I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 110: Spider Woman’s Heavenly Kingdom Fantasy

dark night.

In the dark rainy night, there was a damp smell.

The mixed smell of earth and plants permeates the city.

A small deer staggered to the middle of the road and stopped.

The bright headlights of a motorcycle illuminated its silhouette.

A gangster with tattoos all over his body was driving a motorcycle while passionately kissing an old woman with jagged teeth and tattoos.

When he finally pulled his tongue out of the woman's mouth, it was too late.

The moment he saw the deer, he instinctively twisted the handlebars.

Thanks to his timely operation, the motorcycle flew past the deer's white tail.

"Wow! Wow!"

The gangster who escaped the disaster and felt extremely excited made a strange cry from his mouth.

The old woman in his back seat also screamed strangely after him.

The two laughed wildly.


The motorcycle roared and moved forward at lightning speed.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the motorcycle splashed a lot of water droplets on the road on the outskirts of the city.

Just as the motorcycle passed an intersection, the gangster suddenly noticed a black shadow appearing in front of him.

It seemed to be a standing creature, with a huge body, full of murderous intent, and had no resemblance to any creature he had seen.

Startled, he hurriedly braked.

However, due to the slippery road, the motorcycle lost control and rushed to the side.

With a "bang" sound, the wheel hit the stone on the roadside.

The motorcycle was suddenly blocked and the body rolled forward due to inertia.

Since the gangster was not wearing a helmet, his body flew into the air and then fell face down on the road.

The gravel and asphalt were like a natural grinder, and he continued to slide forward after landing.

As a result, half of his face was completely rubbed away, leaving a long bloody trail on the ground.

His body was like a rag doll folded in half. His spine first bent, and then finally couldn't bear it anymore and broke on the spot.

The woman in the car yelled, waving her arms and flying over the gangster's body.

With a "bang" sound, her body hit the grass beside the road.

Severe pain immediately hit her, and her whole body felt like it was falling apart.

She touched her head with all her strength and found that her hands were covered in blood.

Just as she screamed, the black shadow suddenly appeared in front of her.

The monster with red eyes oozing out looked at her condescendingly.

Then, with a scream of horror, she bit it down.


Bloody liquid splashed out.

The woman poured the opened red wine into the glass, then raised it to her lips.

"Can I sit down?"

A black woman with wavy hair asked the woman tasting red wine.

The place where the two of them were was a movie theater.

The seat I was sitting in was in the last row of the cinema.

At this time, there were only these two people in this private cinema.

The scene played on the movie screen was the movie "Howl at Midnight" shot by extra actor Nancy.

At this time, on the big screen, she was running wildly in the forest.

The monster behind her was getting closer and closer to her, and her expression became more and more frightened.

"No! Please, oh my God! What is this? Oh my God! Someone help me!"

Nancy's cry for help echoed from the movie screen.

The woman holding the red wine was the crew member who received Nancy at Bear Mountain that night.

Wearing the white evening gown she wore at the time, she glanced at the black woman and said to her: "Of course you can sit down, just turn off your phone."

The black woman sat down and asked the woman holding the red wine: "Haven't you seen this movie many times?"

“It’s a different experience every time you watch it.”

"Then you really have a unique taste, Fletcher."

The black woman called out the name of the woman tasting the wine.

She took out her phone as she spoke, and the light from the screen illuminated her face.

Fletcher, the woman who received Nancy in Bear Mountain, said to the black woman who took out her mobile phone: "As the theater manager, Gina, you cannot break the rules of the theater."

The black woman didn't care about Fletcher's words. She looked at the phone screen and said to Fletcher:

"Did you see the news? The Vampire Queen was interviewed and said that she was a vampire from another land. Now everyone is talking about her. Her name is everywhere on social networks. Even Kraven the Hunter is more popular than her. "

Fletcher stared at the movie screen with an unchanged expression, "You pay a lot of attention to her, Gina."

"I'm just afraid that she will affect our plans."


Fletcher crossed his left leg, revealing his white calf under the white evening dress.

"She doesn't have that kind of brain. Essentially, she's just a stupid woman with no brains."

Fletcher said calmly.

The black woman shrugged her shoulders, "If she heard you commenting on her like this, she would be so angry that she would punch you on the spot."

Fletcher leaned back, his back touching the back of the seat, "I would like to see what she is capable of."

"Do you want to kill her?"

"No, at least not for now."

Fletcher shook his head and said calmly: "However, that Craven can let him feel the taste of death."

