I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 109 Gwen: I will weave you into the web of fate

After being knocked to the ground, the Daywalker quickly turned over and stood up.

The vampire's attack followed him like a shadow.

Gwen shot out spider silk from his wrist, knocking away the enemy who was approaching and covering the Daywalker.


The Daywalker stood up and pulled the trigger, and the bullet whizzed towards the vampire.

The strong shock force knocked the screaming vampire out, and blood splashed into the air with a fishy smell.

The Daywalker, with an unchanged expression, pulled the trigger and took out a dart in his palm with one hand, stabbing the vampire on his side.

The silver dart stabbed the opponent, and then he kicked out and hit the vampire heavily to the ground.

With a "bang", the ground was shaken slightly.

Turning the dart in his hand, he quickly shot it out.

The dart penetrated the vampire's chest and nailed deeply into the wall.

Although the Daywalker quickly dealt with several vampires, more came up.

The new type of vampire that can move instantly and has amazing power is completely different from the cannon fodder vampire he had fought before.

On the other side.

Gwen felt restless.

She thought she could deal with a few vampires with her strength.

With the help of this person called Daywalker, she thought she could easily get rid of this group of vampires, but she didn't expect that the other party was so difficult.

With a "bang", Gwen turned and kicked.

She concentrated all her strength on her fist and hit the opponent's head.

Although her strength increased a lot after becoming Spider-Woman, she had not received systematic training and was fighting simply with her innate talent.

This means of killing was obviously not as efficient as Daywalker.

Just as the two were gradually falling behind, something happened suddenly.

A figure jumped down from the sky.

Peter, covered with a black exoskeleton, appeared on the battlefield.


The fast and amazing fist suddenly hit a vampire's head.

The huge force directly bombarded it and caused it to explode.

With the birth of a cloud of blood mist, the vampire was killed instantly.

Then Peter leaned forward, and countless black rainstorm bullets emerged from behind him.

The corrosive rain of bullets carrying great power instantly hit all the enemies present.

It was like a sudden rainstorm, intensively and accurately hitting every blood-sucking creature.

The corrosiveness of the black bullets instantly penetrated into the bodies of these blood-sucking creatures.

The teeth-grinding corrosion sound rang out, accompanied by the painful roars of these blood-sucking creatures.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sounds rang out one after another, and countless vampires fell to the ground, gradually corroded in the painful howling.

More vampires rushed up, but their fate was the same as those vampires who were wailing in pain.

The whole alley was filled with an increasingly unpleasant smell.

Gwen finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Peter appear.

She had full confidence in Peter's strength.

The result was not unexpected, and Peter successfully solved this group of guys.

The Daywalker on the other side looked at Peter who suddenly appeared, and then put away his shotgun after a slight start.

But he still looked at the guy in front of him with vigilance, who gave him an ominous sign.

He smelled the smell of a blood-sucking creature from Peter.

Although the smell was a bit strange.

"It seems that you are in trouble."

After killing these vampires, Peter said to Gwen.

"It's not a big trouble, but thank you for your help."

Gwen almost called out Peter's name.

But considering that there were other people at the scene, she had to pretend to be unfamiliar.

This kind of wearing a mask and pretending not to know each other made Gwen feel strange.

It felt like acting on the stage with a mask on.

Peter didn't know the messy thoughts in Gwen's mind.

He turned his attention to the guy wearing sunglasses and a cool guy expression.

Looking at the other party's outfit, he quickly recognized the other party's identity.

Blade, formerly known as Eric Brooks.

Because his mother was bitten by a vampire when she was about to give birth to him and died after he was born, he has half-human and half-vampire blood, and he became a vampire hunter when he grew up.

He has strength, speed, senses and endurance far beyond ordinary people. His weapon is a silver long sword, and he is also proficient in various firearms.

The black man in front of him is exactly the same.

"Are you Blade Warrior?"

Peter asked the other party.

"I prefer the name 'Daywalker'."

Blade put the silver sword behind his back and said to Peter warily: "I've heard of you, Spider-Man."

Peter saw that the other party was wary of him, "Really? It seems that my reputation is not bad, but why do you still hold a dart in your hand?"

Peter pretended to be puzzled, "Am I also your hunting target?"

Blade didn't expect Peter to see the dart in his hand. He showed it and said to Peter: "No, but you alerted me. I smelled the same smell as a vampire on you. Although it is different, it is more dangerous."

