"Brother, your opinion is brilliant. Zifang has benefited a lot from it!"

Zhang Liang nodded in agreement, but he still felt something was wrong. He thought about the countless masters who had gathered in Xianyang a few days ago and wondered if there was any connection between them!

"Would His Majesty the Emperor Qin make such a mistake now?" Zhang

Liang shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

"The First Emperor is going to lead the army in person!?" Donghuang Taiyi's expression changed slightly when he heard the news.

"Yes, Lord Donghuang. Not only that, according to our intelligence personnel stationed outside, the remnants of the six kingdoms and the various schools of thought are not optimistic about this action, and believe that His Majesty the First Emperor is digging his own grave. There are already many forces secretly making small moves to plot against His Majesty the First Emperor!"

Yue Shen said, with a slightly worried look on her face,

"Do we need to do something to guide public opinion to ease the resistance from His Majesty the First Emperor?"

"Hahaha, this is actually a good thing!"

Donghuang Taiyi laughed after hearing this.

"What does Lord Donghuang mean?"

The Moon Goddess looked puzzled, not understanding what this meant.

"Now that the First Emperor has that peerless immortal behind him, why should he fear the counterattack of these ants?"

‘Donghuang Taiyi Dao,

"On the contrary, we should build momentum to discredit the First Emperor!

The more fiercely those remnants counterattack, the more the First Emperor can clean up the termites of the empire.

At the same time, under such a focus, we can take the opportunity to publicize the existence of the immortal god to the world, which will be more convincing!

And our Yin-Yang School stood firmly on the side of the First Emperor when the hundreds of schools resisted, which can highlight our merits and stand out after the hundreds of schools were destroyed."

Donghuang Taiyi had a deep look in his eyes and saw it clearly.

"The times have changed. Although I am powerful, I am nothing in front of that immortal!

Now only by completely leaning towards the First Emperor can I have a chance to obtain the immortal fate, so that my Yin-Yang family can be preserved in the era, or even reach a higher position!"

"Your Excellency is so smart, Moon Goddess admires you!"

Moon Goddess also suddenly realized,

"I will immediately arrange for people to build momentum, guide public opinion, and incite more of the remnants to seek death!"


Donghuang Taiyi lowered his eyelids.

"You just need to remember that everything is different now, and nothing can compare to the thought of that great god! We must firmly please that great god!"

Dong Huang did not hesitate to say the word"please" directly.

The situation is stronger than the person.

In front of that person, they really only have the right to please, and they are not qualified to say such equal status words as making friends.

It's ridiculous that the remnants of the Hundred Schools and the Six Kingdoms still know nothing about the power of the immortals and gods. They just think it's a good opportunity to overthrow the Qin Dynasty. Thinking of the scene of moths flying into the fire, it's a good show!

"I heard that last time, Elder Mu and Shao Siming were able to board the Spirit Deer Cart to serve the Lord God?"

Donghuang Taiyi suddenly spoke.

Everyone below was stunned.

Shao Siming stepped forward and nodded slightly.

Thinking of the night she spent with the immortal before, she was slightly absent-minded, and there was a glow in her eyes!

The Moon Goddess glanced at Shao Siming and also helped to add,

"It’s true!"

""From today on, Shao Siming will be promoted to the highest level of treatment, and her status will be equal to mine!"

Donghuang Taiyi said calmly.

Everyone was surprised to hear this, but since Shao Siming had had close contact with the immortals, they had no objection to receiving such treatment.

Yueshen became more and more envious.

She actually regretted it very much that day.

Why did she leave so quickly and miss the great opportunity to serve the immortals?

"If there is another opportunity in the future, try to actively show yourself and contact the immortal!"

Donghuang Taiyi said this, but he didn't say much.

Such a rare opportunity may not be encountered again. Whether they will have the opportunity to see the god in this life is still uncertain!

Shao Siming nodded slightly when she heard it, and thought of the immortal, the beautiful face under the veil, and was rarely moved.

She could feel her curiosity and good impression of the immortal in her heart, and she had no resistance to serving him or even close contact with him. Farmers' Chiyou Hall, all the hall masters are here at the moment.

"The King of Qin is touring the country, and choosing my farm as the first stop is too much! Is he trying to use my farm as a stepping stone to establish his authority over us?"

Tian Hu was hot-tempered and said unhappily.

The others also looked unhappy, and were obviously a little worried.

Although many people are now singing the praises of the Qin State, being chosen as the first stop will undoubtedly mean facing the fiercest firepower. Even if their farm is large in number, it will be difficult to resist.

"Everyone, don’t panic. Now many people from the Hundred Families and the Six Kingdoms have learned the news and are rushing to my Nong’s family. It is still unknown what the situation will be like by then!"

Tian Zhong, the head of Gonggong Hall, said that he was actually an undercover agent planted by Luowang in the Nong’s family and a man of the First Emperor.

Now he has received news with only one content, which is to discredit the First Emperor’s personal expedition!

The less optimistic it is now, the more shocking it will be at that time!

As Ying Zheng took the initiative to secretly add fuel to the flames and build momentum, the outside world’s opinions have become more and more outrageous, saying that Qin Shihuang will not live long!

Sure enough, after hearing Tian Zhong’s words, the faces of the Nong’s family members improved.

Tian Yan said nothing among the crowd. She had traveled through the alien world with her own eyes and witnessed the means of immortals.

Naturally, she knew that this incident might be under the control of Ying Zheng, and the remnants of the Six Kingdoms and the Hundred Families were all calculated.

However, she was confident that she could protect the Nong’s family in the end and not let its inheritance be cut off.

"Tian Zhong is right! I heard that the King of Qin is in imminent danger and may die at any time!

I admit that the King of Qin once had a great reputation, but he is just a dying man now! Since you want to attack my Nong family, let him stay here forever and make my Nong family famous!"

Tian Hu drank a bowl of strong liquor and shouted with a ferocious look in his eyes!

When the news spread that day, almost overnight, countless people gathered near the Nong family.

They wanted to have a fight with the King of Qin here!

Perhaps, the decline of such a big empire is about to start from here!

At the same time,

Ying Zheng listened to the news from intelligence personnel everywhere, without any expression, everything was under control!

At such a highly anticipated moment, he chose......Water group!

【[The greatest emperor in history who swept across the six kingdoms]:

See, the fish are all hooked, and now it’s time to close the net!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Hahaha, I sympathize with the enemies of the First Emperor. I’m curious about the moment when they saw the First Emperor become younger!

【[Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

I am also very curious, what would their expressions be when they knew that there was an immortal helping the First Emperor!!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

Can the First Emperor defeat them? Do you need my help? Just give me a few points as a token of my appreciation!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms]:

Go, go, go, no need! I have already made preparations and vowed to spread the name of the Immortal God this time!!!

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