The Ugly Country used coaxing, threats and intimidation to entangle dozens of countries, large and small, and prepared to besiege China.

However, before the siege plan could be implemented, the Ugly Country was attacked by millions of terracotta warriors led by the First Emperor.

Feng Yuxiu, Zhu Wushi and Xiongba were invited by the First Emperor to help.

The three of them led millions of terracotta warriors and divided their troops into three groups, marching straight into the border of the Ugly Country and heading straight for the White House.

"What do our ugly country soldiers do for? They are trained for a thousand days and deployed for a single day. Are the dignified ugly country soldiers not even as good as some sculptures?"

He stared with red eyes, and felt infinite fear in his heart.

"Use machine guns to shoot them, use artillery shells to bombard them, and make sure to stop them!"

"Report...Acting President," the intelligence chief hesitated,"These sculptures are very strange, they are invulnerable to guns and cannons!"

"What do you mean?"

Bai Deng didn't react.

"Guns and cannons are useless against the Terracotta Warriors!"

The top leaders of the Ugly Country all took a deep breath and were horrified!

Qin Shihuang had opened the live broadcast room since the beginning of the action.

Group members were watching the show in the live broadcast room.

【[Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island]: Wow, I didn’t expect these cute sculptures to be so resistant!

【Old Taoist Priest of Wudang: It cannot be penetrated by guns and cannot be damaged by artillery fire. So, what material is it made of?

【Persimmons in the Snow]: With these immortal sculptures rushing forward, wouldn't we be invincible?

【[Fishmonger Aqiang]: With the collective defense array talisman, we are not afraid of nuclear bombs, and it is just a matter of time for the First Emperor to complete his mission!

【Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: After the mission of Emperor Qin Shi Huang is completed, will these terracotta warriors be sold?

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: If you sell them, we will buy a few for Yihua Palace to guard the palace gate!

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]: Guarding the palace gate? That's all you want? I think it can be used to unify the martial arts world. @横扫六国千古一帝] If you don't want to sell the Terracotta Warriors, you can sell the technology to me!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:……!

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]: Wow, the two Palace Master sisters, you finally showed up. I thought you were completely missing!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]: By the way, where on earth were the two Palace Masters doing? Could you please tell us?

【The Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: Obviously it is inconvenient!

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: It is indeed inconvenient!

【[Devil's Saint]: Are these the two long-missing group members?

Ye Wen has been silent.

But the first emperor's move to unify China stimulated him, and Ye Wen felt his blood boiling and full of ambition!

""Master, what happened to the master?"

Two disciples finished their martial arts practice in the yard and were about to report their experience to the teacher, but they saw that the usually calm teacher looked excited.

The two disciples looked at each other in confusion and did not dare to disturb the master, but continued to practice.

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:@【Fishmonger Aqiang] Do you still have time to chat? Have you completed the task I assigned to you?

【Fish seller Aqiang]: Shi Huang, rest assured, everything is fine! The chief will personally arrange for someone to deliver the array talisman to the place you specified, and there will be special security measures. Thank you Shi Huang for giving me the opportunity to meet the chief!

【The greatest emperor who swept across the six kingdoms]: Don’t worry, I will not treat unfairly anyone who comes to help me!

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa】:@【[The greatest emperor in history who swept across the six kingdoms] Does the First Emperor still need manpower?

【Snow Persimmon]: The First Emperor is so biased, I actively applied to help you but you didn't even give me a chance!.JPG!

【The greatest emperor who swept across the six kingdoms]: Next time, when I recruit people, I will give you priority!


White House

"Use nuclear bombs! In the current situation, only the use of nuclear bombs can reverse the situation!"

After thinking for a long time, he finally made up his mind.

"Ah? Using nuclear bombs? Will the Acting President reconsider this?"

The Vice President of the Ugly Country was a little worried. Although the use of nuclear bombs was expected, the progress was too fast!

The sequelae would be huge!

"Yes, no more waiting?"

Another senior official seconded.

"What are you waiting for? The enemy is about to hit the White House, do we still have time to wait?"

