Lin Ge emptied his mind and calmed down. He just hung out in the group for a while.

The silly group members always brought him some fun!

【[One Person's Martial Arts]:

Is the Immortal here? Someone who is very important to me has died. I am willing to spend 80,000 points and dare to ask the Immortal! Can he bring the dead back to life! [Exclusive Red Packet]!

The group was a little quiet at this time.

Although they knew that the Immortal had great power, such great power was more reflected in destructive power. They were not sure whether the Immortal could do it

, which was completely against common sense and changed fate!

Everyone was actually looking forward to it.

After all, it was not just Feng Yuxiu.

Some of them also had close people who wanted to be resurrected.

Even if there was no one who wanted to be resurrected yet, if they knew that the Immortal could do this, it would undoubtedly make them more convinced that the Immortal was omnipotent and could do anything.

Xie Xiaofeng's face was solemn.

It was outrageous to bring the dead back to life.

Was this member named Feng Yuxiu crazy? Even if he was an immortal, it was too unreasonable to do such a thing? Did you really think it was that simple to bring the dead back to life? If this could be traded, wouldn't the world be in chaos? How could such a crazy and outrageous request be made? Compared to Xie Xiaofeng who thought this was too crazy, Xu Fengnian was looking forward to it.

He had never dared to have such an outrageous idea before, but seeing Feng Yuxiu's request today, he thought of the person he also wanted to resurrect.

"If it works, Xu Xiao, you must be happy to worship me this time!"

Xu Fengnian thought in his heart,

"Next time I save some points, I will ask the immortal to help me deduce why my mother died!"

Everyone was waiting nervously at this time, of course, this did not include Lian Xing.

She only wanted to see Lin Ge more often, and she didn't even want to trigger the task to earn points.

Unfortunately, if she couldn't earn points, she could only watch the video, which was very uncomfortable!

Lin Ge flipped through the message records and soon saw Feng Yuxiu's message.

"Resurrect from the dead? It's not difficult for me to revive people from their plane, but if they have been dead for too long or their bodies have collapsed, then it will be a little troublesome!

As for the person Feng Yuxiu wants to revive, it's easy to guess. His wife Shen Xue should not have died for too long, so it's not a big problem!"

【Jiejiao Celestial Being】:

@【One Man’s Martial Arts World], I saw your message. How long has the person you want to resurrect been dead?

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

Two months, immortal, is there still hope?

Feng Yuxiu saw Lin Ge's reply and immediately replied excitedly.

Li Hanyi and Xie Xiaofeng were a little speechless.

Why did it feel like resurrecting someone in the group sounded like a simple matter?

What do you mean, is there still hope after being dead for two months?!

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal:

It's just a small matter, so 80,000 points are not needed. However, if you do too many things like this that go against the will of heaven, you will be punished by heaven. Let's set the price at 10,000 points! Lin Ge was right. If you do too many things that disrupt the laws of nature and go against the will of heaven, you will be punished by heaven.

Of course, it's hard to say whether the punishment from other planes can strike him.

Lin Ge is quite curious about what it feels like.

In short, this earth-shattering event that is impossible for others is not difficult for Lin Ge. It is appropriate to set the price of resurrecting one person at 10,000.

After all, there is no need to set a sky-high price for such a thing to embarrass the group members.

If you give it away for free, it's too cheap.

Set it at 10,000 points as a token of respect, so that they can be more active in earning points!

At the same time, it can also allow them to weigh whether it is necessary, so as not to send people who have a little relationship to resurrect!

At this moment, Lin Ge's words sounded completely different to everyone in the group. The immortal can even do this!! Moreover, listening to the immortal's tone, this incredible and unbelievable thing seemed to be just a trivial matter to him!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

As expected! I knew it! I knew that with the power of an immortal, he could do anything! I bow down to him.JPG! I kneel down.JPG! Tears in my eyes.JPG!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

You can do anything? Nonsense!! For example, if I want an immortal to teach me how to have a baby, can an immortal do it? I won’t believe it unless the immortal demonstrates it to me!! Provocation.JPG!

【[Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Sister Lianxing, you are not right! But what you said is true! Immortals are just like this! They can't do everything, unless you prove it to me! Provocation.JPG!

【Snow Moon Sword Fairy】:......

Looking at the two people's rampant speeches upstairs,

Li Hanyi always felt that she couldn't fit in for the time being.

It's better to keep a distance from the people in the group!

She began to worry that after getting familiar with these people, her cold and aloof personality would collapse!!

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa】:......

The immortal's methods really convinced me this time! Even though I had seen the power of the immortal's attack in the video before, I never thought that you could change life and death at will!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]: ???

You mean, you weren’t convinced yet?

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa]:

That's not the case, but this time it will be even more shocking!.JPG!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Can 10,000 points revive one person? Then I have a goal next! I think you all have someone you want to revive too! ?

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages]:

That’s right, I also had a beloved concubine who died, but I didn’t expect that I would have a chance to revive today! Next time when I earn enough points, I will redeem them. Thank the immortal for giving us this opportunity. Meeting the immortal is the greatest opportunity in our life!

Ying Zheng sighed, if he hadn’t been lucky enough to see the immortal, even with the help of the chat group, he would only be a handful of yellow earth in the future, and many things would not be changed.

But now, these mortals can have the opportunity to live forever, and all tragedies will never happen again!

Ying Zheng is in a high position and has seen many capable people, but now in front of the immortal, he is like a firefly facing the bright moon!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

That’s right, but isn’t the price set by the immortal too low? This is undoubtedly a great favor to us!

【The Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island]:

Wait until I save my mom and then give my dad a surprise. It should be fun!

【[Iron-hearted Godly Marquis]:

What kind of devilish idea is this? I'm a little worried that your father will be scared to death by you! Are you planning to revive your father again when the time comes?

【Jiejiao Celestial Being】:

@【One Man's Martial Arts], (Red Envelope)!

Give the stuff to your wife, and then just wait! As for the other 70,000 points you sent, I will select some suitable immortal cultivation resources for you, are you willing?

【Ding! Member One's Wulin received the red envelope!】

【One Man's Martial Arts】: Thank you, Immortal!! I have no objection! I bow down to you.JPG!!

Feng Yuxiu took out the golden elixir from the red envelope and ran out. He didn't care about the other 70,000 points as long as he could save his wife. No one knew how excited he was at the moment!

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