[Ding! Member Peach Blossom Island Little Chef has closed the live broadcast!】

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

How is it, did you successfully get the mission reward?

【Taohua Island Little Cook]:

Got it! A total of 20,000 points!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

I’m so envious that I’m drooling. Twenty thousand points! Am I the only one in the group who hasn’t traded with the immortal yet?

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Don't forget me, I'm much worse off than you!

Seeing Xu Fengnian and Huoyun Evil God,

Zhu Wushi's mood suddenly improved a lot.

Although he didn't trigger the mission this time, he was still much better than these two enemies.

A sense of superiority arose from Zhu Wushi's heart.

Congratulations, I got twice as many points as I did last time. I wonder what treasures Miss Huang Rong can redeem. Ying

Zheng was personally supervising the construction of a huge statue of the immortal in Xianyang City, and said in the group.

Last time, Huang Rong had the honor to ride on the immortal's deer cart, so Ying Zheng addressed Huang Rong in a more polite way.

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

I won't say more, it makes me jealous, I'm also going to complete the task, I'll show off to you later! I'll start a live broadcast, everyone can watch it by themselves!

【Ding! The member who swept across the six kingdoms, the emperor of all ages, opened the live broadcast!】

"Your Majesty, the news has been announced to the world, the three armies are ready, shall we set off immediately!"

A general kneeled down to report with burning eyes.

Ying Zheng announced to the world that he wanted to personally lead the army to tour the country, sweep away the remnants and subdue the hundreds of families.

If it was in the past, he would definitely dissuade him, after all, your majesty's dragon body is more important, but now, knowing that your majesty has been enlightened by the gods and has returned to youth, he has fallen into mindless fanaticism.

Whatever your majesty says, he will do it, and it will never be wrong!

After all, there is a real immortal behind your majesty, how can the immortal make mistakes?

The general seemed to have seen that this was a sign of great prosperity.

The originally precarious Qin Dynasty experienced this move, and under the blessing of heaven, it would surely usher in a turning point, prosper rapidly, and prosper forever!

"Good efficiency!"

Ying Zheng slowly turned around and said with great pressure,

"Prepare the carriage and notify the three armies that I will lead the army in person and set off immediately!"

"Wind! Wind! Wind!"

""Strong wind! Strong wind! Strong wind!"

The three armies shouted in unison with great enthusiasm and high morale.

The shouting shook the whole military field and lasted for a long time!

【[Snow Persimmon]:

I'm envious. The First Emperor's army is so handsome, but my Snow Dragon Riders are no less powerful than them!!

Watching the scene in the live broadcast,

Xu Fengnian also felt a little excited.

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

Is this the ancient army? Such a strong aura of majesty and murder!! It's really amazing!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

It seems that the news that the First Emperor had the help of the immortals and led the army in person has inspired the fighting spirit of this heroic army. They can feel an invincible momentum!

Looking at the praise in the group,

Ying Zheng remained calm, but he was very happy in his heart.

Now you know how powerful you are, right?

Apart from the immortals, he is the number one in the group.

The position of the number one fan of the immortal must belong to him.

The little thoughts of the Iron-hearted Divine Marquis are just wishful thinking. He wants to catch up with me and take the second place in the group. Do you really think he doesn't know?

However, thinking of the terrifying sword tactics that the immortals rewarded Zhu Wusi,

Ying Zheng also felt a little sense of crisis in his heart and became eager for points.

Now he doesn't have to worry about the problem of life for a long time.

Next, what Ying Zheng needs most is to exchange a method of cultivating immortals from the immortals.

Since this opportunity has been given, strengthening oneself itself is the essence of strength.

Imagine the power of the immortals' blow, everything is destroyed, and status, army and so on are just clouds.

Power is just the most useful tool in his hands now.

In the end, he still has to take the path of doing everything for his own benefit.

As long as he can embark on the path of cultivating immortals, then one person can easily deal with tens of millions of people, and the army will not be so important.

Of course,

Ying Zheng also has ambitions to expand the territory of the Qin Empire to an unimaginable extent, and even wants to build the Qin Empire into an unparalleled Qin Dynasty!

At the same time, as Ying Zheng announced it, the world was shocked!

"What does the Emperor Qin mean by this? He still dares to wander around. I'm afraid his health is not good. Isn't he afraid of dying suddenly on the way? ?"

"Humph! Ying Zheng is just a dying man! The tyranny of the Qin State will be destroyed sooner or later. Now that it has entered a precarious situation, it seems that the Emperor of Qin can no longer sit still and wants to make a last-ditch struggle!"

"The King of Qin is really bold. Even though he is seriously ill, he still dares to come out to suppress the rebellion. Does he really think we are so easy to deal with?"

"Humph, if he really dares to come, he will never come back!"

Some reactionaries and remnants of the six kingdoms received the news and discussed it secretly.

They did not take the Qin Emperor's tour seriously.

If Ying Zheng really had the strength to suppress and unify all the voices in the country, they would have ceased to exist long ago.

In their view, it was Ying Zheng's tyranny that caused so many people to rebel against him and he could not be recognized by the world.

What's more, after hearing that the Qin Emperor had been vigorously pursuing the secret of immortality in recent years, he was probably already terminally ill and had no choice but to do this because time was running out.

Perhaps if he was allowed to die of exhaustion on the way, people all over the world would raise the banner of rebellion and overthrow the Qin Dynasty.

"The Emperor of Qin is still too anxious!"

In an unknown valley,

Guiguzi sighed, revealing an inexplicable look, as if he saw the Qin Dynasty turning downhill from here, and the scene of the ten thousand years of foundation being destroyed!

However, the only thing that he couldn't see through was the movements in Xianyang City some time ago.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't guess the mystery.

"This is a change!"

Guiguzi frowned slightly, but he didn't care.

The general trend was like this.

No matter how the Emperor Qin struggled temporarily, he couldn't change the fact that Qin was entering its twilight years.

Could it be that he really found the elixir of immortality and regained his youth?

Guiguzi almost laughed at his own idea.

Isn't that pure nonsense ?

What he needs to do now is how to expand the influence of his Zongheng family in this major change in the world. It's time to use Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang! Xiao Shengxianzhuang,

""Brother, what do you think of the Emperor Qin's intention?" Zhang Liang asked Fu Nian calmly. He always felt a little suspicious about Ying Zheng's sudden move , and he didn't guess the intention behind it.

"Zifang, your shortcoming is that you tend to overcomplicate things!"

Fu Nian shook his head.

"Apart from the aura of the Qin Emperor, Ying Zheng is just an ordinary person. Even he can be confused sometimes! The former emperor is now old!

It is obvious that this is just a confused move by the Qin Emperor!"

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