
Feng Yuxiu waved his hands, and the Tianwen Sword automatically floated into the air, and rushed into the crowd in an instant as if it had a spirit, and returned to the scabbard after leaving a few tracks.

All the hostile personnel in the martial arts club had a line of blood on their throats, and fell to the ground one after another, their eyes quickly losing their luster, leaving only the Chinese people and a few foreign tourists who really just came to watch the fun, standing there in a daze.

"This is the real happiness! What did I practice before? I practiced it to the point of being a dog!!"

Feng Yuxiu was extremely happy, and every time he used the magic, he was so happy!


" Wa...

"Xiaosan, no matter what means you use, immediately seal off that place!! Do not let them leave!! You know where I am talking about, seal off the place! Wait for my army to arrive!"

"If you don't do it well, you'll be in trouble!"

After Trump hung up the phone, he was in a very uneasy mood.

After this incident was exposed, it was almost impossible for Feng Yuxiu to return to his motherland safely.

At this point, he could only expose his identity and get Feng Yuxiu into his hands first, and then secretly send him to his motherland!

Soon, a Chinese company officially issued an urgent statement:

【This is just the normal effect of our latest product, don't make a fuss! 】

The video below is Feng Yuxiu flying the sword.

But all countries can see that this is just an attempt to cover up the truth! Do you really think they are blind?!

Otherwise, is that special effect-like sword energy really a special effect?

And your company's products, isn't this technology too advanced for humans! ?

"Mr. Feng Yuxiu, we are here......Rescue you."

At the same time, in the Atom Jeet Kune Do Martial Arts Club,

Zhou Jie, the captain of the special operations team, said this sentence carefully.

It seems that they are completely useless.

Isn't this worth being happy about?

However, the fact that super powers have appeared has spread, and I am afraid that things will get out of hand!!

"The situation is serious now, please cooperate with us, Mr. Feng!" Zhou Jie frowned when he noticed that the communication was blocked.

"Yes, young man, it is right to follow Guo Jia's arrangement at this time!"

Ma Baoguo also sincerely advised.

He admired these three young men very much.

They were not only strong, but also had martial virtues!

They killed those who deserved to be killed!

"If we have a chance, we can exchange our views on martial arts. The most urgent thing is to leave here first!"

Ma Baoguo gestured two five-whip movements and said with a smile


Feng Yuxiu glanced at Ma Baoguo and said to Zhou Jie,

"Sorry, everyone, but we have something else to do, so we'll leave first!"

He sighed in his heart.

He had wanted to spend more time on the task, but he didn't expect it to end so soon.

He didn't know how many points he would get after the final settlement!

As soon as he finished speaking,

Feng Yuxiu and Zong Heng disappeared in the martial arts hall.

They couldn't stay here, otherwise, after other countries took action against them, it would be difficult to guarantee that other Chinese people here would not be affected, and they would not be able to protect them at that time!

"The target is moving at high speed, and ordinary means are unlikely to be effective. Please conduct a test shooting directly!"

"Granted! Try to keep the target alive, the value of being alive is greater than being dead!"

Pah, pah, pah!!!

A series of bullet holes appeared under Feng Yuxiu's feet.

He waved his hands without looking back, and the Tianwen Sword flew back, bringing some warm fresh blood.

"Let’s destroy the God’s toilet first, it’s disgusting just looking at it!!"

Seeing the destination,

Feng Yuxiu flew into the air, poured the gasoline that he had stored in advance into the bottom, and then started a fierce fire!!

"Damn it! He is burning down the shrine of our martyrs!"

"Insufficient firepower, requesting increased firepower support!"

"application passed!"......

"Ordinary firearms attacks cannot pose a threat to the target, request to use artillery fire!"

"application passed!"......

"I*****The firepower is getting stronger and stronger! I can’t bear it anymore!!!"

Feng Yuxiu dodged a shell with a dusty face.

"It's so funny, these bastards really dare to use heavy firepower weapons in public areas!! They don't care about civilians at all!!"

"What a powerful mechanical device!!"

Zongheng and the other two also looked at Feng Yuxiu meaningfully, hinting at each other frantically, should they be allowed to withdraw first?

They must protest when they go back, the First Emperor is too immoral, letting them come here just to be cannoned!?

""Get out! Hurry up and get out! I don't count on you!"

Feng Yuxiu hadn't planned to let these two fight to the death, so he sent them back with an exclusive red envelope."

Immortal, if you don't come, I'm really going to die!!"

Feng Yuxiu was madly complaining in his heart

"Living people disappear!! Flying into the air!! Taking off from the spot!! ?"

At this moment,

Feng Yuxiu was the center of attention.

Seeing two living people disappearing out of thin air in front of them, countless people were getting more and more excited.

This Chinese man had revealed too many secrets, and the meaning behind it was too profound.

Did this mean that a brand new mysterious world was revealed to the world?

You have to know that this time it was not a magic trick!

"Drop the nuclear bomb directly, and I will be responsible for all the consequences!! Trump is a traitor! He cannot represent the Ugly Country! All orders are decided by our Council!"

At the same time, an Eagle Sauce man showed a crazy look on his face and issued this order.

Unlike others, he doesn't care about the meaning of superpowers. He just wants to destroy everything and return the world to normal, instead of developing in an unknown and uncontrollable direction!! It is enough to keep the status quo of the world and still hold the power in his hands!!

""Yeah! Sir!!"

At the Ugly Military Base, an operator's voice trembled, locking the intercontinental missile's destination on Sakura Tokyo, with enough destructive power to raze it to the ground.

Soon, the shrill alarm echoed in Tokyo!

"what is that?"

"It's a missile!!! They're going to launch a nuclear attack on Sakura!!"

"Is the Ugly Country crazy? They are destroying the hope of world progress! We, the Kimchi Country, strongly protest!"

"Nuclear bomb?!!"

This time it was Feng Yuxiu's turn to be confused.

He just showed some skills, and he wanted to release a nuclear bomb to kill him?

What was the other party's brain circuit like?

Looking at the nuclear bomb that was gradually becoming clear in the sky,

Feng Yuxiu's expression gradually lost control.

"Immortal, save me!!!"

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