Gwen, who was next to him, was a little puzzled when she heard the other party say that Peter smelled like a vampire.

"No, it won't."

Gwen frowned and said to Blade Warrior: "He is not a vampire."

Peter nodded and did not refute the other person's words. Instead, he took a step closer to the blade and asked him: "Then why do I smell a stronger scent than vampires on you?"

Peter said casually: "Maybe... because we are the same kind of people."

Although he appeared to be very nonchalant, the blade felt like it was facing a powerful enemy.

He wanted to shoot the dart out of his hand, but his heart kept reminding him.

Once he shoots the dart, he may be counterattacked by this guy.

Although he believes in his own power.

But at this moment, he felt that the half-vampire guy in front of him was the biggest opponent he had ever encountered.

Just as he hesitated, a siren suddenly sounded in the distance.

Realizing that it was not a good place to stay for a long time, he put away his darts, took a deep look at Peter, then turned around and left quickly.

"Stop being in a daze!"

After Blade left, Peter patted Gwen on the head, "Unless you want to be caught red-handed by your dad!"

Hearing Peter say this, Gwen immediately became excited.

"That's really an extremely bad result!"

As Gwen said this, she shot out spider silk from her wrist, pulled herself from the alley to the tall building, and followed Peter's footsteps.

"Why did he say you smell like a vampire?"

Standing on the rooftop of a high-rise building, Gwen asked Peter doubtfully.

"Probably because I killed a lot of vampire creatures."

Peter rambled to Gwen.

At the same time, he watched Gwen's expression to see if she asked about the black cat advertisement.

Gwen probably didn't know about this, and was lost in thinking about vampires at this time.

She has not yet fully recovered from what she just encountered.

Vampire, daywalker.

These existences made her feel like she had touched another world.

"Anyway, Peter, thank you for coming to my rescue."

Gwen said with some frustration: "I was still thinking about why I encountered very small things, but if I really encounter these dark creatures, I don't have enough power."

"No one is born mature, even superheroes need to grow."

Peter comforted Gwen.

Feeling the wetness of the mist, Gwen raised her head and asked Peter: "Then why don't you need to grow up, Peter? It seems that you are mature and better than me from the beginning, and I am like the person who has always relied on you."

Peter satisfied Gwen's curiosity and continued: "Maybe I'm different."

"Why is it different?"

"Or maybe I am something more powerful and meaner, something that exists outside of your consciousness, maybe I am Death, maybe I am the Lord of Hell, the Lord of the Dark Abyss, or Shiva, the Destroyer of Worlds, or , maybe I am just a strand of silk that fell from the scissors of Atropos, lying messily on the floor at your feet."

After Peter finished speaking what stunned Gwen, the black mask on his face slowly faded away.

He reached out into the mist, felt it for a second and then said to Gwen, "It's starting to rain. Let's go."


Gwen followed Peter's footsteps very obediently.

All right!

If Peter is the strand of thread that falls from the scissors of Atropos, then I am the one who spins the web.

I had to weave Peter into the web of my own destiny.

Gwen said in her mind.


In the room, Blade took off his leather jacket and sat heavily on the chair.

The blinds in the room were in tatters, and cars whizzed by on the road from time to time.

The dazzling car shot into the window, making the room flicker.

In the base converted from a temporary warehouse, the Blade Warrior pulled out the bandage with difficulty and wrapped it around his arm.

In the mirror not far away from him, his face was reflected.

The expressionless face was full of exhaustion.

He seemed to see another soul in the mirror.

Another soul that belongs entirely to a vampire.

Panting, he wrapped the wound and took out the hemostatic tool.

Although he has the ability to heal himself, this self-healing ability is limited and cannot immediately restore his wounds to their original state.

After bandaging the wound, he stood up.

He took out his silver sword and began to protect himself.

That boy was right, he had a stronger vampire scent.

Because he is half a vampire.

Has the abilities of a vampire, but does not have the weaknesses of a vampire.

You can choose the human camp or the vampire camp.

The reason why he chose to hunt vampires was because he had always expected to return to human life.

Listening to the patter of rain outside, he took out a photo from his pocket.

The smiling black woman in the photo is his mother.

Sitting in his chair, leaning forward, he stared at the photo.

His mother has disappeared since she was bitten by a vampire, and he has been looking for traces of her.

He always believed that his mother was still alive.

This is why he hates vampires.

Putting away the photo, he turned his gaze to the sky where it was starting to rain outside.


Are you really the same type of person as yourself?

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