"Dingguangxian, get out of here!"

Bixiao pulled Lin Ge and flew directly to the top of Biyou Palace.

Lin Ge's eyes were dull.

Did the teacher act so tough outside? He looked like a nice person, but his personality was.........It's better not to mention it!

Besides, now he gradually began to understand how the three sisters in the original plot had the courage to fight against the saint.

Fairy Yunxiao should not be such an impulsive person.......Lin Ge glanced at Bi Xiao secretly.

As Bi Xiao's voice spread, many Jiejiao disciples appeared around and watched the excitement from afar.

"What's going on? Who is that person next to Lady Bixiao?"

"Interesting, the guy next to him seems to be a disciple of Fairy Bixiao, isn't it obvious why he is here?"

"Fairy Bixiao is preparing to compete? I didn't expect that.......Really interesting! Does anyone know the origin of this disciple?"......

When everyone was discussing,

Lin Ge saw that the cave in front of him slowly opened, and a Taoist monk with a calm and serious face walked out slowly.

"Is this Dingguangxian? It's a little different from what I imagined."

Lin Ge was thoughtful.

In his original impression, this super traitor from Jiejiao should be a sly and negative person, but he didn't expect that now he has a kind face and a decent appearance, just short of having greatness and righteousness written all over his face!

"Why are you making so much noise in the sage's temple?"

Dingguangxian frowned slightly.

"Bixiao, what are you crazy about again?"

"Let's have a bet. If I lose, I will give you my share of the next 100 years! If you lose, you will get 500 drops of innate spiritual essence!"

Bi Xiao said.

"Do you want to use it to prepare your disciples to break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal Nurturing Three Flowers?"

Dingguangxian glanced at Lin Ge, hesitated slightly and said,

"Under other conditions, I can't possibly give out so much innate spiritual essence! Ten strands of the origin of the lower world, if you are willing, then bet!"

Dingguangxian did not refuse.

He was in the wrong in this matter, but he had to accept it for the sake of face.

In fact, Bixiao had never fought for her share in the past.

These shares should have been accumulated there, but Dingguangxian got them by some not very glorious means.

On the surface, the two were in a competitive relationship between the outer and inner sects, so Bixiao did not have a good impression of this senior brother.

As for Dingguangxian, he did not think he would lose.

He knew something about the three Xiaos.

Only Yunxiao was strong, but her two sisters were mediocre.

Winning and simply ending this cause and effect is also a good way to deal with it!

After both parties agreed to the bet, the environment on the field began to change suddenly, and Bixiao's aura began to rise rapidly, showing the cultivation of the Daluo Jinxian with three flowers gathering at the top and five qi returning to the origin!

Dingguangxian narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was also a Daluo Jinxian.

Compared with Bixiao's sharp edge, his style was obviously It became more balanced, and lines of Dao patterns emerged from his body.

His aura rose steadily, solidifying the pressure of the entire area and making it extremely oppressive!

At this moment, a breath was locked by Bixiao, and the violent attack at the sharp edge came in an instant.

In the stunned eyes of Dingguangxian, his momentum was instantly disintegrated and collapsed after just the first collision!!

As for Lin Ge, he only saw two distinct flashes of light, and one side was broken by the other!

Dingguangxian fell to the ground with a pale face, looking up at the sky with absent-minded eyes.

Obviously, this overwhelming failure brought him a big blow.

He could accept failure, but he didn't expect such a crushing defeat at all!!

There was also a sound of surprise around.

Judging from the previous performance, Dingguangxian should have a much greater chance of winning, but such an ending was completely unexpected for them!

After Bixiao succeeded in one blow, he did not stop at all, and directly pulled Lin Ge into a beam of light and flew away

""Is it a good teacher?"

Bixiao was in a good mood and said in a relaxed tone.

"Very strong......But Master, are you in a bad condition?"

Lin Ge looked at Bi Xiao's pale face and said hesitantly


Bi Xiao was speechless.

She finally managed to pretend in front of this boy, but she was still seen as a weakling.

This operation was a big failure.

It damaged the image of Master Gao of this palace!

Of course, if Lin Ge knew what Bi Xiao was thinking, he would probably persuade her that there was no need to pretend.

Her image had already been ruined anyway.

"Cough cough cough......"

Bixiao coughed twice.

"Dingguangxian was very powerful, but I attacked his weakness with one blow, and only then did I achieve a crushing victory!"

This was the truth.

If the previous attack had not been successful, she would probably have lost.

Fortunately, I had studied how to deal with my elder sister before, and now I can use this skill!

She was good at concentrated strong attacks. After studying it for a while, she concentrated her explosive power at the beginning, and formed a set of tactics that suited her.

Bixiao thought, hehehe! This time I should let this kid know who is good to him. I heard that the leader had found him before, so I can't let his disciples be abducted!

"Teacher, if we just leave like this, will the other party give us the spoils of war?"

Lin Ge was a little worried. What if a guy who betrayed his master at a critical moment and surrendered to the enemy refused to pay?

"Don't worry, although this person has a bad character, he still has to keep his face. The things will be delivered to you soon. Remember to wait until you are promoted to Taiyi before using them, the effect will be best!"

Bi Xiao instructed, and then put Lin Ge in front of his cave and stopped.

"Recently, my research on martial arts has reached a critical moment of breaking through the bottleneck, and I need to retreat for a period of time. If something big happens, you can come to me or your two uncles."

After thinking for a while,

Bi Xiao said:

"I don't know why Master wants to see you, but you'd better go there as soon as possible, it won't be a bad thing!"

Her eyes were a little strange,

"Your recent progress is simply too outrageous, even a blind man can see that there is something wrong, restrain yourself, okay? I always have a bad feeling that you will do something bad!!"

"Is it really that obvious?"

Lin Ge nodded blankly, but in his heart he was thinking, no, it's too dangerous, any few people can see through my whereabouts,

I have to become stronger faster!

As for Master Tongtian, maybe I should go there, otherwise I will break through to Taiyi Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian in a few days, which is not easy to explain!

The shielding function of the chat group can only be used during the breakthrough or evolution process, and it will be automatically closed after the end.

Can't there be a function that can keep it shielded all the time?

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