[Ding! The Qin Shi Huang's comeback single-player mission has been successfully completed! Points have been issued to the account of [Sweeping the Six Kingdoms, the Eternal Emperor]! ] Is it done?

Ying Zheng was ecstatic, and his young and handsome face was full of satisfaction.

Although he completed the unification of China in Gao Qiqiang's world, Ying Zheng was also quite proud.

It's just that the people in this world are too afraid of death!

I haven't started a massacre yet, I just gave them a simple deterrent, and they surrendered!

Looking at the full 500,000 points in the account, Ying Zheng couldn't help but be happy.

It's a pity that these 500,000 points don't belong to him completely!

I have to give Gao Qiqiang this kid 50,500 points, and the remaining 500 points are the reward for him to deliver the formation talisman!

I also have to give 10,000 points to each of the three helpers I invited.

In addition, I spent 20,000 points to buy the formation talisman.

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that Xiongba also blackmailed me with a high interest of 10,000.

All in all, I earned a full 389,500 points for this mission.

I wonder if these points can be traded for some good treasures from the immortal!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:

@【Fish seller Ah Qiang】@【Iron-hearted God】@【Tianxiahui Gang Leader】@【[One Man's Martial Arts] Your rewards have been sent to your accounts, please check!

【Fish seller Aqiang]: The money has been received! The First Emperor is generous!

【Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]: Already received! The First Emperor is straightforward!

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader]: The money has arrived! The First Emperor keeps his word!

【One Man's Martial Arts]: Already received! Please remember to look for me next time, Emperor Qin Shi Huang!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:

【[Red Envelope] @Everyone, receive the red envelope and share my happiness!

【Ding! [Ultimate Killer King] received the red envelope and got 1 point!】

【The Ultimate Killer】:……?

【Ding! [Persimmon in the Snow] received the red envelope and got 20 points!】

【Ding! [Little Chef from Peach Blossom Island] received the red envelope and got 55 points!】


Except for Lin Ge, everyone received the red envelope.

Lin Ge was also immersed in joy at this time.

When Qin Shihuang heard the chat group prompt, Lin Ge also received the chat group prompt

【Ding! The member Jiejiao Tianxian provided key help for Qin Shihuang to complete the mission, changing the fate of China and countless people! Get a chance to draw a lottery! Feedback a strand of the origin of the world!!

I didn't expect to get such a generous reward just by providing some items this time.

I wonder what prize I can draw this time?

How much can this strand of the origin of the world improve my realm?

Lin Ge was very excited and turned to ponder!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:

@【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal], please ask the immortal to receive the red envelope!

No response

【The greatest emperor of all time who swept across the six kingdoms]: The immortal is not online?

【[Little Cook from Peach Blossom Island]: The Immortal must be busy! I didn’t have time to receive the red envelope!

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: The immortal must be practicing, he didn’t see the red envelope!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]: The Immortal is really too hardworking! Idol!

【[Ultimate Killer King]: Did the immortal think the red envelope was too small?

@【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor in history], how about the First Emperor send a new one to attract the attention of the immortals?

【The greatest emperor who swept across the six kingdoms throughout history]:

The re-issued red envelope is also an exclusive red envelope for immortals. Do you think I don’t know what you are up to?

【The Ultimate Killer King]: Qin Shi Huang, you are the emperor, you have to be magnanimous!

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages]: If I am not generous, can you get the red envelope? If you want to trick me into giving you a red envelope, no way!

Suddenly, a reminder sounded in the chat group.

【Ding! [Jiejiao Celestial Immortal] received the red envelope and got 666 points! 】

The immortal is online!

The two stopped immediately, fearing to disturb the immortal.

Lin Ge came back to his senses from his contemplation. He had already made a plan to help all the worlds and change their fate and even the fate of the country.

This is a good thing of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. I have no reason to refuse.

I looked through the chat history and did not speak in the group first, but uploaded a few new products.

The life span of mortals is limited, so let's start by extending their life span!

【Ding! Jiejiao Tianxian uploaded a batch of new products!】

【Ding! Jiejiao Tianxian uploaded a batch of new products!】

【Ding! Jiejiao Tianxian uploaded a batch of new products!

