[Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

What do different planes mean? Can anyone tell me?

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader]:

Resurrection from the dead? Did I really understand the meaning of this phrase correctly? Are you guys teasing me!! ?

【Wudang Taoist priest]:

Could any friend explain to me what the word"immortal" means? Has anyone seen an immortal? Shocked.JPG!

【[Fish seller Ah Qiang]:

I don't understand what you are talking about, or I'll go back to cook!

Gao Qiqiang was completely confused and didn't take the chat group seriously.

What about signing in or martial arts

? I didn't see that I had upgraded any martial arts?

It's not time and space, resurrecting the dead, and immortals are all here. It's getting more and more ridiculous.

No matter what, this interface can only be used for chatting!

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader]: You have nothing to prove. How can I believe that what you said is true? Your martial arts skills have not really been upgraded. Show me the evidence! @【Ultimate Killer King】@【Iron-hearted God】@【One man's martial arts world]!

Xiong Ba originally believed in the points when he saw the function of breaking through the realm, but now he is a little shaken.

The information revealed in the chats of these people in the group is really too unbelievable.

How can he believe it?

【Ultimate Killer King]:

We have no obligation to explain to you! Picking nose.JPG!

Huoyun Evil God sneered, a newcomer, really took himself seriously, dared to point fingers in front of a group of elders like him

【Wudang Old Taoist Priest:

This person is too reckless. How can you be so arrogant when asking for help?

Zhang Sanfeng frowned at the message. He had lived for so many years and had seen all kinds of people. He felt the arrogance and absolute confidence of this person, the leader of the Tianxiahui. He might be a high-ranking official, but he seemed a little arrogant in the chat group.

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

The problem of different planes is very simple, screenshot.JPG!

Feng Yuxiu casually sent a photo of the bustling scene of high-rise buildings on a modern street.

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader]:

This is......I have never seen such a scene before! ?

Xiong Ba looked at the scene in the picture with doubts in his eyes.

He had a vague idea in his mind, but he did not dare to think deeply about it.

【Wudang Old Taoist Priest:

The scene here is very different, unlike any other scene in the past. Could it be that this scene is from another world?

Zhang Sanfeng was breathing rapidly, and was amazed.

He directly said this bold guess.

Yao Yue also held her breath and focused on the chat page.

She didn't care about anything else, but only waited for the result to be revealed.

If it is true, then this chat group is equivalent to spanning countless different worlds.

The meaning behind it is too terrifying!!

【Fish seller Aqiang:

Isn’t this very common? Our Jiuchang Street is not so prosperous, but Baijinhan is no worse than the one in this photo!!

【Persimmons in the Snow]:

Element perception, @[Fish Seller Aqiang], are you also a modern person?

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms

Throughout the Ages]: Is there another person from the future? Will he be in a more distant future than Feng Yuxiu? Then I can get more advanced knowledge. I like the book that Feng Yuxiu sent me before!

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook]: Eating melon.JPG!

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa]: Eat melon.JPG!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

The First Emperor probably won't get what he wants. After all, he said that the scenes of the two worlds are similar, which should be not far from the time when Feng Yuxiu lived.

【[Fish Seller A Qiang]:

Boring, everyone is not living in modern times, are you all from ancient times?

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader]:

What dynasty is the modern era? ? Shocked.JPG!@【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time], calling yourself"I", are you the emperor?

【Old Taoist Priest of Wudang Mountain】:

@【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time], my friend, judging from your address, could it be His Majesty the First Emperor!! ?

At Wudang Mountain,

Zhang Sanfeng was shocked, took a deep breath, and asked in his soul

【Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Just a painting is not enough to prove it. It is not impossible to achieve this by hiring a great painter!

【The greatest emperor in history who swept across the six kingdoms]:

Of course, I am Ying Zheng!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

Your points are not enough to break through the realm, so you still have doubts about the magic of the chat group. Why not try to open the trading mall, one point is enough to trade some goods!

Zhu Wusi stepped forward to remind him at this time.

Even if it is not easy to trigger the task now, at least he can shoulder some responsibilities in the group and let the immortals have a better impression of him.

He is still reliable. If he really lets these idiots in the group chat with the newcomers, they will have to chat until tomorrow!

Zhu Wusi thought secretly

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader]:

This......Immortality elixir, magic, magic stone......Are you sure you're not kidding me!! ? Shocked.JPG! Stunned.JPG!!

The moment Xiongba opened the trading mall and was blinded by the golden light inside, his face changed.

What kind of treasures are these?

I've never heard of them before!!

Could they be treasures from the fairyland?

However, can the goods here really be traded with points?

I couldn't use them before because I didn't have enough points to break through the realm.

Will it be the same this time?

At least I can prove the authenticity by buying something!

【[Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: Could these be the magic weapons of the gods!! ?

Yao Yue's pupils shrank sharply.

The shock brought by everything in front of her had already shocked her beyond measure.

【Wudang Mountain Old Taoist Priest]:

Can it really be exchanged? These don’t look like things from the human world!! ?

Zhang Sanfeng was so excited that his limbs were uncoordinated.

How could this be a trading mall? He would believe it if it was a treasure house from the fairyland!! ?

Seeing the large number of treasures in the trading mall that seemed to be from the fairyland, and thinking of the fairy mentioned by someone in the previous chat,

Zhang Sanfeng began to sweat all over, and his blood was boiling.

Could it be that he had actually met a fairy!!!

Is there even a possibility that the fairy is also a member of the chat group!! ?

As soon as this thought came to him,

Zhang Sanfeng could no longer suppress it.

His brain was in a trance, and his body twitched rapidly as if he had a serious disease.

It seemed that his body could no longer bear the excessive excitement and was about to be overwhelmed by this heaven-defying conjecture!!!

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