[Ding! The skill"Great Shift of the Universe" has been adapted to the equivalent level of the prehistoric world. You have obtained the prehistoric-level magical power"Yin Yang Rotation!"] (Just simply divide the prehistoric universe into levels, there is no need to imagine it in the form of the Heaven-shaking)

【Ding! The skill"Nine Yang Manual" has been adapted to the prehistoric equivalent, and you have obtained the prehistoric-level magical power"Burning the Sky and Boiling the Sea!"】

【Ding! The item"Black Jade Intermittent Cream" has been adapted to the prehistoric equivalent, and you have obtained the 100,000-year-old natural treasure"Top-grade Golden Spirit Essence!"]

Lin Ge directly consumed 15,000 points to evolve these three techniques and items that are representative of the Yitian world.

As for the rest, he would save them for the time being and wait and see, after all, his own cultivation still needs to be improved!

After Lin Ge absorbed the information, he realized that it was different from the previous"One Qi into Three Purities".

The technique deduced this time had a little threshold for mortals, and at least one had to reach the foundation-building stage to use it.

Compared to the more mysterious"Yin Yang Rotation",

"The effect of"burning the sky and boiling the sea" is more intuitive and overbearing.

It can directly transform itself into a big sun, burning and evaporating everything in the world.

The destructive power caused depends on the cultivation level.

It is definitely an excellent means of large-scale killing.

Although no one in the group can practice it now,

Lin Ge still tapped Zhang Sanfeng's forehead with one finger, infusing the information of the two magical powers into the other party's mind, and then sent him an additional red envelope of Qi-inducing Art and two enlightenment pills, which are enough for the other party to quickly get started in cultivating immortals!

After all, this time he took so many things from the other party's world, which is enough to digest a wave.

Some insignificant feedback,

Lin Ge will not deduct.

And Zhang Sanfeng's consciousness began to understand the information of the two magical powers and the Qi-inducing Art as Lin Ge led it, and entered a mysterious state in the envious and jealous eyes of everyone.

After a while, when he came back to his senses, his face immediately showed incomparable excitement and excitement!

""Thank you, Immortal, for the magic!"

Zhang Sanfeng kowtowed to Lin Ge.

He had understood the preciousness and power of these things.

With these things given by the immortal, he had completely realized his previous dream of becoming an immortal! How glorious it would be to transform himself into the sun!

He actually did not play any role this time, but he took a lot of good things from the immortal for no reason.

He felt embarrassed when he thought about it!

Feeling that something was wrong with the people around him and their eyes became like wolves and tigers,

Zhang Sanfeng was speechless.

What should he do

? Should he send a big red envelope to calm the anger?

But he didn't have anything to send now.

They were just a few books of magical powers and magic formulas.

The immortal didn't make them public for free, so he couldn't just spread them around, right?

As for the two enlightenment pills, that was his life!

How could he just give them to others?

"Thank you all for coming to my birthday party. Please go back!"

Zhang Sanfeng chose to expel the guests.

He couldn't wait to start comprehending and practicing the immortal world's skills!

"Lao Zhang, you asked me to come here just to have a meal, and I didn't get any benefit at all. I will remember you!!"

Ying Zheng took a deep breath and said

"So you are this kind of Zhang Zhenren!"

Feng Yuxiu looked at Zhang Sanfeng seriously for a moment, then shook his head and sighed.

With a sigh, it seemed that the halo of the former idol was completely buried in today's


Zhang Sanfeng's mouth twitched slightly.

Don't make that expression, bastard!

"Goodbye, Master Zhang. I hope you'll be careful when you pass by dark alleys, and don't get hit by a club!"

Huang Rong glanced at the two enlightenment pills that Zhang Sanfeng held tightly in his palms, and pursed her lips.


Li Hanyi looked at Zhang Sanfeng with disdain and returned to his own world without saying a word.

The last one to leave was Huoyun Evil God.

The two looked at each other for several minutes without saying anything, but it seemed that everything had been said in these few minutes of eye contact!

In the end, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but draw his sword and rushed towards him, but Huoyun Evil God returned to his world immediately to escape.......

"You're back? Come and help me first when you come back!"

As soon as Lin Ge returned to the prehistoric world, he was grabbed by a giant hand.

In a flash, he was in front of Bixiao.

The other party changed his previous decadent appearance and regained his vitality!

After seeing Lin Ge,

Bixiao pondered for a moment, looked around Lin Ge carefully for a few times, then got close to smell him, touched him here and there, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Very good, it's OK as long as he hasn't been possessed by another body!"

Bixiao put her hands on her waist and nodded with satisfaction.

Although the breakthrough speed was a little faster, it was still OK for her unlucky disciple. Although the other party had tried his best to restrain himself, how could he completely hide all his unusual movements recently from her?

Bixiao was vaguely aware of it, but she didn't want to ask about some opportunities that her disciple might have, perhaps the Chaos Secret Realm. Occasionally, she noticed that the other party's breath disappeared directly in the cave, and it was she who helped to cover it up. The broken formation outside was not reliable at all. He was already in the late stage of the Golden Immortal, and it was time to change to a better cave!


Lin Ge didn't feel it was strange, as he was used to his master's style.

Even if he suddenly appeared by the bed in the middle of the night and looked at you quietly, it was not impossible!

It can only be said that habit becomes nature.

After all, he had traveled to the prehistoric world long before Bi Xiao chose him as his apprentice, and they had been together for a long time.

""Master, please be more polite next time! Otherwise I will feel like I am being spied on at any time!"

Lin Ge protested.

"Protest is invalid!"

Bi Xiao crossed his arms and replied directly and carelessly.

"In the past, because your cultivation progress was too slow, I have been letting you go, but now, it is time to help you get some cultivation resources!"

In the past, it was fine to see that Lin Ge's qualifications were too ordinary, but now that he has the qualifications to fight for the treatment of a genius, she, as a master, should fulfill her responsibilities.

She looked Lin Ge up and down,

"Well, it is necessary to have a magic weapon that is handy."

In fact, I don't lack magic weapons at all now!

Lin Ge wanted to complain.

However, when he realized the special nature of cultivation resources,

Lin Ge was slightly stunned.

"Resources? What resources?"

He has been on Sanxian Island for so many years.

Apart from better caves, places for saints to give lectures, and some basic resources, he doesn't know what other benefits he has received.

But from what Bixiao said, it shouldn't be these common sense things, right?

"You need to remember one thing from now on: no matter where you are, the best resources are fought for by countless people!"

Bi Xiao said lightly, pulling Lin Ge away.

"Today, I will teach you a lesson. Look carefully at how handsome I am!!"

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