"Sword Saint? Is he famous? Can anyone introduce him to me?"

"The Sword Master is the contemporary martial arts leader of Sakura Country! You just need to know that if he hadn't committed a crime, this person would now be a national treasure of Sakura! The people around him are all tough guys, and some of them I don't even know!"

"So cruel, is Sakura serious this time? ? Can that boss win?"

"Of course they are serious. Sakura must have been hurt by being slapped in the face in her own country!"

"After hearing what you said, I suddenly started to panic. I didn't ask that master to win, but I had to retreat safely!"

Many viewers on the Internet were discussing it.

It would be difficult for Sakura Country to ignore the fact that they had slapped the opponent in the face on the homeland of Sakura Country and set up a challenge.

If the opponent did not respond, wouldn't it mean that Sakura Country had no one left? Many discerning people have seen that Feng Yuxiu's move was to kill people and destroy their hearts!

But can he handle such a big ambition ? Where did this young man get the confidence to be so arrogant? Now that things have become so big, how will it end? The previous battle did slap Sakura in the face, but now it has attracted so much attention.

If he loses and can't end it, he will be a jumping clown, and he will slap his own face!

At this moment, not only the Chinese people are nervous, but also many people from other countries are waiting to see Feng Yuxiu's joke!

At the same time, in a quiet room somewhere in China, several old men in plain clothes sat together, watching a surveillance video that was played repeatedly, and fell into silence and long thought.

If any Chinese citizen was here, he would be shocked to find that several of them were faces that often appeared on TV.

They are real great men and the current helmsmen of China.

"This surveillance video has been confirmed to be authentic. If it is correct, the whole world will change dramatically from this moment on!"

At this moment, an old man broke the silence with a complicated expression, and his slightly frowned brows showed that he was not so calm in his heart.

A day ago, this video was sealed as top secret and sent to him urgently.

The video in the surveillance almost shattered his understanding of the world over the years.

It was a picture of a figure flying in the sky with a sword.

Just like the first sight of human beings looking at the starry sky, if this is true, then world history will turn from this, and the gears of fate will begin to turn.

At this moment, the old man pressed his finger, and the relatively blurry surveillance video switched to a live broadcast, which was the live broadcast of the Atomic Jeet Kune Do Martial Arts Club.

"After investigation, it was found that the person who showed supernatural abilities in the surveillance video was a Chinese citizen who had caused quite a stir in Sakura these past two days. His information has been blocked and no one is allowed to query it. How to contact this citizen is what we need to be cautious about next!"

After the old man finished speaking, he looked at the people around him.

"Next, I need to hear your opinions."

"Flying a sword again, and going to the Sakura Death Battle, could it be that some mysterious hidden family has emerged?"

Someone complained in his heart, but he also knew the importance of this matter, raised his hand and said:

"In that case, let me say a few words! This is a serious matter and no mistakes can be made! We suggest sending a team to act secretly immediately to protect this citizen and bring him back, and ask him to cooperate with our investigation and research."

Someone nodded and said:

"Judging from the actions of this citizen after he went to the cherry blossoms, although his behavior was a bit extreme, he should also be a patriotic person. When taking specific actions, we must respect the other party's attitude!"......

After a series of discussions, with the decision of the chief elder, a special action team secretly set out from Huaxia and began to rush to Sakura.

Many people don't know that this matter has unknowingly become more than just a simple entertainment matter, but has been noticed by the country's top leaders, and the importance of the matter has risen to a level that no one can imagine!......

At the Atom Jeet Kune Do Martial Arts Club, someone knocked on the door of Feng Yuxiu's room.

"Chinese Feng Yuxiu, your challenger is here!"

As Feng Yuxiu walked out, some people glared at him, some sneered, some looked hopeful, and some responded calmly.

Behind him,

Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang also walked out slowly, causing a surprised scrutiny.

"Who are these two people? Could it be that you asked for reinforcements and didn't inform me in advance?"

The host of the martial arts club asked Feng Yuxiu with a bad face.

He didn't notice when these two Chinese people in ancient costumes appeared.

Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang didn't say anything.

They were responsible for killing people, and

Feng Yuxiu could do the rest.

Besides, they couldn't understand the other party's bird language.

"Is it related to you?"

Feng Yuxiu replied bluntly.

"If you are willing to fight me to the death, I will tell you, how about it?"


The host cursed inwardly,"You're crazy!" and stepped back.

Let's hand over the stage to the big guys!

As the other party retreated,

Feng Yuxiu looked at the many challengers gathered in front of him and shouted:

"You are all here, right? I will beat a hundred of them. I, Feng Yuxiu, will keep my word. Sakura dogs, come all together!!"

He thought clearly that this time he was targeting the bad elements of the Sakura militant faction.

Those who came to challenge him and want to defeat him at this time would definitely not be simple-minded.

Even if he kills them all, there will definitely not be an innocent one.

In this case, he can do it without any worries!

The sudden roar was like thunder, catching everyone off guard.

For a moment, their hearts were slightly shaken, and the crowd was actually shocked for a moment!

"Youngster, don’t be so arrogant!"

"Arrogant! How dare you say such rude words just by yourself!!"

A Sakura master scolded.

They had never expected that the other party would take the initiative to show their power.

They had so many Sakura masters and the advantage of being a local.

How dare the other party do that?

This man is too arrogant!

"Are you the one who is talking? You dare to come on stage and fight me to the death! ?"

Feng Yuxiu drew his sword and pointed it at the Sakura man who was talking in the crowd, and shouted!

The other party's expression changed, and he subconsciously took a step back in panic, and remained silent.

""Crazy!" The man muttered with fear in his eyes. And this scene was also broadcasted in real time!

:"Holy shit! It feels so good! I have never felt so good in my life!"

:"So cool! This roar of anger reaches my heart! It promotes the national prestige of China!"

:"Well said! Kill those cowards Sakura, this is the real master of China!"

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