The continuous reminder sound stimulated everyone, and the group members clicked on the trading mall to browse

【Spiritual Grade 1 Zengyuan Yanshou Pill: 1,000 points per pill, seller: Jiejiao Tianxian】

【Product details: It can extend your life by 100 years, effective from the first tablet taken!】

【Spiritual Grade 2 Zengyuan Yanshou Pill: 2,000 points per pill, seller: Jiejiao Tianxian】

【Product details: It can extend your lifespan by 200 years, effective from the first pill taken!】

【Spiritual level three Zengyuan Yanshou Pill: 3,000 points per pill, seller: Jiejiao Tianxian】

【Product details: It can extend your life by 300 years, effective when you take the first pill! 】

After checking the product usage details, the group members were pleasantly surprised!

The immortals are really considerate!

Knowing that we mortals have a limited life span, who doesn’t want to live longer!

Even if everyone has obtained the immortal cultivation method given by the immortals and started to practice, it is not easy to practice due to insufficient spiritual energy in the mortal world. It is possible that you will be stuck at a certain point and fail to make a breakthrough.

It is not impossible that you will die with hatred because of insufficient life span.

This longevity pill is really a must-have product!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]: What a good thing! My old Xu needs it!

【The greatest emperor who swept across the six kingdoms throughout history]: I like treasures that can prolong life the most, although it is far from the immortality I pursue!

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]: Oh my god, this longevity pill is simply amazing. I was worried that I would be too slow in my cultivation and get stuck at some point, and then die with regrets because my life would not be long enough!

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa]: Products made by immortals must be top quality! Without points, you can see but not buy..JPG!


【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]: The stuff is good, but the quantity is not large, only 30 pills of each kind, I will buy 5 of each first!

Zhu Wusi immediately clicked on the commodity transaction, bought 5 pills of each of the first, second and third grades, and spent 30,000 points.

With Zhu Wusi's start, 90 Zengyuan Yanshou Pills were snapped up.

In the Yihua World, Yaoyue and Lianxing stared at each other.

Yaoyue felt a little disappointed:"Sister, you have been in the chat group for so long, but you don't have any savings?"

Lianxing lowered her head in shame,

"Sister, this depends on luck! However,"

Lian Xing raised her head and said excitedly,

"But if we can trigger the mission, thousands of points are not a dream!"

"Triggering the mission?"

Yao Yue lowered her head and fell into deep thought.

【Ultimate Killer]: Is it gone now? You guys are so quick! I'm so jealous.JPG!

【Persimmon in the Snow]: Even if you keep it, do you have the points to buy it?.JPG!

【Ultimate Killer King]: Persimmon, why do you have to be so hurtful when you talk!.JPG!

【One Man's Martial Arts]: I was too slow, so I only got a third-grade one! By the way, taking the third-grade one first will not affect the effect of taking the first and second grades later, right? Please help me, immortal!

【Jiejiao Celestial Immortal]: There is no particular order of taking, please feel free to take it!

Lin Ge smiled and replied.

This wave has earned 180,000 points, enough for another breakthrough.

Sitting cross-legged in the cave, Lin Ge decided to improve his realm.

【The function of shielding the secrets of heaven has been activated, the function of breaking through the realm has been activated, and we will start to draw high-level energy sources for you!】

【Ding! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the eighth level of Golden Immortal! Consumed 43,000 points!】

【Ding! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the ninth level of the Golden Immortal! Consumed 45,000 points!】

【Ding! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the first level of Taiyi Golden Immortal! Consumed 60,000 points!】

【Ding! This breakthrough is over! A total of 148,000 points consumed! 32,000 points remaining! 】

Hey! From the ninth level of the Golden Immortal to the first level of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, an increase of 15,000 points actually occurred?

It seems that the higher the realm, the more points need to be consumed.

Just as Lin Ge was thinking, the chat group reminder sounded in his mind again.

【Ding! Chat group upgrade detected! Daily sign-in increases from 1 point per day to 100 points per day!】

【Added the function of shielding the aura of cultivation! As long as the person deliberately hides it, no one below the saint can see it! 】

Upgraded again?

It can't be such a coincidence!

My chat group will also be upgraded if I upgrade?

Don't worry about it. When Lin Ge heard the new function, he was happy.

This function of shielding cultivation is good and more suitable for me.

Otherwise, every time the master sees me, she will be stunned. I can't let her fragile heart be stimulated.

Lin Ge felt that Master Bixiao was obviously shocked by the discovery of her realm's significant improvement recently.

Other members in the group also received the prompt sound and expressed their opinions.

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