[Ding! The member Jiejiao Celestial Immortal has created a fairy river in the plane, transformed and improved the world's strength, greatly changed the fate of the characters, and completed the hidden task! Obtained 100,000 points!! Feedback a trace of the origin of the world!!]

Lin Ge:"???"

Is it possible? ?

I accidentally completed the hidden task and earned 100,000 points.

Is it so comfortable?

In the dark, a force of luck was bestowed on Lin Ge, making him more mysterious and noble, and his momentum was as bright as the sun.

Lin Ge frowned slightly, and restrained the leaked pressure.

Only then did the people around him feel that they could breathe smoothly again.

Lian Xing smiled and said:

"As expected of an immortal, everyone is scrambling to get the points!"

Huang Rong:"......"

Li Hanyi:"......"

Everyone:"Ahem, ahem, ahem!!!"

Palace Master, please pay attention to your image and the occasion!

Fire Cloud Evil God smiled flatteringly:

"Immortal, why don't you try to go to my place, maybe you can trigger the hidden task."

Xu Fengnian frowned and scolded:

"How dare you! Do you really think that the immortals care about points? The reason why they trade with us is that they are kind and give us a chance to embark on the road to immortality!"

Xie Xiaofeng quickly seconded the motion:

"The immortals have great powers and give us the opportunity to change our fate. Do you still think that immortals really value points?"

Fire Cloud Evil God:"......"

As expected, the licker is a bullshit!!

The eyelids of Huoyun Evil God twitched, and he resisted the urge to kill the two men.

Lin Ge:"......"

You guys have finished talking, what should I say?

Am I supposed to say that I actually like points?

Lin Ge said:

"Actually, the points are quite useful to me......."


Xu Fengnian interrupted.

"We all understand your painstaking efforts. You don't have to speak for this ungrateful person!"

Xie Xiaofeng said:

"That’s right, Immortal. Even though I’m a newcomer, I know your kindness to everyone. This old member named Fire Cloud Evil God is really ungrateful and has let you down!"


Lin Ge was speechless for a while and said,



The Fire Cloud Evil God stood there with his eyes wide open, looking at the conversation between the people at a loss.

Feeling the majestic, sacred, and radiant aura of the immortal, he suddenly felt a little regretful, shaken, and moved.

"Am I really wrong?"......

"This time, by chance, I directly gained 100,000 points, which is no less than any previous mission!

With the accumulated points, plus the world origin that has not yet been refined, can I step into the late stage of the Golden Immortal?"

The next day,

Lin Ge returned to the Honghuang Cave and began to count his current resources with a hint of expectation.

When he reaches the Golden Immortal realm, many things that he could not do before will no longer be prohibited, and some permissions will be opened for him!

"This hidden mission is because I created super products in the lower planes, which changed the course of history and promoted the improvement of the world's strength. Maybe I can try to create methods in other members' planes later, and there may be unexpected gains!"

Lin Ge shook his head.

If he could speed up the process, his progress would be even more terrifying. His current strength is still not enough, and he has to strengthen himself as quickly as possible.

Once the Conferred God List is released, everything will start to get out of control.

If he doesn't have enough strength at that time,

I'm afraid that many things he doesn't want to see will happen, and even if he has calculations, they will be in vain. Lin Ge

, who has spent a thousand years in the prehistoric world and deeply felt the power of the immortals, agrees with this.

Shen Gongbao, Wen Zhong and others seem to be the key to pulling Jiejiao into the water, but in fact they are just the calculations of the saints.

Without these pits, there will be other reasons to promote the development of things. It is more important to strengthen oneself. Now that he has the opportunity of the chat group, he is enough to push his own strength to the peak!

"Having accumulated nearly 200,000 points, plus two strands of the world's origin, I wonder to what extent I can break through from the fourth level of Xuanxian this time?"

【The function of shielding the secrets of heaven has been activated, the function of breaking through the realm has been activated, and we will start to draw high-level energy sources for you!】

【Ding! The breakthrough function is temporarily terminated, please wait patiently!! 】

Lin Ge: ???

What the hell? Is there a bug in the chat group? It suddenly paused?

He didn't pay much attention to it.

After a while, the breakthrough function started working again!

【Ding! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the fifth level of Xuanxian! Consumed 24,000 points!】

【Ding! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the sixth level of Xuanxian! Consumed 25,000 points!】......

【Ding! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the first level of Golden Immortal! 29,000 points consumed!】

【Ding! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the second level of Golden Immortal! Consumed 31,000 points!】

【Ding! This breakthrough is over! A total of 190,000 points have been consumed! 13,000 points are left!】

"Directly soared from the fourth rank of Xuanxian to the second rank of Jinxian! If it were the original me, even if I had a lot of resources, I would have to practice from the Conferred God period to the Journey to the West period at least!"

Lin Ge was amazed.

He had just broken through, and the powerful aura of his whole body could not stop escaping.

If any immortal god looked at him at this time, he would be blinded by the golden light.

Obviously, he broke through so quickly, which should be considered a quick success.

However, the light was thick, dazzling, pure and natural, without a trace of impurities, and it was purer than the aura of the old-fashioned Jinxian.

You know, they were also accompanied by impurities that were difficult to remove during the practice!

Some immortals who used special means to quickly improve their cultivation could not avoid the large amount of impurities left after absorbing resources and spiritual energy, but Lin Ge completely avoided this trouble with the help of the chat group. Compared with other Jinxians of the same realm, he was closer to the perfect state of flawless body!

"I am already a second-grade Golden Immortal. Should I refine the remaining two strands of world origin now, or keep them for future sacrifices to refine magic weapons?"

Lin Ge gave up the idea after a brief thought.

"Use it immediately and improve your strength as much as possible. This is the most important thing at the moment! Only by becoming a saint, my Jiejiao, with two saints, can we have a chance to change the situation!"

【Ding! You have begun to refine the origin of the world! Your understanding has been improved! Your physique has evolved!】

【The authority of the group member Jiejiao Tianxian has been increased, and they have a chance to win a prize! (The prizes are randomly selected from various worlds in the group)】

【Your cultivation has been raised to the third level of Golden Immortal!】......

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