:"What the hell! What the hell is this? Are there still people signing life and death agreements now?"

:"A life-and-death gamble, a showdown between two countries, are you serious? This guy can't lose!"

:"Is this true? This isn't a play, is it?"

:"You will know after watching it. It will be very obvious if it is acted out! This is a fight of life and death. Domestic Internet celebrities are awkward in acting in other roles. Can they act well in this?"

:"Makes sense!"

:"This is what happened. Many domestic viewers who were unaware of the situation flooded into the live broadcast room, all attracted by such a sensitive title

"The life and death agreement has been signed. No matter life or death, we can start now?"

Seeing Feng Yuxiu sign and put his handprint,

Miyamoto Ichiro raised his eyebrows.

"I remember that a hundred years ago, there were often martial arts competitions between our two countries, but unfortunately, most of them happened in China."

He was clearly referring to the history of aggression.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't understand the situation at first, but when they saw someone translate the meaning of this sentence, they became angry and began to frantically greet Ichiro Miyamoto's ancestors.

The Chinese old man in the venue also frowned and showed his displeasure.

"Of course!"

Feng Yuxiu smiled grimly.

"I will peel off your skin and tear your bones apart one by one!"

He has been waiting for a life-and-death battle for a long time, and this mission just gave him a platform to vent.

Miyamoto Ichiro:......

He wanted to ask Feng Yuxiu,"

Did you steal my lines?"

There was no restriction on weapons in this life-and-death battle. Miyamoto Ichiro rushed forward with a samurai sword in hand. Suddenly, his pupils shrank and he covered his abdomen in disbelief.


He didn't even see the other party's move!


Feng Yuxiu put the sword back into his arms.

The sword-controlling technique is not just about controlling the sword in the air.

The whole hall was silent.

What does this mean?

Is it over?

Who won?

The next moment,

Ichiro Miyamoto's intestines could not stop flowing out, and his upper body slid to the ground.

The cut surface was neat, and it was completely cut in half by a sword!


Everyone watching, including the audience on the live broadcast platform, had a buzzing brain and was completely at a loss!

:"Holy shit! This is real! Is that damned Sakura devil gone just like that?"

:"Did any of you see clearly? Who is this compatriot? How could he be so strong? So explosive?"

:"I was so dumbfounded, I was questioning the authenticity of the title one second, and the next second someone drew a knife, and then someone was cut in half, what on earth was going on!!!"

【The live broadcast content is suspected of violence, bloodiness and violations and is being banned!】......

Most of the live broadcast rooms were directly banned, which made everyone clearly realize that this live broadcast was not a show, but reality!

Because of this, many people began to search on large-scale websites on the Internet, hoping to find a live broadcast room that has not been banned.

In the venue, all the Sakura people were terrified and looked away from the man in the stands.

He was a demon!

The old Chinese man also widened his eyes, suspecting that he was dreaming.

In full view of the public,

Feng Yuxiu dropped a small iron tool next to the corpse, which was a sign of the opponent's defeat.

"In the next three days, everyone in Sakura can come and challenge me!"

With a sinister smile,

Feng Yuxiu looked at the audience below and said something shocking:

"I want to fight a hundred of them!!!"

He wanted to set up a ring here, targeting all the martial artists in Sakura. Instead of looking for them one by one, it would be better to wait for them to come to him!


Feng Yuxiu believed that this move would also attract more attention and gain more points! After hearing what Feng Yuxiu said, the people around him all took a deep breath in disbelief.

"Crazy, crazy!!"


"His goal is to make things worse! He wants to break the backbone of the Sakura martial arts community!"

"How dare he!!"......

At the same time, a video was uploaded to the Internet.

This video recorded the whole process of Feng Yuxiu's challenge.

In a short period of time, the number of views exceeded 1,000, and it went viral!!

Sakura and Chinese public opinion exploded!!

"How could he kill someone! A death warrant? How could there still be such a crude and brutal ceremony nowadays? This person should go to jail! Pay with his life! I am ashamed of China for having such a reckless man!"

"Can the 500,000 above be quiet? Go to hell with your rudeness and brutality! This brother did a good job. I checked the one who died. He was not a good guy. That old dog deserves to die a hundred times!!"

"Challenging the entire Sakura martial arts world? That's too reckless, how can one person win? I'm a little worried!"

"Want to fight a hundred? Arrogant! But this brother's personality suits my taste!"......

Originally, an ordinary challenge would not have caused much of a stir, but because of the life-and-death situation between the two countries' warriors, the attention has skyrocketed, coupled with the direct death of Ichiro Miyamoto and Feng Yuxiu's high-profile declaration of challenging the entire Sakura, which has triggered a huge wave.

It can only be said that some emotions that have been suppressed in China for too long have been ignited at this moment.

The Sakura Country is no longer limited to the martial arts community, the entire network has exploded, and a large number of Sakura netizens have left messages under some unrelated officials, hoping that they can defeat Feng Yuxiu and cannot let the situation develop like this.

Even the official has paid attention to this matter, but did not arrest the other party on the charge of murder, but remained silent for the time being.

They are waiting, waiting for someone to defeat this ignorant challenger and suppress this farce.

Compared with the explosion on the Internet,

Feng Yuxiu's side is extremely calm and happy.

This time, the challenge was completed with a very high degree of completion, which caused a huge response from public opinion and directly brought him more than 10,000 points.

If this is completed a few more times, wouldn't it take off directly?

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

I'm so jealous, it's so easy to earn so many points? Feng Yuxiu, you really deserve to die!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

I also want to go to your world and kill people!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Where are the guns and cannons in your world? Why don’t they use them!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

More than 10,000 points? Damn it, why don’t they shoot you to death with foreign guns!! ?

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

Sorry, I have an immortal to guarantee me, even Jesus can't touch me!

Feng Yuxiu's words caused the group to beat their chests and stamp their feet, and their eyes turned purple with jealousy.

Damn it, how can this guy be so lucky, not only does he have so many points to earn, but he also has an immortal to back him up!

Isn't this a way to take off without even lying down?

Why isn't this person themselves!! ?

"It's a good thing that it caused such a big public reaction at the beginning.

Next, I need to do something bigger, it can't be as simple as just killing one person, in order to attract continuous attention and waves! Otherwise, who knows if the reward points will be reduced!"

Feng Yuxiu thought that with the immortal backing him up, he was not worried about getting into trouble.

In addition, the outside world would not think that the one hundred he mentioned before were not to take turns to fight, but to really fight one against a hundred!

He wanted to let everyone in modern times realize again what it means to be an enemy of ten thousand people!

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