Ying Zheng finally reached an agreement with Xiong Ba and borrowed 100,000 points from him.

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:@【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal], is the immortal here? I want to exchange something that can block a nuclear bomb!

Lin Ge had just finished his training and was thinking.

The chat group gave him a chance to draw a lottery that day, but he actually drew the Investiture of the Gods.

Out of caution, Lin Ge decisively returned the Investiture of the Gods.

What a pity, the lottery was drawn in vain!

The chat group must have done it on purpose.

If they don't want to give the prize, just don't give it. Isn't this just playing a trick on themselves!

However, the Investiture of the Gods has appeared, which means that the catastrophe has begun.

Thinking of the tragic end of the Jiejiao people in the future, a huge sense of crisis enveloped Lin Ge.

"Looks like I have to speed up my progress!"

Lin Ge muttered to himself.

Then he heard a"ding" sound.

Who is tagging him?

Because the group is quite active and there are constant messages every day, Lin Ge has set up a message do not disturb function.

Only messages that are tagged to him can be known at any time.

Lin Ge opened the chat page and saw that the first emperor Ying Zheng was looking to buy defensive things.

"Defense against nuclear bombs?"

Although Lin Ge also uploaded some low-level defense skills and defense armor to the chat group's trading mall last time.

But that was for personal defense.

Obviously, when the First Emperor was making trouble in Gao Qiqiang's world, he should want group defense.

The nuclear bomb has such a large strike area, which is extremely disadvantageous to the First Emperor's Terracotta Army.

To deal with a mere nuclear bomb, Lin Ge certainly has many means.

But it may not be applicable to those mortals in the Zongwu world.

So the most expensive is not necessarily the best, the most applicable is the best!

After a while, Lin Ge selected a group defense item that is most suitable for the First Emperor and uploaded it to the chat group's trading mall.

【Ding! Jiejiao Celestial Immortal has uploaded a batch of new products! 】

Ying Zheng was still feeling uneasy.

Although immortals are not afraid of nuclear bombs, it is impossible to let immortals solve the problem every time!

Hearing the chat group notification sound, Ying Zheng immediately clicked on the trading mall

【Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Defense Array Talisman: 10,000 points per piece, seller: Jiejiao Tianxian】

【Product details: Group defense array talisman, defense array talisman. Can withstand a full-strength attack from the Xuanxian period! Can withstand 10,000 full-strength attacks from the Tianxian period! Can withstand one million nuclear bomb attacks! The defense range can cover the entire China! 】

The group was boiling!

Just such a thin piece of paper talisman can withstand the attack of the immortals, it's so awesome!

Sure enough, the immortals have a way!

Ying Zheng was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and immediately used 20,000 points to exchange for two Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams defense array talismans.

With the defense of this array talisman, no nuclear bomb is to be feared.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but regret it again.

If I had known that the immortal's defense treasure was only 10,000 points, I wouldn't have to be blackmailed by Xiongba for 10,000 points. This is a high interest rate! It's a pity that an agreement has been reached with him. As a dignified First Emperor, I can't go back on my word!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across Six Kingdoms in the History】: Nuclear bombs are no longer a threat, please come quickly to help me unify the world!

【[Iron-hearted Godly Marquis]: Should I also exchange one and put it in the Dragon Guard Villa?.JPG!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]: I really want to change a defensive formation and put it in the Beiliang Palace. Unfortunately, it's only 5,000 points!.JPG!

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]: Is it really that powerful? If I send out 30,000 disciples to unify the martial arts world, wouldn't there be zero casualties if I have such a defensive array talisman? It seems that I should also actively earn points!.JPG!

【Old Taoist Priest of Wudang]: If we have this collective defense array, then wouldn’t our Wudang Mountain be completely safe and secure?

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa]: What defense do you need! My sword is the best defense!

【The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]: My father personally arranged a defense formation on Peach Blossom Island, so there should be no need for this defense formation talisman, right?

【The Ultimate Killer】:@【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island] Can the defensive formation arranged by your father compare with the defensive formation talismans of the immortals?

