I Am Not Really Related

Chapter 526 God's Wrath and Heaven's Punishment

In a sense, Yupi's ability is indeed a bit stupid.

In the original book, except that Nephibit was indeed killed by human beings, Xiaoyapf and Mengtu Yupi both died together under the "Poor Man's Rose" in order to save the Ant King .

What is 【Poor Man's Rose】?

It's a nuclear bomb!

It is the highest level weapon in the hunter world!

If there is no such thing, probably after Nitero's death, the ant king will be able to occupy the whole world.

But this time is different, because compared to the cheating ant king, there is also a cheating hunter or killer.

Take out the shark muscle, and want to explode in full force!

Shark Muscle · Eat Qi Slash!


Yupi, who had just rushed over, was immediately torn open with a hideous and terrifying wound on his chest.

He widened his eyes and saw that the strange knife not only seemed to have devoured part of his thoughts, but it was still chewing his flesh and blood? !

"It seems that your meat tastes good. Shark muscle likes to eat it very much."

"Want to eat me? I'll eat you first!"

Youpi became more and more angry, and his body grew a lot bigger. The thought that was swallowed just now was not only replenished, but even more!


The walls crumbled and stones flew.

At the last moment, Zhenyang sidestepped and dodged, and then grabbed the shark muscle and tore a strip of flesh from Yupi.

But this time Yupi didn't just get beaten and didn't fight back, just heard a slap!

I don't know when a powerful tail that grew out strangely directly flew Zhenyang away.

At the same time, Yupi deformed again, covering his whole body with hard pangolin scales, and then he plunged into the ground with a slam.

Zhenyang had just stood up from the pile of rubble, and he didn't even bother to check the wound on his back, when the ground under his feet exploded, and a real monster jumped out of it.

But Zhenyang, who seemed to be caught off guard, was actually prepared long ago.

Nian, flow in the right foot.

Kick up!

Before Yupi's ferocious sharp teeth bit Zhenyang's body, his lower jaw was severely injured in an instant, and his whole body fell into a short-lived state of floating.

Then Zhenyang subconsciously slashed Yupi's throat with a swinging hand knife.

Shark Muscle Flying Chain Slash!

The shark muscle was thrown out, and the first to catch up with the flying figure of Yupi in midair, and then precisely opened his big mouth and bit Yupi's head.


Shark muscle just bit Yupi's head and hit it heavily on the surrounding wall, then Zhenyang flicked it hard, and the force was transmitted to the blade through the handle extending more than ten meters long, and then took Yupi His body kept rubbing against the walls around him, beating him repeatedly!

Yupi closed his eyes tightly without any resistance.

But every time he is attacked, his body will become bigger, and the total amount of thoughts will also increase.

This means that Yupi has fallen into extreme anger at this moment!

Then all of a sudden, Zhenyang realized that he hadn't pulled the shark muscle.

Looking again, Yupi stood up at some point, and then his feet sank into the ground, and his hands grabbed the upper and lower jaws of the shark muscle, and he was wrestling with him at this time.

Zhen Yang frowned, "Come back."

Sharkskin immediately expressed reluctance, as if to say: "Wait a little longer, I will be able to bite off this guy's dog's head!"

However, the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

Relying on strong strength, Yupi is opening the mouth of the shark muscle bit by bit, exposing the head inside.

Seeing that the prey was about to run away, and that he was about to be torn apart, the shark muscle was finally frightened, and quickly shrunk in size, got rid of the opponent with a swipe, and shrank back.

"Greedy, I'm not afraid of spoiling my stomach." Zhenyang's face darkened for a while.

Seeing that he was angry, Sharkis immediately stuck out his tongue to please him, and licked his face twice.

"Go away, lick the dog!"

Zhenyang slapped the shark muscles away with a slap, and then looked at Yupi, who had become stronger than before.

"Repent before you die, you shouldn't have angered me like this!"

There was no smile on Youpi's face, and the momentum on his body became stronger and stronger.

Immediately afterwards, the scattered scales on his body receded, and before Darwin's coffin was restrained with the Poseidon needle, Yupi chose to become a centaur!

In this form, his speed will be greatly enhanced, and his strength will not be weakened, it is undoubtedly the strongest form!


Zhen Yang jumped back in time, but still showed a surprised look, and a bloodstain immediately appeared on his arm.

Youpi has been getting stronger all the time, and the speed of explosion after transformation has indeed exceeded his expectations.

Swish Swish Swish!

In the blink of an eye, Zhen Yang had several more wounds on his body.

"Is this not enough, human! Hahaha!" Yupi was laughing wildly. The humiliation he suffered before must be returned ten times and a hundred times to this hateful human being.

But Zhenyang suddenly withdrew his shark muscles and began to slowly adjust his breathing.

"Why, are you giving up now? Bring me some more fun!"

Ignoring the other party's noise, Zhenyang seemed to be self-conscious and said: "Do you know how to write the word [disaster]?"

"Well, what?"

"Do you know what the real [disaster] is?"

When these words were uttered, all the thoughts in Zhenyang's body suddenly burst out, and then a huge figure whose face could not be seen formed behind him.

At this time, Zhenyang was still talking to himself, "The calamity's calamity, the god in charge of disasters, is also my ability. Because the destructive power is too powerful and cannot be finely manipulated, in order not to hurt And my family, I let Il fans use 108 chanting needles to seal my chanting, which is actually sealing the real 'God of Calamity'."

"So did you see the real... natural disaster?"

Youpi forcibly suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and rushed over, "What kind of disaster is not a disaster, do you think you can scare me with this kind of thing?!"

Zhenyang sighed, "It seems that you really don't understand anything, so let me show you a real natural disaster."

I saw him ignoring Yupi who was rushing fast, and raised his head, as if seeing the sky through the stone wall.

And the huge phantom behind him also raised his hand, as if picking up the stars and the moon!

At the same time, many people in the NGL autonomous country raised their heads at the same time, and sat down on the ground with dull faces.

A huge meteorite burning with raging fire had already penetrated the clouds and appeared right above the queen ant's nest.

What is disaster?

The real disaster refers to the natural disaster doomsday of course!

On May 14, 2000, a meteorite fell from the sky in the NGL autonomous country attacked by chimeric ants!

Mengma, the primeval forest, was destroyed in an instant, and the raging fire burned for three days and three nights before it was extinguished.

Some people call it God's Wrath and Heaven's Punishment!

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