Bai Deng shouted angrily,"I have made up my mind, you don't need to persuade me anymore. I order in the name of the Acting President to send a nuclear bomb immediately! Destination: one is China, two is the Terracotta Army of Qin Shihuang!"

Several senior officials of the Ugly Country widened their eyes and looked at Bai Deng in disbelief.

"Acting President, this may not be appropriate! It is fine to use nuclear bombs to attack China, but the Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang are now within the borders of our country!"

"Using nuclear bombs to attack Qin Shi Huang and the Terracotta Warriors is equivalent to attacking our own country!"

"Please think twice, Acting President!"

"Don't I know the consequences of using nuclear bombs in my own country? But for the sake of the country, there is nothing we can do about sacrificing a few states. Who told them to be ineffective in defending against the enemy!"

Bai Deng sneered:"Would you rather be caught by Qin Shi Huang than use nuclear bombs? If so, I have nothing to say!"

The acting president's words were deafening, and the rest of the people shut their mouths and said nothing.

The next day, dozens of missiles were launched from the Ugly Country military base at the same time, flying towards China and the three armies of the First Emperor.

One missile flew to each of the three armies of the First Emperor, and the rest were all thrown to China.

Almost at the same time, the world was shocked and public opinion was in an uproar!

"Is the Ugly Country crazy? Dropping a nuclear bomb on its own land?"

"This ugly country is truly crazy. It actually dropped so many nuclear bombs on China. Is it trying to wipe out China in one fell swoop?"

"The ugly country regards human life as worthless! How many innocent people will suffer now!"

"I’m afraid that China will be completely destroyed by these dozens of nuclear bombs!"

"If the ugly country drops a nuclear bomb on its own land, aren't they afraid of being affected?"

In Qin Shihuang's live broadcast room, the group of people were stunned.

The strong and dazzling light made everyone dare not look directly at it. The mushroom cloud rose to the sky, which was spectacular.

【[Devil's Saint]: Wow, this is a nuclear bomb? I actually saw it with my own eyes?

【The Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: I have never heard of it, I have never seen it before, this is a powerful weapon!

【[Sun Moon Sect Leader]: I didn't expect that people in later generations could create such a powerful weapon. I really admire it!

Then something unexpected happened to everyone.

After the devastating explosion of the nuclear bomb, the destruction of China did not happen as expected.

Everything was as usual!

Qin Shihuang and his Terracotta Warriors were also intact.

It was like a nuclear bomb attack, and it was a lonely explosion!

Things are not over yet!

All the attacks turned back from the original route.

They went back to where they came from. All the destructive power was returned to the military base that launched the nuclear bomb by a mysterious force.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ten major military bases that the Ugly Country had been secretly operating for many years were razed to the ground!

The world's most advanced weapons were destroyed!

The images sent by satellites in real time were transmitted to the leaders of various countries.

The world was shocked again!

"Hahahaha, God bless China!"

"China is protected by a mysterious power and is indestructible!"

"Our great China is the most powerful country in the world!"

"The First Emperor is powerful! The First Emperor is amazing!"

Chinese people all over the world are celebrating the safety of China!

Celebrating that the First Emperor and his Terracotta Warriors are intact!

"Is this considered a passive attack? No wonder the trading mall priced it at 10,000 points per unit!"

Lin Ge was also paying attention to the progress of the incident. After all, he was also curious about the power of the defensive array talisman that his master made casually.

However, the ugly country and the countries that are close to the ugly faction are trembling in fear!

The most powerful killing weapon can't move China at all. Who else in the world can compete with it?

The first emperor pointed the sword in his hand forward, and the three groups of people went to Huashengdun and surrounded the White House.

"It's over!"

Bai Deng collapsed on the ground.

The situation was hopeless, and the only way out was surrender!

More than a hundred countries, big and small, led by the Ugly Country, sent letters of surrender to China, willing to accept China's leadership.

A few neutral countries, in front of the First Emperor and his Terracotta Warriors, could no longer maintain a neutral stance and threw themselves into China's arms.

So far, the world is unified, and China is respected!

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