The colorful rays of light flashed across Snow Moon City.

Lin Ge landed lightly and steadily, looked around at the people around him and said with a smile:

"Is everyone here?"

There seemed to be some strange rhythm in the voice, which made everyone present feel comfortable and peaceful.!!!

Everyone in the group saluted and said:

"Welcome to the Immortal, everyone should be here!"

Sikong Qianluo, Ye Ruoyi, Tian Nurui and other girls came back to their senses from their amazement, and hurriedly bowed respectfully, looking at Lin Ge's beautiful eyes, their eyes flickered, there was actually such a beautiful and perfect person in the world, and they, Xueyue City, were lucky enough to invite such a person to be their guest!?

"Welcome to Xueyue City, Hanyi has been waiting for you for a long time."

Seeing Lin Ge up close,

Li Hanyi couldn't help but curl up his lips at this moment, took off the mask, revealing a beautiful face

"It seems one is missing!"

Huang Rong counted the number of people, looking puzzled.

"Feng Yuxiu didn't come because of something. He said that his world had just experienced a great change and there were things that needed to be dealt with immediately!"

Zhu Wusi said.

Upon hearing this, Huoyun Evil God immediately complained:

""My lord, this Feng Yuxiu is so ignorant! You came here in person, but he was absent. He must be severely punished!"

As an old enemy, he was probably the one who paid the most attention to Feng Yuxiu at the scene, and he was the first to notice that he was not here.


A message alert sounded in the group!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

I have a feeling that the evil god will say something bad about me. Can someone write it down for me and tell me later? I'll give you 20 points as a thank you!

On the other side, Feng Yuxiu felt relieved after sending the message. In front of him was Captain Zhou of the Special Operations Team. When Sakura Island was destroyed before, they were not implicated due to their precise control.

"No wonder I suddenly felt uneasy, it was indeed the Fire Cloud Evil God who was causing trouble!"

Feng Yuxiu still has things to do now.

It is conceivable that the shock caused by the arrival of the immortals in this world has brought great shock to countries around the world!

Fortunately, after the world was cleaned up, there has been no unrest for the time being.

After witnessing the power of the gods, all countries have calmed down and dared not make any radical moves.

They dared to attack Feng Yuxiu, who could fly and control swords, but after feeling the gap between them and the gods, no one would think that they would have a chance to hurt this supreme being!

Since many things have been exposed, Feng Yuxiu knows that he now needs to connect with Guo Jia and take the responsibility of stabilizing the situation.

At the same time, cooperating with Guo Jia to jointly develop potential may be a good choice.

Of course, before that, he also needs to make a test to determine the attitude of the superiors towards him and the supernatural power.


Xueyue City,

20 points earned for free?

Don't miss it!

The people around him remained silent and began to secretly record the words of the Fire Cloud Evil God.

Only Lian Xing stared at Lin Ge's face blankly from the moment he appeared, unwilling to leave his sight for a moment.

""Cough, cough, cough! Cough, cough, cough!"

A burst of coughing sounded around.

Palace Master Lianxing restrained herself a little.

If she got any closer, she would get close to the immortal's face!

Is this something they can see in public?

Huang Rong also raised her eyebrows slightly.

Sister Lianxing is so bold and straightforward.

Wouldn't she be shy if the immortal saw it?

"What are you coughing for? Is there phlegm in your throat?

Lian Xing, who was awakened, said dissatisfiedly and moved closer to Lin Ge again.

"Cough cough cough! Cough cough cough cough!"

There was another round of coughing around.

Lin Ge was helpless.

If you stick it again, it will stick to me.

It's okay to see it, but it's too much to start with!

""Immortal, everyone, please move to the side. I have prepared delicious wine and food. Please taste them!"

Li Hanyi said in time. After she finished speaking, she looked at Lianxing twice.

The other party was wearing a white dress and no makeup. She was absolutely beautiful.

But why did this woman stick around the immortal?

How shameless!

"Should I bring Yin Man and the others here?"

Ying Zheng thought about this question.

"Shouldn't I refuse my second sister Qingniao and the others from coming over?"

Xu Fengnian thought, although he was thick-skinned, he couldn't go up and compete for favor in person on this occasion, right?

"The scenery here is really nice!"

After comparing it with the mental hospital where he lived, Huoyun Evil God felt that

"This is Erhai Lake, one of the four great beauties of Xueyue City. What do you think, Immortal?"

Li Hanyi looked at Lin Ge, his eyes sparkling.

"Miss Han Yi is thoughtful, but I can bless you!"

Lin Ge looked at Erhai Lake and smiled.

Everyone's expression changed slightly when they heard Lin Ge's words.

What did the immortal mean?

Was he going to perform some magic?


Seeing Li Hanyi and the guests stop,

Sikong Qianluo, Ye Ruoyi, Ji Xue and other girls also stopped with puzzled eyes, and then they saw a scene that they would never forget!

As if the words came true,

Erhai Lake instantly fluctuated and turned into a mighty river rushing up to the sky!

At this moment, the whole Xueyue City rumbled like a scene of creation.

Baili Dongjun put down the wine glass in his hand and looked at the river in the sky with shock.

Sikong Changfeng watched this scene without moving, and his brain went blank for a moment.

All the people in Xueyue City walked out of their homes, looking at this grand scene like a pilgrimage!

At the same time, the Lord of Wushuang City suddenly wiped his eyes and looked at the strange vision above Xueyue City in the distance.

He murmured dully,"What the hell!"......

"I feel countless extremely powerful sword intentions!!"

Li Hanyi's eyes trembled, and the Iron Horse Ice River in her hand couldn't stop trembling, as if it was about to merge with this sword river!

The original Erhai Lake turned into a sword intention river surrounding Xueyue City!!

"What kind of power is this!! ?"

Sikong Qianluo dropped the spear in his hand and stared at the river in the sky with the other girls, his heart pounding, not knowing what to say.

"What a terrifying Tianhe River! Any sword intent contained in it can easily tear me apart!"

Xie Xiaofeng's pupils shrank sharply and he was eager to try.

As a former sword god, these powerful sword intents were undoubtedly full of temptation for him.

"It's not just the sword intent, I can feel that the spiritual energy around me is much richer!"

Ying Zheng's eyes were full of lemons.

He, who had already begun to practice the preliminary Jinxing Jue, could feel the obvious changes in the concentration of spiritual energy.

Under the influence of this Tianhe,

Xueyue City will become Li Hanyi's practice place!

Even ordinary people can improve their physical fitness under the nourishment of spiritual energy, and be strong and immune to all diseases!

How great it would be if this Tianhe belonged to Daqin, why didn't they invite the immortals first!

Zhu Wushi's eyes reflected the dazzling sword river in the sky:

"As expected of an immortal, he can easily create a paradise, it's simply unfair!"

Xu Fengnian was in the back, looking at Lin Ge and Li Hanyi, tears welling up in his eyes:

"Obviously I came here first......This is a treatment that even the old members don’t have!!"

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