"The immortal actually allowed us to teach him the immortal arts at will!?"

Huang Rong came back to her senses from her meditation and covered her mouth in surprise.

"In this case, I can teach my father the Water Walking Skill!"

Unlike Ying Zheng, who is the ruler of a country, he may select some of his confidants to practice immortality and cultivate a powerful extraordinary force.

Huang Rong has no intention of cultivating power. She is satisfied with teaching immortality to a few close people and ensuring their longevity.

"My father, and the promised Qigong, Wang Chongyang......"

Huang Rong calculated,

"Should I practice by myself first, and then teach them? If I practice first, my father won’t be able to beat me, right?"

After thinking about it,

Huang Rong smiled.

It would be fun to bully the old martial arts masters after practicing immortality!

However, thinking back to the last time when Huang Lao Xie was shocked and stunned for a whole day, Huang Rong prayed in her heart that her father's psychological endurance had become stronger!

As for Feng Yuxiu and Huoyun Evil God in the group, they didn't feel much.

They were both lonely and had no intention of teaching immortality to anyone.

The ones who were most affected were those who had cultivated their own power, such as Ying Zheng, Zhu Wusi, Lian Xing, and Xu Fengnian.

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal:

The spiritual energy in your world is depleted, resources are incomplete, and cultivation is slow. Using spiritual stones to assist can greatly speed up the cultivation. If necessary, you can also trade points with me for the initiation of cultivation!

Lin Ge gave the two people a hundred spiritual stones each. In fact

, the members of the group are basically people with great luck in their own worlds, and the speed of practicing general exercises will not be slow.

Every world has more or less spiritual energy, but the world level and spiritual energy concentration of their planes are naturally impossible to compare with the prehistoric world.

In addition, the cultivation of immortals is often counted in decades, hundreds of years, and thousands of years.

Lin Ge feels that it is necessary to speed them up.

After Ying Zheng and Huang Rong accepted the spiritual stones with surprise, they also realized this.

They found that the chat group's realm-raising function could not be used to improve the realm of practicing immortal cultivation techniques, and they could only rely on themselves to practice slowly.

But the immortals actually gave them another opportunity to directly exchange points for a rapid improvement in cultivation!

Points are treasures!

Everyone was sighing that as long as they had enough points, there was nothing they couldn't do in trading with the Immortal!

"Spirit stones can assist cultivation, so the spirit stones that the immortal gave me before can be used for more than just casting spells!"

Feng Yuxiu was stunned.

He didn't expect the spirit stones in his hand to suddenly appreciate in value.

However, in this case, spirit stones should not be wasted if they are not necessary.

After all, they can be used for cultivation!

Feng Yuxiu was not too distracted. He had only used up one of the 999 spirit stones that he had traded from the immortal before. This kind of spirit stone is very durable and obviously of good quality.

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

Everyone, I have arrived at the Sakura Country. Now I will start to complete the task. You can watch it by yourself!

In the corner where no one is,

Feng Yuxiu jumped down from the flying sword and said something in the group.

After experiencing the shock brought by the immortal's magic, everyone's reaction was mediocre.

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Go ahead, go ahead, and I wish you a safe journey!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms and Became the Greatest Emperor in History]:

You can complete the task slowly, and I will keep an eye on you in my spare time when I’m practicing the Gold Path Technique!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

The modern scenery is really strange! ?

【Ultimate Killer King]:

If you can't beat me, remember to call me, Evil God. I'll go out for a walk first to see if I can trigger the task. Pray that I don't run into that old beggar!

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook]:

I am busy cultivating immortality, tsundere.JPG! Family members, who understands, there is a man in the group............

Feng Yuxiu looked at the message in the group and didn't care.

Although the description of the task reward was vague, he felt that he could earn more than the First Emperor.

If he kept challenging the martial arts hall, wouldn't he be able to keep grinding?

Moreover, with the immortals backing him up,

Feng Yuxiu felt very safe.

The bigger the incident, the better.

Even if Sakura Island sank, there was no need to panic!

"I don’t know the language of cherry blossoms!!"

After walking a few steps,

Feng Yuxiu suddenly realized that he could n’t speak the same language, so he couldn’t just run around aimlessly, right?

How about finding a translator first?

【Ding! The chat group has a language translation function, 1 point can be activated for 24 hours!】

【Ding! The chat group has a navigation function, 1 point can be activated for 24 hours!】

"It saves trouble!" Feng

Yuxiu activated the translation and navigation functions and quickly found a target.

Atom Jeet Kune Do Martial Arts Club is a famous local martial arts gym. It is also one of the few traditional martial arts gyms in modern society that focuses on actual combat.

If you want to start a challenge, it is undoubtedly a good choice to start here!

When he entered, some people were sparring with each other.

Feng Yuxiu took a look and saw some skills, at least not fancy moves, but he could not compare with them, let alone the big guys in the group.

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Is this what you want to challenge? I can kill people without weapons!

Feng Yuxiu's martial arts are just second-rate, even he is not first-rate, you can imagine how unbearable these people in the martial arts hall are in the eyes of the group.

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

He is very weak. Any one of us can kill him indiscriminately!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

There are only a few disciples in the martial arts hall, don't jump to conclusions, there might be some decent masters.

Lin Ge was also watching the live broadcast at the moment, and he chuckled when he saw the message in the group , but he didn't care.

They don't understand the modern world where Feng Yuxiu lives, where martial arts are weak, and

Feng Yuxiu is likely to kill people with his martial arts.

The two people in the martial arts hall saw Feng Yuxiu walk in, raised their eyebrows and said:

"Are you from China? What's the matter?"

Feng Yuxiu looked at the other person calmly and said concisely:

""Kick the club!"

The two looked at each other and laughed with an ambiguous meaning.

One of them said:

"Okay, Chinese, I'll play with you, but I'll make it clear in advance that I'm not responsible for any injuries!"

While this person was talking, another person had already taken out his phone and was smiling while filming.

Even if Feng Yuxiu didn't care, he could sense the other person's ill intentions.

"Of course!"

As soon as Feng Yuxiu finished speaking, the other party's face changed.

He raised his hand to block, but was hit hard in the chest by a punch. He flew into the air like a rag doll and hit the wall with a loud bang.

"Poof! You......You!!!"

The man suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Feng Yuxiu in disbelief.

The other man's face also changed drastically, and he shouted at the stunned people around him,

"Hurry up and notify the master and the owner of the gym to come over, there is a Chinese expert coming to challenge the gym!"

At this time, they already realized that something was wrong.

They thought it was a bronze player, but they didn't expect that he was a king!

This is a real game!

"That's it?"

Feng Yuxiu withdrew his hand and smiled arrogantly and contemptuously.

"So-called Atomic Jeet Kune Do is so weak? And you dare to call yourself the strongest in Sakura?

It's too weak, so weak that I don't even want to take a look at it."

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