Xu Fengnian, who arrived a step late, had a complicated expression:

"Wonderful! Wonderful! I didn't expect that the evil god and Zhang Zhenren could collide with such sparks!

It's really a tit-for-tat! A little sow sitting on a flying duck!

They are indeed the top masters in their respective worlds, and they really have the demeanor of peerless masters!"

But in his heart, he secretly thought that these two people were even more invincible than himself. When the deformed Zhang Zhenren met the evil god, would this be the result?

Huang Rong looked up at the sky, her eyes a little dull.

Is such a crazy world really real?

"I'll take two taels of gold!"

Li Hanyi put a small ingot of gold on the table and entered Wudang.

"I'll go with 200!"

Feng Yuxiu yawned and looked at the surrounding atmosphere in confusion.

"What happened?"

The Wudang disciples on both sides stood straighter, looking straight ahead, as if they had not seen their master rolling on the ground and trying to dig his throat with his hands.

As long as we are not embarrassed, the outsiders will be embarrassed!

Zhang Wuji also kept scratching his head, and felt his scalp numb and lost consciousness.


Ying Zheng arrived.

"Zhang Zhenren......"It's even more charming than I thought! I've seen countless people, but I've never seen someone as unique as Master!"

Ying Zheng sighed.

Xiongba arrived, Gao Qiqiang arrived, and finally,

Lin Ge arrived.

Looking expressionlessly at Zhang Sanfeng who was spitting all over the floor,

Lin Ge began to think whether he should restrain and regulate the ethics of the group and pay a little attention to the collective image. Even an honest man like Master Zhang became like this after staying for a few days. It's hard to imagine how perverted others would be.


While everyone was gathering together on Mount Wudang, undercurrents were surging in the outside world!

"He's back! That man is back!!"

"Zhang Cuishan has returned to Wudang!!"

"Kill, kill, kill! Kill them in Wudang and force them to tell us the whereabouts of the Dragon Slaying Sword!!"

"Jiejiejiejiejie!!! Zhang Sanfeng, you can't stop us!!"

"The supreme master of the martial arts world, the sword that slays dragons, commands the world, and no one dares to disobey!! If Yi Tian doesn't come out, who can compete with him for the top!!"

"Today, we from all walks of life have gathered here to seek justice for what happened back then! We have absolutely no intention of coveting the precious sword!"

"Tell me what we are doing this time!!"

"Kill, kill, kill! Kill Wudang!"

A wave-like voice rang through the sky!

"Tell me, our purpose this time!"

"Kill, kill, kill! Threaten Zhang Sanfeng! Make him hand over the whereabouts of Xie Xun!!"

Another round of uniform shouting

"Woo~!! Very good, let me see your hands!!"


The bald donkeys and small gangs present all raised their hands and shook them.

"This operation is led by our five major factions......."

Abbot Kongwen of Shaolin Temple was announcing the action plan when suddenly a discordant voice emerged from the crowd.

"Kill, kill, kill! Kill Wudang and turn Zhang Sanfeng’s birthday into his death anniversary!!"

The man’s eyes were red, and it was obvious that he had a blood feud with Wudang.

"Comrade, calm down. Now is the time to decide on a battle plan. Please don't go crazy in public!" Kong

Wen didn't show it on his face, but he was ecstatic in his heart. Let's make a fuss! The bigger the fuss, the better. The greater the loss to Wu Dian today, the less it will endanger the lofty status of their Shaolin Temple in the martial arts world.

""Brother, what sect are you from? Can't you see the abbot is giving a speech? What are you yelling about?"

Someone frowned and scolded

"Zhang Sanfeng is guilty of a heinous crime, and he deserves to be executed! It is the responsibility of every righteous man in the world to kill him, no matter which sect or faction has him! ?"

The man said bluntly , neither humble nor arrogant.

"Well said!!"

Abbot Kongwen couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

He saw that this man had an extraordinary temperament and was different from others. He was like a chicken standing out among a group of ducks.

He thought that he was definitely not an ordinary person!

"Zhang Sanfeng condoned and shielded his disciple's mistakes, and he has long been resentful. If he does not hand over Xie Xun's whereabouts today, he will definitely pay the price!!"

Abbot Kong Wen said with great passion

"No no no!! You misunderstood what I meant!"

The man interrupted directly with a wave of his hand.

""I must kill Zhang Sanfeng today, and I will not stop until he dies!!!"

Abbot Kongwen's face froze.

Are you really serious?

His purpose of coming here this time is to weaken Wudang, but he is not here to fight to the death with Wudang.

If the other party does not dare to take action for the sake of the overall situation, it will be fine.

But if he forces people to fight to the death, who knows how many people Zhang Sanfeng, the master of this generation, can fight to the death?

Thinking of this, he looked at this person with a little fear.

Whose disciple is this, running out to make trouble?

"Don't worry, Abbot. I have a plan that will definitely work!"

The man said indifferently.

"That's a coincidence, I have a plan too!"

Kong Wen nodded coldly.

"How about we write it all on our hands?"


Kong Wen glanced at him and wrote a word on his palm!

They both opened their hands at the same time.

The other person's hand had the word"kill" written on it, while Kong Wen's hand had the word"get out" written on it.

"Donor, if you understand, get out of here!"

Kong Wen leaned over and whispered in the other person's ear.


Elemental Notice!

Fire Cloud Evil God resisted the urge to take action and said with a smile:

"I don't have to do anything, can I just watch the show?"

"I hope you don't do unnecessary things!"

Kong Wen rubbed the bald head of Huoyun Evil God and warned him coldly.......

On Mount Wudang,

Zhang Sanfeng toasted many group members with a glass of wine

"I never thought that I, Zhang Sanfeng, would have such good fortune. This is what immortal wine tastes like!"

Zhang Sanfeng savored it carefully, and it was full of aftertaste.

Immortals naturally would not be interested in ordinary wine here, so everyone got to taste the taste of the immortal wine.

"I feel like my throat has been cleansed!" Zhang Sanfeng's face darkened when he thought of the taste in his mouth before. He lost interest in the food on the table. If it weren't for the immortal wine, he might not be able to eat a single bite today! Just as Zhang Sanfeng was about to vomit again, the disciple in charge of guarding the mountain gate suddenly ran over in a hurry to report

"Reporting to the master, the five major sects, Shaolin, Emei, Huashan, Kunlun and Kongtong, as well as a large number of smaller sects, want to go to Wudang Mountain together in the name of birthday celebrations!"

"What is coming will come!"

Zhang Sanfeng sighed, took his sword and walked down the mountain.

"Uncle Zhang, don't worry. I'll warm a glass of wine to see you off!

"Come back and drink again!"

Zhang Sanfeng stroked his beard, looking like a master.

"Why does Lao Zhang need to come down the mountain? I can just destroy them all with one sword!"

Zhu Wusi said eagerly, his"lower sword technique" had never killed an enemy before!

"Haha, it's okay, I'll stretch my muscles!"

Zhang Sanfeng sneered in his heart, everyone knows that you want to steal the completion of the task?

"Why bother going down the mountain? I will just send an incarnation to destroy them. We can continue to play music and dance here!"

Xiong Ba said with a flushed face.


Zhang Sanfeng laughed.

"But I refuse!"......

The Wudang disciples around were all stunned. Are all of the master's/grandmaster's friends so cruel?......

"Why doesn't Zhang Sanfeng dare to respond? Is he afraid of us?"

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