"Ying Zheng, Wudang, Tianxiahui, Yihua Palace......Could it be that all these group members like to play ancient people?"

On Jiuchang Street,

Gao Qiqiang frowned.

Although he was shocked by the interface that suddenly appeared in his mind, he did not believe the authenticity of the content in this chat group at all.

When he clicked on the trading mall, he was even more speechless.

"What a mess, elixir of immortality, and godly thing?"

"There are also the Great Qin Iron Cavalry and the Great Snow Dragon Cavalry, which are only sold for one point?"

"There is still gold, so I'll give it a try!"

After thinking about it,

Gao Qiqiang, with an indifferent attitude, used his only points to buy 100 taels of gold.

"If I could really buy it, wouldn't I be rich!"

Gao Qiqiang thought with some self-mockery.

He now relies on one person to get up early and sell fish every day to support his younger brothers and sisters to go to school.

If he could earn more money, he wouldn't have to work so hard like now.

There is such a chat group.

Occasionally, he can chat in it to relieve the loneliness in his heart.

Unfortunately, he can't understand what the people in it say.

However, when he clicked to buy gold with his mind, a transaction prompt sounded.

Almost instantly,

Gao Qiqiang felt a heavy feeling in his hand.

Because he was not mentally prepared, he almost slipped to the ground without grabbing it.!!!!

Gao Qiqiang was horrified and quickly covered the box in his hand with his clothes.

He looked around in panic and was relieved when he saw that no one noticed the movement here.

But at this time, his brain was in a mess.

He stood there motionless, smiling foolishly and thinking from time to time.

What was going on?!

Oh my God!

There really was something in his arms!!

If he told others about this, I'm afraid they would think he was crazy!

Gao Qiqiang moved to the back of the goods as if nothing had happened, carefully opened the box a little, glanced at it, and immediately closed it again.


It was neatly packed with gold!

So much yellow gold!

Gold, this must be sold for tens of millions, right?!

He has never seen so much money before.

Ah Sheng, Xiao Lan, their family can live a good life!!

Gao Qiqiang was shocked, and was hit by this happiness that fell from the sky.

He was a little confused.

He forced himself to calm down.

Gold is not the most important thing!

What’s more important is the chat group that brought all this!!

This chat group has such a powerful effect!

So maybe what these group members say is true!!

Gao Qiqiang thought for a while, and then quickly hid the gold under the stall, and then immersed his consciousness in his mind , staring at the chat panel without blinking!

【[Fish seller Aqiang]:

Screenshot.JPG! Everyone, this is true! I bought gold in the trading mall and it appeared in my hands instantly. It’s amazing!!


Xiong Ba's mind moved, and he scrolled down the trading mall, and sure enough, he saw some cheap things.

Even newcomers like them with only one point could afford them.

He bought a Barrett iron weapon with doubts, and sure enough, it appeared in his hand the next second.

""Good, good, good!!! It seems that the things in this chat group are probably true!"

After this, and witnessing such a magical thing with his own eyes,

Xiong Ba almost believed everything in the chat group.

However, now he has become a little restrained and is full of fear of the people in these groups.

With so many treasures and having joined the group before him, these old members may not be easy to deal with!

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader]:

Screenshot.JPG! It's true, I've verified it! As for what you said about this group being able to connect the heavens and the myriad worlds, I can barely believe it! Just wait for the follow-up verification!

【Wudang Old Taoist Priest]:

I have also verified it, and it is indeed possible to purchase it and it appears out of thin air. The chat group is so magical, I admire it!

【Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

This Palace Master also believes it.

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

That's all right, but I'll give you a piece of advice, complete the missions as soon as possible to become stronger!

【Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: What do you mean?

Yao Yue narrowed her eyes slightly and asked in confusion

【Wudang Old Taoist Priest:

Is there any cause and effect involved?

Seeing someone say this,

Zhang Sanfeng was also shocked.

It turns out that opportunities are not so easy to get.

This should be the price of getting benefits, right?

【[Tianxiahui Gang Leader]:

Hmm? Is there any danger hidden from us? Why didn't you tell us earlier?

Gao Qiqiang didn't say anything, but he was also very nervous when he saw the news.

Could there be any crisis accompanying this opportunity?

As if he sensed Xu Fengnian's meaning,

Xie Xiaofeng felt that as a newcomer, it was time for him to come out and explain to the new members on behalf of the old members.

【[The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa]:

That’s not the case. It’s just that nine out of ten members who joined the chat group have bad luck and are accompanied by tragedy. That’s why I suggest you become stronger as soon as possible. Of course, now that we have basically changed our own destiny, you newcomers don’t have to think too much.


【Leader of the Tianxiahui]:

Are you kidding? I am now the leader of the Tianxiahui. I am powerful enough to fear no one. It is only a matter of time before I unify the martial arts world. How could I have such a bad fate?

"Most of the people who join this group are tragic people?"

Xiong Ba was somewhat doubtful.

Could it be that he was the only exception among the ten people mentioned by the other party?

【[Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Can you predict the future? I am also one of the most powerful people in the martial arts world. How could I be the person with a tragic fate as you said?

【Wudang Taoist priest:

To be frank, I don’t think anyone can threaten me. Could it be that something bad will happen to Wudang? I hope this friend can give me some advice.

【Fish seller Ah Qiang】:......

Gao Qiqiang thought about it silently.

Well, compared with other new members, he seemed to be the worst!

If he said that he would have a bad future, it seemed reasonable!

"I hope Ah Sheng and Xiao Lan can get into a good university!"

Gao Qiqiang prayed in his heart.

"However, with the chat group, as long as I act carefully, my family will never have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of our lives!"

【[Fish seller A Qiang]:

I don’t know anything, please take care of me, brothers!

【[Iron-hearted Godly Marquis]:

You are not asking Xie Xiaofeng. Fate is unpredictable. Of course, no one among us can peek into your fate. The one who knows is another existence!! Worship.JPG!

【[The Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island]:

Only immortals can see your future clearly!

【The greatest emperor in history who swept across the six kingdoms]:

The destiny of my Great Qin was changed by the immortal!

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader]: Immortal? An immortal who can tell fortunes?

【Wudang Old Taoist Priest]: Shocked! Could it be that there are really gods in this world?

【Grand Master of Yihua Palace]: Since there is a magical chat group, then the immortals and gods......It doesn't seem unacceptable!

At this moment, the four newcomers were a little surprised.

Judging from the attitudes of these old members, the"immortal" they were talking about seemed to have an extremely special status!

At the same time,

Lin Ge's mouth curled up slightly.

It seemed that it was time for him to show up.

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