As she spoke, she drank all the red wine in the glass.

"Miss, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Um, I'm waiting for a friend, can you wait a moment?"

Gwen said to the waiter with a smile.

While waiting, she walked to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Gwen felt like she was in a closet.

It was narrow, cramped, bright, and full of blue. Everything was blue.

Gray-green blue, sky blue.

It was like Picasso's blue period.

This gloomy blue gave people the feeling that someone accidentally choked to death while eating meatballs.

"Okay, I have to be normal."

She said to herself a little depressed after not sleeping well last night.

After experiencing the vampires and daywalkers yesterday, she was worried.

Vampires and the like, this has nothing to do with her life.

Could it be that there are creatures like werewolves in this world?

What about Bigfoot and Wendigo? !

Looking at herself in the mirror, Gwen exhaled on the lens.

She seemed to hear the faint howling of a beast in the distance, and her back vaguely felt its terrible weight.

Finally, among all the figures, she saw a pair of green eyes suddenly appear.

"Click! Click!"

The doorknob clicked, interrupting her wild thoughts.

The monsters in the mirror disappeared, and Gwen rushed out of the bathroom and squeezed through a group of yellow-haired hooligans.

"Hi, Peter!"

Gwen greeted Peter who entered the restaurant.

"Hi, Gwen."

"You're on time, Peter."

"Well, I'm practicing being on time, it's a process."

Peter sat down while speaking to Gwen.

Gwen saw that Peter's mood had improved a lot, "I agree, Peter, people should try to be on time, otherwise bad things will happen when you're not on time."

"The only bad thing that happened today was to our stomachs."

Peter waved to the waiter as he spoke.

The dishes he ordered were beggar chicken and braised lion's head, which confused Gwen.

The restaurant they were in was the famous Chinese restaurant in New York - Fu Lu Shou.

As for why he treated Gwen to Chinese food, it was because Gwen treated him to Mexican food yesterday.

Peter felt it necessary to popularize Chinese cuisine to Gwen, so he invited Gwen to have Chinese food.

Gwen stared in surprise at Peter talking to the waiter in fluent Chinese.

"Peter, why is your Chinese so good?"

"Because I am gifted."

Peter put down the recipe and said to Gwen: "If you are interested, I can teach you Chinese, so that you don't get ripped off if you don't know Chinese next time you go to China with me?"

"Why do I want to go to China?"

Gwen blinked.

"Because I want to try the feeling of the Chinese people seeing Spider Woman wandering around in their city."

Peter said nonsense seriously.


Gwen lowered her head and really began to think about the feasibility.

Seeing Gwen in confusion, Peter explained to her: "Just kidding, I just want to travel there."

"I can speak Chinese too."

Gwen couldn't help showing off to Peter, "Howl! Howl and eat!"

"Okay, that's enough, I know."

Peter immediately stopped Gwen from "destroying" Chinese.

After the dishes were served, Gwen began to struggle again.

What does "beggar" mean in "beggar's chicken"?

Why eat lion when braised lion's head?

After Gwen figured out the meaning of beggar's chicken and braised lion's head, she began to struggle whether to order a candied sweet potato.

Because the waiter just introduced to her that even the Danish Prime Minister is a customer of their restaurant, and his favorite dish is candied sweet potato.

"By the way, I searched for Daywalker on the Internet yesterday and found that many people think he is a murder suspect."

While waiting for the dishes to be served, Gwen said to Peter: "It seems that everyone should have misunderstood him."

"This is normal. After all, a guy who draws a sword and cuts people at will will always be suspected of not being a good person."

Peter said to Gwen while teaching her how to use chopsticks.

Just as Gwen was clumsily learning how to use chopsticks, she suddenly heard a noise outside.

The two looked up and found that the crowd seemed to be gathering in a certain direction.

Gwen asked the waiter what happened.

The waiter explained to her that a star appeared on the nearby street, and many reporters rushed over after hearing the news, and nearby citizens also rushed to join in the fun.

"Which star?"

"It seems to be called Vampire Princess."

Gwen couldn't help but complain when she heard it was this woman: "She really became a star!"

Peter's expression did not change when he heard the name of Vampire Princess, but an idea popped up in his mind.


This is a good cover.


Vampire Princess's manor outside the city.


The door was opened, and Peter, wearing thick black-framed glasses, walked into the manor.

His current identity is a temporary reporter for the "Horn Daily", responsible for interviewing Vampire Princess tonight.

Carrying an interview bag and a microphone, he dressed like a real reporter.

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