In the farmland, the atmosphere was depressing and tense.

Tian Meng, Tian Ci, Tian Zhong, Han Xin and other senior officials looked at the large number of Qin troops gathering in the distance, all with solemn expressions and doubtful eyes.

At the same time, not far from here, people from all sides who did not know the details were also watching silently.

Among them, the Xiang family of Chu State, Shushan, as well as the Mohist and Taoist clans, were all lurking here secretly.

After the Qin army arrived, they stopped and waited, making everyone unclear about their purpose.

Not long after, a luxurious car"Tian Zi Jia Si" slowly drove over.

Seeing this car, all the onlookers were slightly moved and their breathing became rapid.

They knew that in this car was the King of Qin himself who unified the world today!

Generally speaking, the emperor's personal expedition was only to command and encourage in the rear, but this King of Qin was really on the front line! How dare he come to the front line


Many people were hesitant.

Could it be that this was a trap to lure out the remnants of the six kingdoms, and the real Ying Zheng was not inside?

Just as everyone was thinking this, a majestic and deep voice suddenly came from the car:

"Today, let me see how many people have come!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone around was shocked!

"Ying Zheng!"

"King of Qin!"

"It is definitely him!!"

"Is he really not afraid of dying of illness on the way?"

People from all sides confirmed in their hearts.

This news undoubtedly shocked them.

Each family had their own means to confirm that the voice in the car was not a disguise, and it was definitely the King of Qin Ying Zheng himself!!

But this made them even more shocked.

Has the First Emperor become so stupid now?

Could it be that he really wants to lead the army in person to wipe them out?

How stupid!

"His Majesty the King of Qin has arrived, and my humble farm is honored!"

Tian Meng laughed and shouted,

"I just don’t know what your majesty’s intention is to lead the army in person this time, and why you choose my farm as the first stop!"

Everyone was silent, waiting for Ying Zheng’s answer.

In their opinion, the emperor Qin Shi Huang, who once swept across the six kingdoms, is now old and even foolish enough to seek for the elixir of life.

Isn’t he afraid of getting himself into trouble by making such a big move at this time ? However, this is also a good thing for them.

As long as the first emperor is alive, the country is destined to belong to the Qin Dynasty, and they can’t feel at ease for the uprising!

What everyone didn’t expect was that Ying Zheng was very happy at this time, and didn’t take them seriously at all

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

Now I can finally appreciate the joy of having an immortal to back me up! Seeing these old rivals who used to be a headache for me, now being played around by me, how can it be so pleasing? It’s just a joke, just a play!

Unable to resist sending a message in the group,

Ying Zheng calmed down and said in a dignified voice:

"Everyone, look at me. I have something to announce!"!!!???

Without Ying Zheng saying anything, everyone focused all their attention on him.

Some people had already prepared hidden weapons and were ready to give it a try.

The main purpose of their coming here was not to kill Ying Zheng here, but to observe his condition and how long he could hold on.

A little attempt was just a by-product.

If there was a chance to directly assassinate the First Emperor, they would certainly not miss it!!

However, the next second, the scene in front of everyone almost made everyone speechless!!!

The curtain in front of the carriage was opened by a white hand that looked like a newborn.

Ying Zheng took a step forward, completely revealing his young face that was so immature that it made everyone terrified, panicked, and stunned, just like his appearance when he ruled the six kingdoms!!

"It's him! How is it possible! How is this possible!! ?"

At this moment, countless people shouted out in shock.

What they saw was indeed Ying Zheng himself, but he was a 20-year-old version of the First Emperor!

How is this possible?

Unable to suppress their anger, countless people on the scene exclaimed, even Tian Meng and others on the opposite side, their breathing stagnated and their pupils shrank sharply.

Those who had never seen the First Emperor, although they didn't know the specific situation when they saw this scene, they also realized that something was wrong!

"How could it be!! King Qin, you......Have you really found the secret to immortality? ? ?" A man wearing a bamboo hat asked loudly with a look of disbelief on his face

, as if he had gone mad.

"Why, is it fake? Are you lying to us! ? How can he look 20 years younger! ?"

Someone else shouted in disbelief!


If most people had never seen the First Emperor before, and therefore were not very sure about the current situation, then after hearing their questions, everyone knew what had happened.

The appearance of a young man?

The elixir of immortality?

Was it really found?

Everyone's mind was buzzing at this moment, as if a bolt from the blue was exploding!

Whether it was the people of the Hundred Schools or the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, they all stared with their eyes wide open, and were shocked by the news!!

How could it be possible, how could there be a real elixir of immortality!!

This was completely different from what they had expected before!

At this moment, the previous clues and the sense of disharmony finally connected into one line.

No wonder the First Emperor suddenly made such a shocking move.

Is that so?

Is it because he really got the art of immortality?!!

Many people who were hostile to Qin were trembling all over, and they could not accept this conjecture at all!

Conspiracy, this is definitely a conspiracy. How could such an illusory thing really happen! Some people have forced themselves to calm down. Whether it is true or not, they can't believe it now, and they have to question the authenticity! Otherwise, they are worried that before anything happens, the belief in their hearts will be scattered!

""Ying Zheng, is this a disguise, or are you not Ying Zheng at all, but someone with a similar voice pretending to be you?"

Someone asked coldly, his eyes red, obviously unable to accept the idea that Ying Zheng might have regained his youth!

"Oh? You want me to prove that I am myself?"

The young Ying Zheng raised his lips in mockery.

"When you ask such questions, do you believe them?"


Everyone fell silent.

What Ying Zheng said was right.

This time, the matter was of great importance. Important people from all families came. There were many experts in disguise present.

No matter how they judged, the man in front of them had no trace of disguise. He was indeed Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng himself.

The only difference was that he was younger!

If it was really someone else pretending, then this person was really carved from the same mold as the young Ying Zheng.

It was too coincidental!!

However, someone still said coldly,

"This doesn't mean anything! You just changed your appearance, who knows if you have regained your youth! ?"


After hearing this person's words, everyone realized that

Ying Zheng was probably trying to claim that he had obtained the secret of immortality and that it was God's will that blessed the Qin Dynasty so that he could stand in a high position that conformed to God's will.

They must not let him succeed!

Everyone calmed down and looked at Ying Zheng coldly.

That's right, you just restored your youthful face, but what does this mean?!! It's just changing your appearance, there are many ways to do it, rejuvenation?

Sorry, they don't believe it!!

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