I Am Not Really Related

Chapter 524 Entering the Lair

Kate is actually a good hunter, but because the teacher is Jin, the unreliable guy, she usually keeps a low profile and doesn't do things that show off.

But whoever dares to underestimate Kate will inevitably pay a heavy price.

But it was Kate like this who suffered a disastrous defeat in front of Neferbite.

This is enough to prove that the chimeric ant incident is rapidly getting out of control!

Kate, who was not slightly injured, saw the situation clearly, and quickly left here with Qi Ya and Xiaojie.

As Zhenyang said, the next battle is not something they can participate in at all.

No matter how unwilling you are, you have to admit this.

Then dawn came, and a jeep drove up from a distance.

"I hope we're not too late." The three figures jumped out of the car.

"President Netero?!"

Wrapping up the wound with thoughts, Kate, who was holding on, was surprised at first when she saw the person coming, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

If there was more than one monster encountered last night, ordinary hunters would just die!

If Nitero had come in person, he would have had a better chance of winning.

But only comparing Nian's threat, Kate had to admit that none of the three in front of her might be the opponents of that 'Catwoman', unless they were also like that man who forcibly sealed her strength with a Nian.

"Even you have suffered such a serious injury. It seems that the situation is deteriorating very quickly." Nitro looked at Kate's injury and was a little surprised, but his heart was calm.

Because Kate is still alive, it proves that the situation has not deteriorated to an irreversible situation, which is considered a blessing in misfortune.

However, what Kate said next made Nitro lose the smile on his face, leaving only seriousness.

"The chimera ants who master the mind, and are powerful enough to crush you? Oh, this is really bad news."

If you really want to say that it is crushing, it is not always true, because Kate lost an arm in order to protect Xiaojie and Qiya when she came up.

As a senior hunter, the loss of his right arm will naturally have a very serious impact on his own strength. After all, not everyone is Yang Guo.

It's really a fair fight, even if Kate will still lose in the end, it won't be so ugly.

But Kate doesn't care about these, and she won't explain anything for her failure.

If his fiasco can make Chairman Nitro pay more attention to it, then what's the point of losing face?

"Now Chiya's eldest brother has gone to the queen's nest alone, and asked me to pass a word to President Netero"

"What words?"

"Don't let those trash hunters come to die again."

As soon as the words came out, Nitro didn't say anything. Behind him, Mo Laowu, who was unrestrained and unrestrained and carrying a huge 'weapon', and Nobu, who was wearing a pair of glasses with a vague look of arrogance, couldn't help laughing.

The former is a hearty and indifferent smile, while the latter is an unhappy sneer.

Although the other party's intention for saying this should be good, but in the end they really scolded the two of them.

Because the two of them are the two 'trash hunters' brought by Nitro this time.

"I haven't seen him yet, so my tone is serious. Don't wait for us to arrive, and you won't even have the chance to collect his body." Nobu pushed his glasses with a sense of sarcasm.

Mo Lao Wu didn't say anything, but he was very satisfied with the current combination.

It can be said that the two of them are two helpers carefully selected by Nitero, and they came here to hunt down chimeric ants.

In this regard, Kate did not explain anything for Zhenyang, because without seeing and experiencing the extreme evil thoughts in person, it is impossible to imagine how far the chimera ants have grown.

Maybe his previous misfortune would be regarded by the other party as his dishonesty.

Just because Kate didn't speak, doesn't mean others didn't speak either.

Qi Ya sneered directly, and said: "Some people are talking nicely now, but they are afraid that they will pee their pants when they see chimeric ants. But it's okay, if you are afraid, hide quickly, anyway, my elder brother is the same can be resolved."

A 'well' character popped out on Nobu's forehead immediately.

"Without shame, would I be afraid of a group of 'ants'?"

"I hope that after I really see it, I can still keep such a stubborn mouth." Qi Ya said with a smile, that expression was very unbearable.

"I can let you experience it now."

At this time, everyone only thought that Qi Ya was just talking, and no one would take it seriously, let alone think that Nobu would pee his pants in such a fright.

That's outrageous!

But after a while, they will know that the reality is often more outrageous than imagined!

"Okay, Nobu." Nitro stopped Nobu from bullying the little. However, it is actually preventing Nobu from committing suicide, after all, it is too easy for Qi Ya's elder brother to kill him

"I left Bisji and Pam Siberia in the outer town, you can find them for help."

After inquiring about the direction of the queen ant's nest, Nitro and the others immediately started on their way, and then left the jeep in the future to Kate and the others.

Now Kate is in urgent need of treatment. If she is lucky, the broken arm may be reconnected.

Besides, Xiaojie had a guilty expression on his face.

He always felt that Kate wouldn't have had an arm cut off if it wasn't for his protection.

If he could pick it up, Xiaojie would feel much better.

At the same time, after killing the fledgling Nephibit, Zhenyang immediately headed towards the queen's nest.

At this moment, he finally came to the bottom of the volcano-like lair.

"Finally found you, little ant."

Zhen Yang looked up, and then rushed in as if no one else was there.


"Catch him quickly and dedicate it to Her Majesty the Queen!"

Once inside, all kinds of chimeric ants with strange shapes rioted.

After all, no human has ever dared to take the initiative to come in.

But they didn't think too much, and rushed forward with a whimper.

Zhenyang moved his hands and feet, and then came first, rushed into the chimeric ant colony in an instant and started the slaughter with his bare hands!

Whether it is accurate or not is the difference between surgery and slaughter!

He didn't even use the calamity's calamity, but relying on his instinct and superb killing skills, Zhenyang launched an extremely bloody killing waltz in the lair.

The hand knife easily cut the surrounding chimeric ants in half. The powerful force allowed him to blow the opponent's head with every punch, and the ghostly speed would not let any ant go.

Tick, tick.

When Zhenyang's warm-up was over, there were no living creatures left, only broken corpses left on the ground.

But these chimeric ants are just cannon fodder.

God knows how many soldier ants the queen has produced.

So he continued to go deeper, and behind him there were chimera ants who could read, as well as division commanders and legion commanders waiting for him.

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