"Whose immortal is this golden statue? It can't be made of gold, right? Who sent this as a gift?"

"What is that? I seem to have heard those Wudang disciples call it a tank! ?"

"Something is wrong! Something is wrong! Why are these gifts so weird?"......

At the gate of Wudang Mountain, disciples from the five sects gathered around the congratulatory gift, pointing and talking as if they were entering the city for the first time.

Looking at the huge golden statues and strange iron tools, the abbot Kongwen, the nun Miejue of Mount Emei, and Xian Yutong of the Huashan Sect all looked at the huge golden statues and strange iron tools.......

For the first time, they felt what it felt like to have low self-esteem!!

"Why didn't Zhang Sanfeng dare to respond? Could it be that he was afraid of us after seeing such a scene?"

Realizing that the atmosphere was not right,

Kong Wen snorted.

"I think that's exactly the case. He deliberately placed these strange objects at the mountain gate. I'm afraid he wanted to create confusion and make us retreat. Don't fall into Zhang Sanfeng's trap!"

"As expected of a master, he is not only very capable, but also very wise. We need to be careful!!"......

The five major sects are eagerly waiting, and are getting impatient!!

"I suggest that we set the mountain on fire, and then he will have to come out and face us!"

Fire Cloud Evil God suggested.

He was holding a palm leaf fan, sitting on a chair and fanning himself slowly.

Two of his newly recruited disciples helped him carry the chair for walking.

They called it exercising basic physical skills, and he really looked like a military advisor.

The leaders of the five sects looked at him and said nothing.

They didn't care about a psychopath!

Just when everyone was waiting and almost couldn't hold back, they saw a man carrying a sword on his back, staggering down from a distance.


Huoyun Evil God narrowed his eyes, looked at the man carefully, and then immediately patted the two boys to carry the chair and run away at the speed of light.

The people from the five sects who were unaware of the situation stayed where they were and said loudly to the front:

"Who are you! ?"

"Today we are only looking for trouble with Wudang. Why should you outsiders come to help Zhang Sanfeng block the knife? Don't make the mistake!"

"Today we are going to Wudang with great momentum, and Zhang Sanfeng pushes you out alone to block the attack? Hahahaha! He is simply using you!!!"......

At the same time, this scene was broadcast live to everyone in the group.

Seeing the live broadcast,

Zhang Sanfeng, who was pinned to the ground by Xiongba and his two incarnations, was so angry that his eyes were about to burst out!!

This damned bastard actually took advantage of the alcohol to act wildly at his birthday party, pinned him here, and ran off to do the task himself!!

Others couldn’t stop the fight!!

And in front of the immortals, it was humiliating!!

Zhang Sanfeng felt bitter, how could he be so unlucky to celebrate his birthday on his own territory!

How sad and lamentable!!

No, he must do something, he can’t let this thief succeed!!

Zhang Sanfeng had a good breath of true energy brewing in his chest, and it suddenly burst out!!......


The people from the five sects who were confronting Xiongba suddenly heard intermittent shouts coming from the mountain!

""Who is shouting?"

Kong Wen and the others looked at each other, all of them confused.


"It seems to be Zhang Sanfeng's voice! ? ?" The expressions of several people changed slightly, and they listened carefully.

Only then did they hear clearly that

Zhang Sanfeng's hoarse shouting with true energy came from the mountain:

"Silly children, run!"


Everyone was puzzled.

Are you talking about the domineering man in front? You can't be talking about the five sects, right?

We are here to suppress you, why are you running away!?

At this time,

Xiong Ba's incarnation finally stopped.

He stretched out his hand.

"Three points return to the original energy!!!"......

"Huh? ? Am I blind?! ? Immortal, help me up!"

"Where are my eyes?!? Did they fall to the ground?"

Li Hanyi and Huang Rong were full of questions.

The screen in front of their eyes went black in an instant!

The next second, the colors in front of their eyes reappeared.

"Bloody content, children need to pay to watch!"

Lin Ge rarely made a joke.

He could only say that the group members were too good at making fun of him, and even refreshed his understanding of the perversion of the group members.

Not long after, the task was completed.

Hearing this reminder,

Zhang Sanfeng seemed to have been drained of all his strength, his eyes lost their luster, and he was like a cold corpse, allowing the three strong men to ravage him at will!!

【Ding! The mission of defending Wudang Mountain has been successfully completed, and the settlement phase has begun!!】

【Ding! Member Xiongba killed all hostile units, the completion rate was 99%, and 99992 points were obtained!】

【Ding! Tiedan Shenhou disrupts the enemy's mentality and gets 2 points!】

【Ding! One person's martial arts disturbs the enemy's mentality and gets 2 points!】

【Ding! The Ultimate Killer disrupts the enemy's mentality and gets 4 points!】

"Huh? There is an unexpected gain?"

Feng Yuxiu was a little surprised, but why did he get more points without even seeing the shadow of Fire Cloud Evil God ? Everyone was also uninterested. They wanted to share the points, but because Zhang Zhenren wanted to eat alone, Xiongba took all the peaches! However, it was satisfying to have the opportunity to show off in front of the immortal.

"Is there anything else the Immortal needs to do next?"

Huang Rong raised her eyes slightly and looked at Lin Ge.

"Next, find the treasures of this world, such as the Nine Yang Magic Skill and Heaven Sword and Dragon Slayer! If you can evolve the skills to a good level, you can also upload them to the trading mall and sell them cheaply."

Lin Ge said, since you are here, you can collect the good things from the Heaven Sword World!

This time, in addition to the 100,000 points temporarily placed with Xiongba,

��What's more important are these local goodies.

If he can get a good magic power again,

Lin Ge can directly enrich his methods.

"Immortal, if you need anything, I will send someone down the mountain to search for you immediately!"

After hearing the conversation, Zhang Sanfeng pushed Xiong Ba away and said to Lin Ge

"There is no need for that!!"

Lin Ge stretched out his hand and several objects emitting light appeared in the sky in all directions, and then automatically merged into Lin Ge's hand.

"As expected of an immortal!!"

Zhang Sanfeng said with emotion.

After Lin Ge got the thing, he began to evolve it on the spot.

In an instant, the top of Wudang Mountain was as bright as stars, as if a treasure was born!

【Ding! The adaptive evolution function has been enabled and items are being evolved for you! 】

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