[Ding! Chat group updated, trading function upgraded, trading mall opened!】

【Members can upload products to the trading mall and spend their points to buy products. Click here to view the details of the rules! 】

The chat group prompt sounded in everyone's mind.

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

Chat group update, what does that mean?

【Persimmons in the Snow]:

The function has been upgraded and a trading mall function has been added!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Not bad, this makes our transactions much more convenient.

Lian Xing checked the specific functions and said

【Taohua Island Little Cook]:

Can it be like this? It can even upgrade the function!.JPG!

【[ The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms

Throughout the Ages]: Yes, my Great Qin has a lot of treasures. If you need them, you can trade them by yourself, and I can also make some extra money!

Ying Zheng was delighted when he saw the updated function.

In terms of the richness of resources, excluding the immortals, he is probably the richest in the group.

If the price is right, he won't have to worry about not being able to exchange for points.

"New feature? Clearly marked prices in the mall?"

Lin Ge's consciousness moved slightly, and he also noticed the situation in the chat group.

This newly updated function is equivalent to a place to set up a stall, where you can upload products at any time, without having to chat privately every time you make a transaction.

"This function is really a lot more convenient!"

Lin Ge thought about it and prepared to upload some resources that were common in the prehistoric world but he didn't need.

In the past, the prices of transactions were determined based on feelings, but this time, he could also make a summary.

At the same time, putting ready-made goods there with clear prices can also tempt group members and increase their enthusiasm.

【Ding! Jiejiao Tianxian uploaded a batch of new products!】

【Ding! Jiejiao Tianxian uploaded a batch of new products!】......

【[Taohua Island Little Cook]:

Wow! Has the immortal uploaded the product? I'm starting to like this feature!

【Persimmons in the Snow]:

If you are quick, you will get what you pay for. If there are cheaper products that we can afford, it will take off immediately!

【The greatest emperor in history who swept across the six kingdoms]:

Give me a favor, and don’t compete with me!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

??? Let me see what products the immortal has uploaded!

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

This new feature is great. I can finally see all the magical resources in the fairy world!......

Seeing the products uploaded by Lin Ge, everyone's eyes sparkled.

Even if the resources in the fairy world must be precious, even if they can't afford it, just looking at it is fine!

Everyone opened the trading mall and saw that the originally empty mall had more products. What made them even more unbelievable and surprised was that some of the products were priced really cheap. With their wealth, they could afford it. Even if they didn't have points for the time being, they could earn them quickly.

Perhaps only the Fire Cloud Evil God, who was burdened with a huge debt, was silently bleeding in his heart.

【Jin Xing Jue: 50,000 points, seller: Jie Jiao Tian Xian】

【Water Walk Secret: 2w points, seller: Jiejiao Tianxian】

【Sword Control: 2w points, seller: Jiejiao Tianxian】

【Qi-inducing Technique: 18,000 points, seller: Jiejiao Tianxian】

【Levitation: 15,000 points, seller: Jiejiao Tianxian】

【Marrow Cleansing Pill: 10,000 points, seller: Jiejiao Tianxian】

【Spiritual herbs: 10,000 points per plant, seller: Jiejiao Celestial Immortal】

【Sword of Exorcism: 5k points, seller: Jiejiao Celestial Being】

【Water-repelling beads: 3k points, seller: Jiejiao Tianxian】

【Storage Ring: 3k points, Seller: Jiejiao Celestial】

【Breath-holding Sword Technique: 3k points, seller: Jiejiao Celestial Immortal】

【Low-grade Spirit Stone: 50 points each, seller: Jiejiao Celestial】......

【Note: Click on the product to view details! 】

Seeing the screen full of golden products, everyone felt that their eyes were almost dazzled and couldn't help holding their breath.

The Sword of Exorcism was only sold for 5,000 points?

The Water-Repelling Beads were only 3,000 points?

The Spirit Stone was sold so cheaply! ?

And the inventory displayed after clicking on the details was absolutely sufficient!!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Thank you, Immortal! I bow down to you..JPG!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Thank you, Immortal! I bow down to you..JPG!

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

Thank you, Immortal! I bow down to you.JPG!......

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

Considering your purchasing level, there are only some useless gadgets now. When you have more points, I will consider putting some fairly useful resources on the shelves!

【[Iron-hearted Godly Marquis]:

To an immortal, these treasures are nothing more than trifles that are not worth mentioning!! Laughing and crying.JPG!

【[The greatest emperor who swept across the six kingdoms throughout history]:

We look forward to the day when the immortals put new products on the shelves. The resources that the immortals talk about are quite useful. It is hard to imagine how exaggerated the rare treasures they are!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

I have never exchanged resources with immortals, but now I can finally experience it!

【Ding! Snow Persimmon bought 2 low-grade spirit stones!

At the same time, two crystal clear stones appeared out of thin air in Xu Fengnian's hands.

When they appeared,

Xu Fengnian seemed to have the illusion that the vitality of heaven and earth was gathered around him.

""Old Huang! Second sister! Bluebird! Come quickly, I'll show you something good!"

Xu Fengnian shouted, and ran out excitedly.

""Master, did you make a deal with the immortal? How did you get so few points?"

Old Huang looked at Xu Fengnian with suspicion.

If he remembered correctly,

Xu Fengnian had told him that the remaining points were pitifully few.

"Recently, the chat group launched a new function......"

Xu Fengnian told several people about the trading mall

"In this way, wouldn't it be much more convenient to trade spirit stones?"

Old Huang said happily.

"That’s right!"

Xu Fengnian said happily:

"Calling upon the spiritual energy in the spirit stone to attach to the body can unleash powerful strength, and can also be used to increase comprehension and cultivation speed!!"

"There is this trading mall,���We can actually use it to earn points!" said Xu Weixiong, who had been silent the whole time.

"It's time to tell my father about this. Only by using Beiliang's resources for chat group transactions can we reasonably obtain more points and develop better and sustainably!"

"Second sister, you’re right!"

Xu Fengnian pounded his palms in sudden realization.

"Tell Xu Xiao, he will be so happy! Our Snow Dragon Rider should be able to sell for a lot of money, right?"

【Ding! The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace purchased a spirit stone!】

【Ding! The Ultimate Killer King bought a Spirit Stone!

While everyone was not paying attention,

Huoyun Evil God also bought a Spirit Stone.

When he saw this Spirit Stone appear in his hand and felt the surging energy in it,

Huoyun Evil God almost cried.

He had been watching everyone trade for immortal cultivation resources, and this time he could finally experience it himself!

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