"Someone is here to see me?"

Lin Ge's expression suddenly changed.

He sensed that the formation outside the cave was triggered, which was obviously reminding him that someone was visiting.

"Master never knocks when he comes, who could it be?"

Lin Ge came to the cave entrance with a hint of doubt and released the restriction.

Soon, he saw a beautiful and cold female fairy in a snow-white shirt quietly waiting outside the cave.

Seeing the other party,

Lin Ge bowed slightly in surprise:

""Greetings, Master Yunxiao!"

He was a little puzzled.

Why would this person come all the way to see him?

Yunxiao looked at Lin Ge curiously, as if he was interested and puzzled.

"Your name is Lin Ge, are you the disciple that Bi Xiao accepted before?"

Lin Ge's expression remained unchanged:

"Yes, I wonder if Master Yunxiao has any advice for you."

Hearing Lin Ge's affirmative answer,

Yunxiao smiled slightly and said in a gentle voice:

"Don't panic, but I do have something to ask you."

""The teacher asked me to tell you to come to Biyou Palace when you are free!"

Lin Ge's heart skipped a beat.

This"teacher" should not refer to Master Bixiao, right?

Then it can only be......

Why did Master Tongtian come to him?

Could it be that the matter of the Conferred God List was exposed?

Yunxiao smiled:

"Don't worry, it shouldn't be a bad thing for the teacher to invite you over!"

After a while, leaving Lin Yan alone in the cave thinking,

Yun Xiao observed Lin Ge in the dark, with a touch of appreciation and surprise in his eyes:

"Not long ago, he seemed to be a celestial being, but he broke through to the level of a golden immortal so quickly, and his aura was stable and pure, which was rare in the prehistoric world.

"Strange, Bixiao has accepted a good disciple!"

She didn't know why Lin Ge would attract the teacher's attention, but she thought it should be the disciple's chance.

At this time, Lin Ge was thinking about a question.

Was he really too ostentatious, causing many people to pay attention to him?

It shouldn't be the case. Although the speed of breaking through from a celestial immortal to a golden immortal was a bit too fast, it shouldn't make the saints curious!

So is the problem still with the Conferred God List?

Did Jiang Ziya complain to the saint so quickly, or has he not come down the mountain with the list yet?

It seems that he still has to live a little longer. I have clicked it.

I have to check if there is a function to hide my cultivation level in the system.

Otherwise, if I break through to Daluo or Quasi-Sage in a few days, it will be too ostentatious!

You know, many great powers are stuck in a realm for countless years and it is difficult to break through.

My breakthrough is not only too fast, but there is no bottleneck and no obstacles along the way. It would be abnormal if it did not cause a shock! As for the leader, I will delay it for now. Anyway, at least the leader has given me an excuse to go over and sit down when I am free. Then it is reasonable for me to say that I don’t have time

, right ? I feel that the prehistoric world is getting more and more dangerous. I have to get stronger quickly!

【Ding! A new member,"The Leader of Tianxiahui", joins the chat group!】

【Ding! A new member,"Wudang Taoist Priest", joins the chat group!】

【Ding! A new member,"Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace", has joined the chat group!】

【Ding! New member"Fish Seller Aqiang" joins the chat group! 】

The sudden reminder in his mind made Lin Ge, who was digesting his insights at full speed, slightly moved.

After all, it was a perception that crossed several realms in a short period of time. Even with the improvement of his comprehension,

Lin Ge still needed time to digest and absorb it before he could fully master his strength.

"Four new people came at the same time? Very good, there is a new source of points!"

Lin Ge needs points now.

The Conferred God Tribulation has begun.

He needs more power to bring enough sense of security.

When Jiejiao is gone, he must at least be able to hold Bixiao, right?

Four new people joined the group.

Needless to say, there are more points for signing in.

More importantly, there are more tasks in several worlds to do.

The more efficient the group is in obtaining points, the more points he can acquire.

"Let's go to the group and take a look."

Lin Ge entered the chat group interface and heard the nicknames of these newcomers.

He had already guessed their identities.

【[The Little Chef from Peach Blossom Island]:

Wow, are there so many new people here at the same time? How strange!

【Snow Moon Sword Fairy]:

A new member has arrived so soon? Looks like I can get rid of the label of a newcomer!

【[The greatest emperor of all time who swept across six kingdoms]:

Welcome four newcomers, please report your identities, names, and martial arts levels!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

I am more concerned about the relationship between the Grand Master of the Yihua Palace and the Master of Lianxing Palace! How can two people from the same plane join the group? Thinking.JPG!

【Ding! The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace has set the invisible mode!】

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Why is Palace Master Lianxing so silent today? Come out and say a few words! ? Watching the fun is not a big deal.JPG! Eat melons.JPG!

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

Welcome to the newcomers, I hope you all can have a good fate!.JPG!

【[The leader of the Tianxiahui]:

Humph! What a mess! I am the leader of the Tianxiahui. Who dares to show off his skills in front of me! In the Fengyun world,

Xiongba was in shock.

He was practicing Sanfen Guiyuan Qi in seclusion.

Suddenly, a voice and an interface appeared in his mind.

There were messages popping up in it, as if many people were talking!

What happened to him at this moment was simply unheard of.

Could it be an illusion used by some unscrupulous juniors?

【Wudang Taoist priest]:

Chat group? I didn't expect that at the age of 100, I could still get such a blessing!

In Wudang Mountain,

Zhang Sanfeng sighed and was unbelievable.

The chat group he suddenly saw was a magical thing that was completely beyond his cognition!

【[The Grand Master of Yihua Palace]:

Why did this image appear before my eyes? The Second Master of Yihua Palace? Is it Lianxing? ?

Yihua Palace,

Yaoyue was thoughtful.

"No wonder Lianxing has been acting so strange lately. It seems I have to go ask Lianxing first!"

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Wow, is this going to be an offline solo kill? Exciting.JPG! If Palace Master Yaoyue needs anything, you can buy some information about Palace Master Lianxing from me!

【[Fish seller Ah Qiang]:

What's going on? I was just selling fish!

At a fish stall on Jiuchang Street,

Gao Qiqiang put down his work and looked at everything in his mind with shock.

This was completely beyond his cognition.

Could it be that he encountered a supernatural event?

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

I am very disappointed with this batch of newcomers. Among the four people, only one is so rampant! Are the others so humble and low-key? Each batch is worse than the last!!

【Leader of the Tianxiahui Gang]:

Stop talking nonsense. I want to ask you, what is going on?

【[Fish seller Aqiang]:

What is the Zongwu chat group? Is it for chatting? Why was I pulled here?

Gao Qiqiang was shaking with nervousness and tore a pack of coffee into his mouth.

【[Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Lianxing, you are not in your room? Where are you? Come out first, let's have a good chat!

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