【[Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]: You? @[Ultimate Killer King] If you can't speak, just don't speak, okay?

Third Master Xie Xiaofeng is confident, but Huang Rong is reluctant to give up her points. She still needs to save points to revive her mother!

【[Leader of the Tianxia Association]: Such a good group defense array talisman cannot be missed. When the First Emperor returns the points to me, I will buy it immediately!

Looking at the heated discussion in the group, Lin Ge smiled slightly.

This is the garbage array talisman that Master Bixiao studied when he was free. It was basically useless in the prehistoric world, but I didn’t expect it to come in handy today! The garbage of the prehistoric world is a supreme treasure in the various martial arts worlds. One piece is actually worth 10,000 points.

It is probably due to the amazing defensive power of the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Defense Array Talisman in the comprehensive martial arts world!


The Ugly White House.

A hawkish man with sinister eyes listened to his subordinates' reports.

"It's simply a fairy tale, unheard of! Qin Shi Huang, who died more than 2,000 years ago, is alive again? Are you sure it's not China trying to stir up trouble and use the so-called Qin Shi Huang as a scapegoat?"

The Eagle Sauce man doesn't believe this is true at all. He just thinks that the Chinese authorities want to be the boss, but they use the name of a dead man who died more than 2,000 years ago so that other countries can't catch them.

"Report to the Acting President, this is absolutely true. This is a high-definition picture taken by a satellite. A man wearing an ancient dragon robe leads millions of terracotta warriors to cause trouble all over the world! According to the news from China, the terracotta warriors and the remains of the First Emperor's Mausoleum have disappeared.……"

The intelligence officer's tone was positive.

Since Trump was exposed, Bai Deng has taken over the power and is currently serving as acting president.

His ambition is to be the world's boss.

Unexpectedly, Qin Shihuang in the Chinese mausoleum suddenly climbed out of the coffin and threatened to unify the world, with China as the supreme and all other countries as vassals.

Uncle can tolerate this,���Unbearable!

"I don't care whether this is true or false! China is trying to start the Third World War. If so, our ugly country will accompany us!"

The Eagle Sauce man said loudly,"Immediately contact the Eagle Country, the Kimchi Country, the Bear Country and other countries to form an alliance and jointly attack China!"

""Yeah, sir!" His men immediately went to do it!

Several countries united, and the huge modern state machine started to rumble.

The Third World War was about to break out!

The Chinese authorities were very confused! The inexplicable Qin Shihuang was resurrected!

Then without a word, he hurriedly took the millions of terracotta warriors in the mausoleum to make trouble everywhere.

For a time, countries around the world, including the United Nations, sent notes to China to protest and strongly condemned China's aggressive behavior.

Before they could react, the alliance composed of dozens of countries, large and small, headed by the Ugly Country officially declared war on China.

Multiple arms of the navy, army and air force set out to China together!

The Ugly Country even threatened to drop a nuclear bomb!

"Have we done nothing well? Who did we offend?"

The Chinese authorities were at a loss for words.

"Is this really World War III? Dozens of countries have united to attack China. This is purely a group fight, okay?"

More than a dozen important figures in China gathered in Zhong Nanhai's meeting room to discuss countermeasures.

"The ugly country has no moral principles! It was obviously caused by Qin Shi Huang, but he wants China to take the blame! I think he has evil intentions!"

"China does not provoke trouble, but is not afraid of trouble either!"

"That’s right, we love peace, but we are not afraid of war. If they come to our doorstep, we will just fight back!"

"He has nuclear bombs, so does China have nothing? If he dares to act first, we will definitely fight back. China is not so easy to bully!"

"But if it really comes to that, the Chinese people will suffer again!"

These bigwigs are concerned about the people and can't help but sigh.

At this time, the guards came to report

"Report to the leaders, there is someone outside who wants to see you, saying that it is related to the safety of China and must be reported to you in person!"


Who could it be?

The leaders looked puzzled.

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