[Persimmons in the Snow]:

A whole day has passed, and there is still no news from the Grand Palace Master and the Second Palace Master.......Logically speaking, they could still communicate through their minds even when they were on the run!?

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

Don’t worry, since the immortals have said that everything is fine, then it must be fine!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

That’s true. I feel relieved when I think of what the immortal said!

【Wudang Old Taoist Priest]:

I have seen through everything. Maybe they are doing something extremely against the will of heaven?

【The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Ahhhh, Master Zhang, please go away quickly. Don't use your perverted thinking to speculate about the two Palace Master sisters!

【Wudang Old Taoist Priest:

Let's get back to the point. What is your current cultivation level? I have entered the foundation-building stage!

【[Little Cook from Peach Blossom Island]: ? ? ?

Just one day! ? I have been practicing for more than half a month and I am only at the third level of Qi Refining!

【[The Great Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms]:

You are already fast. I am still stuck at the second level of Qi training because I have to review memorials! I can only say that I envy Wuxing Dan!

【Leader of the Tianxiahui Gang]:

What are you envious of? Can't you just find a treasure and present it to the immortal?

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages]:

Obviously, what the immortal wants is the manifestation of a world-class item, so ordinary treasures are unnecessary!

【[Fish Seller Aqiang]:

I strongly agree. For example, I can’t think of anything in my world that can be useful to immortals!

【One Man’s Martial Arts World]:

Mr. Gao, can I come over here directly now?

【Fish seller Aqiang]:

Okay, there’s no one around me and no surveillance, you can come over anytime!

【The Third Young Master of Excalibur Villa]:

What are you two going to do?

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

Tsk tsk, are they gay offline? Will two more people disappear from the group in a few days?

【[Fishseller Aqiang]:

It’s like this, I now lack the start-up capital to become stronger through cultivation, so I asked Brother Feng for help, and we worked together to try to trigger the task!

【One Man’s Martial Arts]:

Now that I have all kinds of magical powers, it is easy for me to help General Gao to stand on the stage!

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

How do you plan to divide the final points?

【One Man’s Martial Arts]:

50-50 split!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

Huh? Feng Yuxiu, are you so mean to a newbie? Even if I just go there and be a thug, I can get half of it? If this triggers the mission, won't Gao Qiqiang lose a lot and you gain a lot?

【Ultimate Killer King]:

I also want to participate in this mission!

【Fish seller Aqiang:

Don’t get me wrong, I was the one who proposed a 50-50 split! When you are short of initial points, this investment is a good deal!......

In a corner of the Kuangbiao world,

Gao Qiqiang observed the surrounding surveillance and then released Feng Yuxiu stealthily.

"Mr. Gao, do you have a plan? What are you going to do?"

Feng Yuxiu asked directly as soon as he came out.

They have all seen Gao Qiqiang's future, so they should know clearly where to start to trigger the points more easily.

Gao Qiqiang did not answer, but asked:

"Brother Feng, do you have any suggestions?"

Feng Yuxiu smiled briefly:

"Let's go find Uncle Tai. After I find him, let me challenge him directly. Maybe I can get some points!"

The two of them hit it off and walked towards an abandoned house.......

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook】:

@【Wudang Old Taoist Priest], in addition to the Qi-inducing Art and the Qi-transforming Three Pure Ones, has Master Zhang also practiced two other magical powers these days? Why don't you show us this?

【Wudang Mountain Old Taoist Priest]:

Of course I have also cultivated two other magical powers! I don’t show them to you because I’m worried that you might be anxious! Screenshot.JPG!

Zhang Sanfeng sent a picture of a sun with a face.

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

Damn! This little one is really good-looking. How come this one, burning the sky and boiling the sea, and turning into the sun, is not what I imagined?

【Old Wudang Taoist Priest]:

I think it’s because my cultivation is too low, and I can only transform into a baby sun!

【One Man’s Martial Arts World]:

Why do I feel that this sun with a human face resembles a scene in a cartoon I’ve seen before!

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

Master Zhang is amazing, he always gives me a different sense of abstraction!

【[Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Baby sun is baby sun! At least it is a hundred times better than nothing!

In the Song Dynasty,

Huang Rong was full of envy and joy.

She also wanted to feel what it was like to fly in the sky! She had just practiced the Water Movement Technique, but had not practiced any magic. She had a lot of spiritual power but could not use it.

But at this moment, in front of her was the outline of the Nine Yin Manual.

This magical skill should be qualified enough to be presented to the immortals, right?

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook】:

@【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal], is the immortal here? (Red envelope)! It is the Nine Yin Manual, I wonder if it can have any effect on the immortal!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

(Red Envelope)! This is the Tathagata Palm. I seem to have accidentally accepted the destined son of destiny as my apprentice!

【Ding! The Jiejiao Celestial Immortal received the red envelope!】

【Ding! The Jiejiao Celestial Being received the red envelope! 】

Before the two of them had to wait for long,

Lin Ge received two red envelopes.

"The Nine Yin Manual is probably better than the Great Shift of the Universe and the Nine Yang Manual, but it is probably not as good as Xiongba's Three-Point Return to Yuan Qi. The quality of treasures obtained from the Fengyun World is generally higher!"

"As for the level of the Tathagata Palm, it is still unknown."

Lin Ge showed a hint of interest.

What he wanted was not a large number of excellent magical powers or magic weapons, but the top level that could determine the outcome of a fight.

The magical power that evolved before was also very useful, but Lin Ge still couldn't change the mood of looking forward to the big prize.

"Open the function of concealing the secrets of heaven and start the function of adaptive evolution!"

Lin Ge thought���move

【Ding! The secret concealment function has been activated!】

【Ding! The adaptive evolution function is turned on. Items that meet the standards are detected and automatic evolution begins!】

【Ding! The"Nine Yin Manual" skill automatically adapts and upgrades to the prehistoric equivalent. Congratulations on obtaining the prehistoric skill"Huangquan General Principles""!】

It was as if a dark aura from the underworld flashed by, and then, a vast and solemn Buddha light was born in Lin Ge's chest, as if it wanted to completely permeate and transform the heaven and earth!

【Ding! The skill"Tathagata Palm" automatically adapts and upgrades to the prehistoric equivalent. Congratulations on obtaining the cosmic-level magical power"Great Fortune Palm""!】!!!

Lin Ge suddenly opened his eyes, a golden glow flashed across his eyes, and the cosmic-level magical power was accomplished!!!

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