One Man's Martial Arts】:

@【Jiejiao Celestial Being】@【Jiejiao Celestial Being】@【Jiejiao Celestial Being】@【Jiejiao Celestial Being】@【Jiejiao Celestial Being】@【Jiejiao Celestial Being】......

Looking at the nuclear bomb that was almost in front of him,

Feng Yuxiu's mind went blank. He kept tagging Lin Ge in the chat group in a confused state.

Immortal, if you don't come,

I will really die!

Draw a circle to curse you!

I hope that

I can be reborn as a beautiful girl in the next life and join the chat group. How can Feng

Yuxiu, who can only practice martial arts, die under a nuclear bomb?


In the eyes of countless terrified people, with a loud bang,

Tokyo turned into daylight.

However, the following performance was completely different from a normal nuclear bomb explosion.

After the loud bang, everything returned to calm!

"What happened!!!? This is not the reaction of a nuclear bomb explosion!"

"Oh my God, what is this?"

"Are there really gods in this world? What kind of door did the Ugly Country open?"

"The world will change from now on!"

When the scene behind the light appeared, everyone showed the same expression and posture, staring blankly at the scene above.

It was an extremely huge hand, emitting white light, as if it could soothe the inner peace, holy and solemn, gently covering Tokyo!!

"It's God!!"

"Our God has come to save us!!"

Countless Sakura people cried with joy, and the Sakura officer also smiled, shocked and happy.

If the God had not appeared in the world, he simply couldn't imagine what would happen!

"It seems I came at the right time!!" The incomparably majestic shadow in the sky glanced at Feng Yuxiu and said with a smile

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

Touched! I knew the immortals would not abandon me!! Tears streaming down my face.JPG!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Then why were you crying during the last moment of the live broadcast?

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Don’t tear down people when they are in trouble! Don’t tear down people when they are in trouble!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Did everyone see this? You can always trust the Immortal!......

Everyone who was watching this scene was stunned.

"He spoke!! ?"

"How come the gods seem to speak the Chinese language! ?"

"Oh, God! Please save us from the water and fire!"

"Lord God!! Please lead us to the happy heaven!!"

The surviving Sakura people knelt down and prayed to the gods in front of them.

The top leaders of China, Eagle Sauce, Bear, India and other countries were all paying attention at this moment, all showing shock and tension!

"Take you to heaven? Such a request?"

Lin Ge's smile faded.


Just like pushing down building blocks, the hand flipped slightly and annihilated all the cherry blossom islands!

The world returned to silence!


Big drops of sweat dripped from the foreheads of managers from various countries.

It was too scary!

In front of such a god-like existence, let alone one person, even if it was the whole country, they would be like humble ants and could be destroyed with a flip of the hand!

This situation of not knowing the enemy and being at the mercy of others is really too tormenting!

What kind of existence did the Ugly Country release?!

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

The Immortal is Mighty!!

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

We two are so awesome!! Doghead.JPG!!

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

Immortal, don't be too handsome, or I will never live without you!! You must be happy.JPG!

Feng Yuxiu, who survived the catastrophe, began to swipe the screen like crazy, fully demonstrating what it means to be arrogant when your teammates are strong!!

"This world is more than a little dirty!!"

Lin Ge looked down, frowning slightly, and the black breath emanating from it represented evil thoughts.

Generally, bad thoughts would not emit black.

Only when the evil reaches a certain level, to the point where it is unacceptable to the world and the sin is serious, will it emit black.

Such evil thoughts exist all over the world.

The most serious countries are the ugly country, India, pickles, and noodle shops.

The smog is already black and full of holes, and even in China, there are a small number of black thoughts.

"This world needs to be purified!"

Lin Ge said calmly.

Under the gaze of the whole world, the giant hand raised up and gently snapped its fingers.

The world began to change, and the gears of fate had begun to turn!

""Me! Me! How come I'm gone!"

In a remote rental house, a teenager who was watching the live broadcast screamed in horror.

He saw the god in the live broadcast snap his fingers, and his lower body began to gradually disappear, spreading upwards and turning into dust.

I haven't spent my money yet! I don't want to die like this!?

Behind him, there was a young girl's body covered with bruises, and some valuables were placed next to her.

"My life has just begun! I don't want to die like this!!"

"It’s this evil god!! The law can’t judge me!! What right do you have to do that!! ?"

Soon, the house fell into dead silence.......

Such scenes happened all over the world.

Countless sinners disappeared silently in just a few seconds , as if they had never been there. At the same time, Lin Ge's expression moved slightly, and the next moment, a large amount of golden light fell from the sky and landed on Lin Ge's immortal body, making him feel unusually comfortable!

"Is this the heavenly merit of this world?"

Lin Ge was pleasantly surprised.

He didn't expect that he could get merit rewards this time!

【Ding! The member Jiejiao Celestial Immortal has been recognized by the Plane Heavenly Dao and obtained a ray of the origin of the world!!】

The prompt sound fell, and another stream of five-colored origin fell, plus a huge amount of merit,

Lin Ge instantly felt like he was about to burst, and hurriedly collected it and returned to the prehistoric world to refine it!

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]:

This matter is over, I will leave first!

Above the sky, the shadow disappeared, as if it had never been there!

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

Okay, Immortal, please walk slower! I bow down to you! Feng Yuxiu was also very happy at this moment.

The prompt of mission completion just sounded.

This time he actually got a total of 80,000 points!

If it weren't for the immortal's rescue at the end, the impact caused by the immortal would not be counted in Feng Yuxiu's mission completion. I'm afraid he could get even more exaggerated points! He became the richest person in the group!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Ahem! Xiaofeng, we have a pretty good relationship, right?......

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

Shut up! Interrupt the spell..JPG!

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

Ahem! Xiaofeng, you are still young and cannot grasp the importance of points.......

【One Man’s Martial Arts World]:

Godly Lord, please respect yourself!

【The Ultimate Killer]:

Xiao Feng......

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

You? Get out of here! Get as far away as you can!

【Ding! Snow Moon Sword Fairy has joined the chat group!】

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Xiao Feng......Wait? There's a new person!!?

【Ding! The third young master of Excalibur Villa has joined the chat group!】

【One Man's Martial Arts】:???

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