Feng Yuxiu had an indifferent expression, his eyes were like those of a god, he didn't even look at the man lying on the ground, he turned around and limped out of the stadium

"You want to leave after beating someone up? How can such a good thing happen in the world?"

Under the archway in front of us, a terrifying two-meter-tall figure with white clothes and exaggerated strength stood up at some point.

"You've come to my Atom Jeet Kune Do Club, why are you in such a hurry to leave? As the club's president, if I don't treat you well, wouldn't it be too rude?"

He grinned, revealing a hideous and terrifying smile.

"The cripple dares to challenge me?"

The next second,

Feng Yuxiu and the other party separated at the touch, and each took a few steps back.

"A bit of strength......"

Both of them were a little frightened.

Seeing this scene, the disciples at the side also calmed down:

"Chinese people, if this is all you can do, today..."

"It's him!"

Feng Yuxiu glanced at him and suddenly smiled.

The tall man's figure was as fast as lightning, and he collided with Feng Yuxiu, neither of them could do anything to the other.

Feng Yuxiu was a little impatient, looking into the distance, where it seemed that a strong aura was approaching rapidly.

After contacting spirit stones and immortal methods, he gained this ability to roughly sense the strength of the enemy's blood.

"Forget it, I still have to use the means given by the immortal. I didn't expect it to be so fast......."


Feng Yuxiu made a move, a trace of spiritual power quietly attached to his body, and in an instant he rushed out, as if teleporting, and appeared behind the tall man, kicking him with a whip kick.


The tall man was hit on the back as if struck by lightning, and he had no time to react.

His whole body suddenly shook violently.

An indescribable terrifying force spread throughout his body in a very short time.

All his strength, all his fighting spirit, all his muscles, all collapsed in the blink of an eye.

His huge body was thrown high into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground with a dull crash.

Feng Yuxiu was standing behind him, his robe slowly falling down, his face unchanged, as if he had not made a move at all.

"With just one strike, the force increased by at least five times?"

Feng Yuxiu felt the effect of temporarily absorbing spiritual power, and his heart was slightly moved.

【Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

? ? Your physical fitness suddenly became several times stronger just now. What happened?

With the strength of everyone in the group, it was easy to see that Feng Yuxiu had an abnormal outburst.

Zhu Wusi asked first.

【One Person's Martial Arts]:

I just absorbed some spiritual energy from the spiritual stone and it temporarily stayed in my body, making my body temporarily stronger. The spiritual energy in the fairy world is truly incredible!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

??? Isn’t it a waste of spiritual energy to use it like this?

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Waste! Total waste! Is this how you use the spirit stone given to you by the immortal? If I had a friend like that, I would definitely break his legs!

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

If I see someone wasting money like this, I will tear his head off!

Huoyun Evil God's words were somewhat personal.

Feng Yuxiu was speechless after seeing these words.

Spiritual stones can assist in cultivation and can also be used to cast spells.

Using them like he did was indeed a prodigal behavior.

In the venue, all the onlookers were silent.

The tall man obviously had an important position in their hearts.

Feng Yuxiu knocked him down and stunned them.

At the same time, a middle-aged man in a black robe walked in, and the people nearby made way to make a way for him.


The person in charge supported the man who had just sparred with him and was beaten to the point of vomiting blood, and shouted to the middle-aged man respectfully.

The middle-aged man ignored him and looked at Feng Yuxiu and the tall man lying on the ground, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Are you from China and are you here to mess up my place?"

The middle-aged man looked Feng Yuxiu up and down, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

He knew that this person came here to pick a fight.

As a pyramid-level figure in the Sakura martial arts world, he also had close ties with the militants in the military. Over the years, many Chinese people came to challenge him, but the result was either death or disability.

Even in the Sakura world, he was famous for his cruelty and violent temper.

He could easily cripple people, not to mention the Chinese people who hated him.

And this time, someone actually dared to injure someone in his territory, so there was no way he could walk out intact!

Feng Yuxiu didn't expect that he would run into the real boss as soon as he arrived.

But it doesn't matter.

This time, the garbage of Sakura will be settled one by one.

"Sign a life and death agreement, do you dare?"

Feng Yuxiu stared at the other person calmly, without a trace of warmth in his eyes.

"It’s not only about who’s better, but also about life and death!"

The middle-aged man was stunned when he heard this.

He was still thinking about how to provoke and trick the other party into a fight to the death without being responsible for injuries, but he didn’t expect the other party to take the initiative to propose it.

Could it be that he is really a fool?

The middle-aged man had some doubts about Feng Yuxiu’s confidence

, but he was more confident in his methods.

When the people around heard this, they were also stunned.

What they respected and feared the most was this middle-aged man who seemed to be ordinary in front of them.

This Chinese man was rushing to die!

"Young man, don't be impulsive, Miyamoto Ichiro is not someone you can handle!"

The words suddenly rang out in the crowd, which made Feng Yuxiu stunned, because this sentence was authentic Chinese!

He looked back and saw an old man with a gleam in his eyes and a serious expression, frowning, as if he couldn't bear what was going to happen next.

"You are very strong, but we have already killed dozens of our people here. I don't want to see the hope of my Chinese martial arts world ruined here again."

The old man came here across the ocean just to learn some bad news.

He showed hope and wanted to persuade Feng Yuxiu to give up.

This is the opponent's territory.

Even if you can beat him, can you walk out intact?

Sometimes, the rules between warriors are not so reliable.

In recent years, there are many martial artists who came to Sakura to worship boxing, but many of them have no news.

The answer is not worth thinking about.

"Old man, take a good look at how I beat Sakura's garbage to death!"

Feng Yuxiu glanced at the old man and said calmly

"Beat me to death? Ha! Haha!"

Miyamoto Ichiro was originally worried that the other party would be scared and run away after being persuaded, but he couldn't help laughing twice when he heard this, and his eyes looked at Feng Yuxiu even more unfriendly.

It has been a long time since I saw such an arrogant young man.

Based on what he just said, he must smash the other party's bones one by one, and let him die in pain with screams.

Thinking of such beautiful music, the restlessness in his heart that he could no longer suppress calmed down.

At the same time, seeing that the two people really went on stage to sign a life and death agreement, many people around raised their mobile phones and broadcast this life-and-death battle live on the social platform

【The masters of Huaxia and Sakura compete against each other, and have signed a life-and-death bet! 】

Such titles immediately attracted many netizens to watch.

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