Without paying attention to the following messages in the group,

Huang Rong only had the task she had triggered in her eyes!

Although she was a little weak, she found Hong Qigong, so he should give her a face, right?

Thanks to her recommendation, the other party could become the emperor!

Turning on the live broadcast in the group,

Huang Rong went directly to the Great Song Palace to find Hong Qigong.

On the other side,

Hong Qigong was discussing matters with others.

After the god left,

Ying Zheng and Zhu Wusi's people came to him and said that they would assist him in becoming the emperor.

These people were really reliable.

Not only did they help him quickly stabilize the order in the Central Plains, but they also taught him the knowledge of how to be an emperor from beginning to end.

In the end, there were no accidents. He successfully ascended the throne and sat firmly in this position.

The country's name was inherited as Song, and now it is much stronger and more prosperous than before.

At this moment,

Hong Qigong was thinking about a problem.

It was the god's intention to establish him as the new emperor, and after the god disappeared, these people immediately came to him and assisted him in successfully ascending the throne.

��Does it mean that those who fulfill the will of God should be considered as God's messengers?

Then, should I be considered as a person of God?

"I never thought that there are gods in the world!"

Hong Qigong recalled the scene of that day and couldn't help but sigh again.

That was not some groundless clue, but a real one that came to everyone!

It was a bit funny to say that when the gods appeared, the old monsters in the world, no matter what the reason was, kept a low profile and concealed their identities, could no longer sit still and all came out.

Even Wang Chongyang, the leader of the world's top five masters who should have died long ago, was"resurrected".

"I just don't know, once this immortal disappears, I don't know when he will show up again!"

Hong Qigong was in a complicated mood, with curiosity and yearning on his face.

He didn't see the true face of the immortal until the last moment, which was a pity.

The real existence of the immortal completely tore his worldview apart and reshaped it.

Everything he had thought about in the past has changed now.

For example, no matter what the purpose of Wang Chongyang's fake death was, it has now become empty!

"Congratulations to Qigong for becoming the emperor! I want to challenge you once, I hope you will agree!"

From afar,

Huang Rong's voice startled Hong Qigong, and he looked at Huang Rong in disbelief.

"How did you get here?"

Hong Qigong was very confused.

He had met Huang Rong several times before and knew that she was the only daughter of Huang Yaoshi. He had a good impression of this little girl.

However, this was the imperial palace.

How did she get in?

Thinking of this,

Hong Qigong also looked at Zhang Han and Duan Tianya beside him, showing a puzzled look.

""Haha! If I hadn't recommended him to the immortal, Qi Gong wouldn't have been able to become the emperor!"

Huang Rong explained with a smile.

"You! Immortal!?"

Hong Qigong was really shocked.

Seeing Zhang Han and Duan Tianya also replied affirmatively, he finally believed it.

""Girl Huang, you've made it so that I don't have time to drink now!"

Hong Qigong didn't know what to say, and smiled bitterly.

"This time I hope to challenge Qigong's martial arts, and hope to be fulfilled!"

Huang Rong said anxiously

"No way!"

Hong Qigong was speechless.

Where do you get the confidence to beat an old senior like me?

Your father is better.

However, thinking that Huang Rong might have a relationship with the immortal, he refused without a second thought.

What a joke.

If he were to fight with a god, what if he bumped into the other party and caused the god's dissatisfaction?

Huang Rong, this girl, just relied on her super relationship to bully an old man like him!

"Why don't you fight?"

Huang Rong curled her lips and suddenly became unhappy.

"Next I will challenge Wang Chongyang to become the number one in the world!"


Hong Qigong's eyes widened." How could I not have seen that Huang Rong was so shameless?" He finally understood that this girl was relying on the tiger skin behind her, and others did not dare to attack her, so she wanted to take the opportunity to win the title of the best in the world!

""Qigong, I'm sorry!"

Seeing Hong Qigong's face full of resistance,

Huang Rong was helpless and directly picked up the crutch beside her and hit Hong Qigong.

There was no other way.

She was not interested in the title of the world's number one, but she really wanted the points!

She could only take the points first!

With a bang!

Hong Qigong wailed and fell to the ground, his face full of confusion!

"You sneak attack me! You are shameless, shameless! You are a relative and you come to bully an old man like me! ?"

Hong Qigong said with grief and indignation.

The other party has a relationship with the gods, how dare he fight back?

"You won! But you lost morality!"

Zhang Han:"......"

Duan Tianya:"......"

Huang Rong was immediately satisfied when she saw the points coming into her account!

She ran out with a clatter, leaving a message in the distance,

"Qigong, I think you have helped me this time. If I have resources for cultivating immortals in the future, I will share some with you!"

"Immortal cultivation resources!! ?"

Hong Qigong's eyes widened, and after rubbing his ears to make sure he had heard correctly, he could not help but be stunned.

"Does this mean that I also have the opportunity to see things from the fairy world? Even the opportunity to cultivate immortality!! ?"

After standing there in a daze for dozens of seconds,

Hong Qigong jumped up from the ground and laughed loudly.

At the end, he did not forget to use his true energy to shout in the direction where Huang Rong left,

"Sure, sure! In the future, if there is anything I can do, I will never refuse. Come to me more often to learn from you! Zhong Shentong has disappeared for so many years, and that guy's martial arts must have declined.......Um, don't forget about the resources for cultivating immortality!!!"

Hong Qigong reminded her happily. She still remembered him as an old senior when she had good things.

The morality of Huang Yatou was worthy of his admiration!......

After finding the middle supernatural power Wang Chongyang in Quanzhen Sect and explaining it quickly, the other party's eyes lit up instantly when he heard the keyword"immortal", and Huang Rong defeated the other party in his excited eyes.

After completing the task, Huang Rong left Quanzhen Sect, leaving behind Wang Chongyang, who was drawn a pie in the sky and laughed excitedly.


Huang Rong happily closed the live broadcast.

She now has 20,000 points.

This is the first time for Huang Rong, a newbie in the group, to see so much wealth.

Now she has to think carefully about what kind of resources to trade with the immortal.

Before, the First Emperor spent 10,000 points to trade for a fairy grass.

My 20,000 points won't be worse than the fairy grass, right?

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