[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Sure! I didn’t expect Xiao Feng to have such a passionate side?

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

Not to mention how handsome he is, it’s a pity that I’m not the one doing this task, otherwise I could have done it better!

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms and Became the Greatest Emperor in the World]:

Stop pretending, use the two people behind you! Show us your buyer's show!

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Well done, you didn’t bring shame to our group!

【The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

I seem to have embarrassed the newcomers!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

That's it? I can do it too!

At the same time,

""Get out of here, you bastard!"

A strong Sakura man pushed the frightened guy aside and walked out of the crowd. Most of them dared to come this time, naturally they were willing to fight a life-and-death battle.

"You are not qualified to challenge so many people, just survive me first!"

The man picked up a saber with the three characters"Inoue Satoru" engraved on the handle.

: Damn, so shameless! He went on stage with a saber, it's obvious that he is bullying others with weapons!!

: Boss Feng Yuxiu, you can't let weapons hold you back like this! Martial arts is about making good use of all weapons, can you use a gun to compete with him?

: Although the occasion is not right, I hope you are talking about ancient guns above!

"Sign a piece of paper, life or death is irrelevant!"

Feng Yuxiu looked at him, his eyes were cold.

Inoue Satoru jumped onto the stage, and five seconds later, his limbs were broken, and he fell down with his eyes wide open, his saber broke in two, and blood flowed all over the floor.


Without paying attention to the horrified and stunned faces or the ferocious and hateful expressions on the stage,

Feng Yuxiu wiped the Tianwen Sword and said calmly

"I'll do it!!"

After a few seconds of silence, another man who looked quite skilled came on stage.

A few seconds later, the man fell down with his eyes wide open

, just like Inoue Satoru , as if he couldn't believe it at the moment of his death.

"Next one!!"

Feng Yuxiu said calmly, but it sounded like the devil's whisper to the many Sakura people in the audience, making people feel cold in their hearts.

"He is a monster! A demon!!"

"How is this possible! Inoue-sama and Murakami-kun didn't even last a few seconds, so this kind of test is meaningless!!"

"I don't want to challenge! This is asking us to die!"

There was a commotion in the crowd.

Apparently, some people were not so keen to challenge voluntarily, but someone had greeted them.

""Master Sword Saint, after those two battles, are you sure you can kill this man?" someone said from behind.

The old man, who was called the Sword Saint, looked at Feng Yuxiu, his eyes seemed to light up for a moment, and said:

"I can see clearly that he is very strong and the weapon he uses is also very powerful, but I am confident that I can cut him in half before he makes a move!"

"Thank you, Master Sword Saint, for your help!"

When the Sword Saint came out, the crowd automatically parted to make way for him.

Feng Yuxiu looked at the other person calmly.

This person gave him a sense of danger, but with the spirit stone in hand,

Feng Yuxiu was not worried at all.

Moreover, the immortal said that he would protect him.

With the outrageous degree of the immortal, he believed that no one could touch him even if he turned the earth upside down.

Even if he died,

I am afraid that the immortal could resurrect him!

Feng Yuxiu glanced at Gai Nie and secretly mocked in his heart.

In front of this person, this old Sakura dog dared to call himself a sword saint. He was really tired of living.

I wonder if they have experienced the true sword saint.

What kind of expression would he have if he knew the strength of Yinghua.

And if Gai Nie knew about the title of Sword Saint of Sakura, he might not be able to resist and chop the other party with a sword, right?

But no,

I can't tell Gai Nie for the time being.

I have to pretend to be happy first!

The Sword Saint on the opposite side was immersed in regulating his breathing to the best state at this time.

He knew nothing about what was in Feng Yuxiu's mind.

If he knew, he would probably curse him as a pervert and run away with endless psychological shadows.

What Sword Saint?

What Spirit Stone?

What Immortal?

What outrageous words are these?

I can't mess with him. Can we run away together?

Unfortunately, the ignorant Sword Saint drew his sword towards Feng Yuxiu.

This sword, as if emitting light, slashed towards Feng Yuxiu with the hopes of all the Sakura people.

Every time the Sword Saint drew his sword in battle, blood would be shed!

He never lost!

At this moment, the long sword seemed to no longer be a sword, but a load of the hopes of countless Sakura people, flying forward like a glowing butterfly!

Then, the sword broke.

The Sword Saint's body broke into two pieces, and his eyes quickly lost their luster just like the previous challenger!


Someone stood up suddenly! Gone in seconds?

The famous Sword Saint Just gone like that?!

A Sakura officer in plain clothes had a puzzled and shocked look on his face, unable to react for a moment.

The facts before his eyes were beyond his imagination.

He had imagined the result of both sides being injured, or the sword master quickly killing the other, but he never expected that it would be an immediate death!

At this point, if the martial arts community cannot suppress it, the only option is to proceed with the last plan. It is normal for unknown people to take advantage of the chaos to kill this rampant Chinese man, right?

At the same time, the action team sent by China was distributed around the scene, and the captain whispered,

"Get closer to the target, pay attention to any changes around the place, and be ready to rescue at any time!"

"Is there anyone else who dares to go up on stage?"

Feng Yuxiu shouted.

This time the audience was completely silent.

The Sword Saint had already fallen.

There was really no one who could catch up.

Going would be like going to die!!

"Okamoto, Hinata, you are the remaining martial arts leaders, go ahead! Where is the blood of the Sakura men? Have you thought about the consequences? If you flee without a fight, you will be killed by seppuku!!"

Someone whispered a threat in the crowd.

It's okay if you can't win, but it's really shameful that a group of people are scared of one person and dare not fight!! The Sakura military commander had a sinister look in his eyes and kept urging them. He dared to guarantee that if they were scared by the other party today, this scandal would spread all over the world tomorrow! How shameful!

"If you want to go, go ahead. I won’t go and die!"

Finally, someone broke down and shouted madly, attracting everyone’s attention.

"What glory of the great country of cherry blossoms? I don’t understand. I just want to live! Don’t let me die!"

He didn’t want to work hard anymore.

What about sacrificing for the sake of cherry blossoms?

Why don’t you go up?

It’s obvious that you are sending them to die!!!!!!

This shocking speech was immediately captured by the cameras that swarmed over and spread to various live broadcast rooms.

"Damn it!!"

Chief Sakura's face was ruthless, wishing he could kill this coward right here.

It was over!

Tomorrow's public opinion was definitely over!

And he might not be able to keep his official position!

And this collapsed Sakura warrior also ignited the emotions of the crowd.

They came here to make a name for themselves, not to die!

"Is this the spirit of the Sakura Country? How ridiculous, who else dares to go on stage?"

Feng Yuxiu sneered, at this moment he was insolent!

"Sir, someone from the martial arts community of Kimchi Country has come to ask if anyone in Sakura dares to go on stage? Do we need their help?"

"Sir, the Eagle Sauce martial arts community has sent a message asking if there are any unbeatable people in Sakura? Do you need their help?"......

Commander Sakura's face became increasingly gloomy, his heart was broken and his mind went blank. It was too late, it was too late, the shame had already spread internationally!

PS:I will update three times a day starting tomorrow. If you can’t do it, just ignore what I said!

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