I Am Not Really Related

Chapter 525: Assembly of Warcraft

"Yupi, where are you going?"

In the nest, a voice sounded.

It was a handsome man in an elegant dress with two butterfly antennae on his head.

Owl Yapf, one of the guards directly under the yet-to-be-born 【King】.

The one called Youpi is a muscular man with a purple body all over, and he is the same member of the [King]'s direct guard with Xiaoyapf and Neferbit who has been killed by Zhenyang.

"I'm hungry, there's an intruder."

"Don't be careless. Not long ago, Neferbit's aura suddenly disappeared. I suspect it has something to do with the current intruder."

"Don't compare that kitten to me."

As the only one of the three guards that does not contain human genes, Mengtu Yupi, who is purely produced by a mixture of monster genes, is the strongest in body, but at the same time the least good at thinking, so reckless is over.

Owlyapov was a little helpless, but didn't say anything.

It would be good to let Yupi test the intruder's strength.

. . . . . . . . .



When Zhenyang blasted the upper half of a chimeric ant with another punch, the ground was once again covered with corpses.

And unlike the previous cannon fodder, these chimera ants have been able to roughly use their minds to increase their attack power.

This somewhat added some obstacles to Zhenyang's process of tearing the ants apart.

Oh, and those division chiefs.

Each of them had their own ghosts, but they all hid and didn't show up. They didn't know what they were waiting for.

Suddenly, a loud noise attracted Zhen Yang's attention.

He saw a tall and strong figure crushing the stone layer and falling directly in front of him.

The thought that was born with it suddenly exploded!

Different from Nifebit's thoughts, Yupi's thoughts are full of wildness, cruelty and killing, just like a bloodthirsty monster!

However, as if stimulated by Youpi, the killing intent and destructive desire that Zhenyang has been controlling all along also bottomed out and rebounded!

The thoughts full of destruction, ominousness and calamity fought back brazenly and suppressed them back!

The two thoughts are entangled together, making the smell in the air even more terrifying!

"You killed Neferbit, and I feel her persistent and endless resentment from you."

Yupi said very firmly.

"If you mean the disobedient kitten, I did give her a ride. Why, do you want to avenge her?"

Zhenyang said indifferently, he has experienced this kind of resentment too much, as the saying goes, if you have too many debts, you will not worry, and if you have too many lice, you will not itch.

Nephibit has already defrauded the corpse once, are you afraid that she will defraud again?

"No, I'm just ashamed. As the [King's] direct guard, I was actually killed by a human being. I should thank you for removing that trash in advance." Youpi grinned.

in advance?

In other words, [Ant King] has not yet been born.

Under Zhenyang's perception, he did not find the breath of another dimension of [Ant King].

This couldn't help but make the arc of the corner of his mouth slightly wider and longer, and then he said pointedly: "Don't worry, I will send you to reunite soon. I really don't know that the little cat in hell heard what you said to her Wouldn’t it be sad to comment on it?”

"Tch, who cares about the attitude of the dead."

"It's true, so promise me to wait a while and don't think about running away, okay? Today I just want to kill you, or be killed by you."

"Interesting, it's really interesting! Hahaha, if you can do it, then come!"

As he said that, Yupi immediately threw a brutal punch!

And Zhenyang raised an arm, opened his palm to take it steadily.


The ground couldn't bear the aftermath and was crushed by Zhenyang.

Then Yupi landed another punch.

Zhenyang still took it in the same posture, and the emphasis was on a head-to-head!

"The strength is good, but is it only this level?"

Yupi laughed, and suddenly laughed ferociously, "So, can you still say such things?"

The back muscles squirmed non-stop, and suddenly two thick and strong arms grew out of Yupi's back, very much like the Tianjin rice when watching Dragon Ball.

So what if both arms were taken off?

If you are capable, you can take over all four arms!

bang bang bang.

Under Yupi's storm of attacks, Mayang let him go, just crossing his arms in front of his head.


Thoughts that are almost condensed into substance cover the surface of the body.

Each of Yupi's punches was enough to kill a Nobu, but it didn't make any waves when it landed on Zhenyang.

Failure to gain an advantage in the quality and total amount of thoughts means that skills will play a large role.

And obviously Yupi at this moment still doesn't know how to use skills such as [wrap], [circle], [flow], [tighten].

But this aspect is precisely Zhenyang's strong point!

He has perfected every skill in using thoughts.

His only disadvantage now is probably that this human body is not as powerful as the opponent's monster body.

So when Yupi swung Zhenyang back with his last punch, plowing two marks on the ground, he couldn't help frowning unexpectedly.

And Zhenyang moved his somewhat numb arm, twisted his neck, and asked, "That's it?"

"If this is all you can do, then you can die now."

Just as the word "dead" fell, Yupi was stunned, because it found that the opponent's figure suddenly disappeared.

No, it's not that he disappeared, but that he didn't know when he walked behind him.

So fast!

Then in the next moment, a huge gash was split in his neck, and blood gushed out, bared several meters away!

But Zhenyang didn't seem very satisfied.

Because he originally wanted to take off the opponent's head directly, but the defensive power of this guy's body somewhat exceeded his expectations, so in the end he only made a cut.

Yupi stretched out his hands to cover the wound on his neck in shock and anger, and it was almost healed in an instant!

Born from the fusion of countless monster genes, he can freely manipulate his body to make any changes, just like growing two arms on his back before.

So for an ordinary person, a cut in the neck may not be far from death, but for Yupi, it is not even a minor injury.

But although it doesn't hurt much, it's extremely insulting!

He was almost decapitated just now? !

Angry, shocked, ashamed!

With the growth of anger, Yupi's body and the total amount of thoughts in his body are growing rapidly!

Just like Hulk, anger is his source of strength, the more angry he becomes, the stronger he becomes!

Coupled with that hard-to-kill body, it can be said that, to a certain extent, Yupi is unsolvable unless he can be killed instantly!

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