret shielding function has been activated!】

【Ding! The realm breakthrough function has been activated, and the energy required for the breakthrough is being retrieved for you! Energy is being drawn! The drawing is complete, and the breakthrough begins!

Countless pure energies appeared out of thin air again, pouring into Lin Ge's immortal acupoints.

The crazy breath accompanied by the flickering spiritual light and immortal rhyme complemented the sea of incense that gradually took shape behind him.

Lin Ge couldn't help but sigh again, the chat group function is so powerful that every time he breaks through, he can get so much pure and excellent spiritual energy from who knows where.

The rules of forced breakthroughs allow him to not worry about this problem at all.

【Ding! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the first level of Xuanxian, consuming 19,000 points!!】

【Ding! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the second level of Xuanxian, consuming 21,000 points!!】

【Ding! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the third level of Xuanxian, consuming 22,000 points!

【Ding! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the fourth level of Xuanxian, consuming 23,000 points! 】

It was not until the fourth level of Xuanxian that the surging spiritual energy in Lin Ge's body gradually calmed down.

【Ding! This breakthrough has ended, a total of 85,000 points have been consumed, and 22,588 points are left!!】

""I have reached the fourth level of Xuanxian so quickly!" Lin Ge could not help but sigh as he felt the strength in his body surge. After traveling to this world and practicing Taoism for thousands of years , he was only a celestial immortal. But now, after only a few days of getting the chat group, he has directly ascended to the middle stage of Xuanxian like a rocket. The gap is really jaw-dropping! Is this the feeling of cheating?!!

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