【Wing Chun Master Yip】:

@【One person's martial arts world], may I ask this big man, what will be the ending of my future?

Ye Wen was staring at the page in front of him at this time, very nervous.

He still had some understanding of the situation he was in now, and his personal strength was still too weak.

With such a chat group, he had some ideas in his mind, whether he could use this opportunity to bring some changes to the current situation of the nation?

Moreover, there seemed to be many people in the group who were masters of ancient martial arts.

If there was a chance, he could also ask these people for advice, which would not only allow him to further improve his martial arts, but also allow his apprentices to learn from him.

【One Man’s Martial Arts World]:

I don’t deserve to be the boss, Master Ye, you would have died of cancer, but now that you have joined the chat group, this will never happen!

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa]:

After joining the chat group, immortality is just the beginning! If you are interested in fencing, you can come to me, I am the God of Sword!

【[Fish seller Aqiang]:

That’s right, I was just a fish seller originally, but following these big guys in the group, I also learned a lot!

"Will I die of cancer?"

Yep Man thought about it and was not surprised by the answer.

This ending was normal.

However, what he wanted to know more was the future of the nation!

【Wing Chun Master Yip】:

@【One Man's Martial Arts World] Are you from the future? I wonder what China will look like in the future?

After posting this message, he felt a little disappointed and didn't dare to see the answer, because in the era he lives in now,

China is in a weak position and in turmoil.

He is worried that what he knows is a dark future!

【Sun Moon Master】:

@【Wing Chun Master Yip], which dynasty are you from?

【[Devil Sect Saint]:

I'll go first, I'm from the Sui Dynasty!! What about you, Master? Which dynasty are you from, Master Ye?

【Wing Chun Master Yip]:

I am from the Republic of China. In our era, there was no dynasty.

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]:

No emperor? The development of later generations is truly miraculous!

【[Devil's Saint]:

Without an emperor, I'm shocked! Wouldn't the world be in chaos? Who would govern the country?

【Sun and Moon Sect Leader]:

The era I live in is the Ming Dynasty

【Wing Chun Master Ye]:

After the Ming Dynasty was the Qing Dynasty, and after the Qing Dynasty was the Republic of China!

【Sun and Moon Sect Leader]:

So that’s how it is!

【One Man's Martial Arts World]:

After the Republic of China where Master Ye lived, there is the modern era where I live now. Thank you Master Ye for your concern. China is now doing well. It has become a world power and the lion has awakened!

【Ding! A screenshot was uploaded by a person's martial arts world!

Feng Yuxiu took a photo of a tall building and sent it to the group.

【Wing Chun Master Yeh]:

In the future, it is such a grand scene!!

Ye Wen looked at the photo, his body trembled with excitement, and his eyes became wet unconsciously.

【[The greatest emperor in history who swept across the six kingdoms]:

You are useless. Even if it is a dark future, the worst that can happen is that you can just attack me. Can't you see that I am attacking Gao Qiqiang's modern world?

@【Wing Chun Master Yip】!@【Demon Saint】!@【Sun Moon Cult Master]!

Lend me some points, and I will appoint you as the Grand Marshal of the Army!

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]:

Uh, how should I put it! This Ying Zheng is a little different from the Emperor Qin Shi Huang that I imagined!

【[Devil's Saint]:

Yes, it seems that there are some......Weird feeling!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]:

It’s not just the First Emperor! Later you will find that everyone in the group is a little different from what you imagined!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

So who was the first to start this bad trend?

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

That depends on who the first batch of members are! Laughing.JPG! Huang Rong

, who had taken the Enlightenment Pill and was concentrating on practicing the Huangquan General Principles, couldn't help but say

【One Man’s Martial Arts World]:

Is Persimmon one of the earliest veterans?

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Hehe, this persimmon came earlier than the immortals!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

This Marquis, the First Emperor, Persimmon, and the missing Second Palace Master were the first group of members to join the chat group, and then we met the Immortal!!

Thinking back to the day when the Immortal appeared in the chat group,

Zhu Wusi couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

Before the other party came, the four of them were still suspicious of each other, until the newcomer appeared, and this situation was directly broken, becoming a situation of one super and many strong.

So, the day when the Immortal joined in, there must have been a bug in the chat group, right?

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]:

Who is the Second Palace Master? Curious.JPG!

Dongfang Bubai couldn't help but ask, are there any missing members in the group?

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Oh! It’s the Nth day since I missed Sister Lianxing! Sigh.JPG!

【[Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

Palace Master Lianxing and Palace Master Yaoyue, they should still be alive, right? Maybe? Contemplating.JPG!

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

In short, the bad atmosphere in the group was brought up by Persimmon!! Dislike.JPG!

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

That’s right! Even back then, he was a shameless person. It’s hard to imagine that there would be such a weirdo in the world! Disdain.JPG!


【[Leader of the Tianxiahui]:

Sun Moon Sect Leader, do you want to dominate the martial arts world? I can send people to help you sweep the world!

From Dongfang Bubai's words,

Xiongba could feel that this might be another scheming and ambitious person!

As for Master Ye of Wing Chun, there is no need to say anything.

The Saint of the Demon Sect is even more stupid, probably the same type as Huang Rong, Persimmon and others.

But then again, such new talents are easier to fool.

I have to fool them later, help her become the queen or something, and directly attack that world. I don’t believe that I can’t trigger the task!

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]:

Oh? Can you send someone to help me? However, this Sect Leader does not believe that there is a free lunch in the world!

Dongfang Bubai really needs more power.

Seeing the news about Xiongba and thinking of the 100,000 post-natal realm gang members he mentioned, he was a little moved for a while.

If he can get the support of this group of forces, he will be able to firmly hold the position of the Sect Leader. It will be easy to dominate the martial arts world!

However, so far, she has not been able to completely believe these people in the group.

In addition, she is also very interested in the immortal who has been mentioned several times by everyone.

What kind of fate will she have?

What she cares more about is how her sister is now and where is she?

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