With a loud bang, a dull crash sound was heard.

Frank pulled up the fire hydrant and wanted to hit Peter.

As a result, Peter dodged and approached him. His arms turned into alien claws and stabbed at the other's head.

A sharp air sound was heard, accompanied by burning flames and falling water drops. Frank raised his arms to resist Peter's attack.

He turned into a spider monster, his strength continued to increase, and powerful power burst out from his body.

He grabbed Peter's arm and wanted to throw him out.


He threw Peter out with all his strength, and his chest was hit hard.

Feeling a sharp pain in his chest, he took a few steps back and hit the fire hydrant.

He breathed heavily, looked at Peter who was thrown out, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth that had become unlike a human.

But soon, when he saw Peter standing up again, his smile disappeared.

Peter stood up, his heart was beating rapidly, and his body temperature continued to rise.

A strong desire to kill spread from the bottom of his heart to his whole body.

He frowned and slowly stretched out his arm.

The arm impacted by the flames and water flow slowly condensed a layer of black siliconized shell.

The siliconized shell, like an exoskeleton, glowed with a layer of cold light in the night, like a close-fitting battle armor.

And this siliconized shell did not condense only on the arm as usual.

Instead, it continued to spread, quickly covering the whole body like a black flame.

The clothes he was wearing were also destroyed in an instant.

The strong and hot feeling filled the senses with the coverage of the siliconized shell.

If it was a feeling of abundance dominated by power before, now it is a kind of unscrupulous strong self-confidence, the self-confidence of being several times stronger than before.

The exoskeleton that fits tightly to the body did not give him a sense of obstruction and discomfort, but a very close feeling.

"No, this is not clothes, but bones."

Peter looked at the exoskeleton that covered his arm like a black uniform and whispered to himself.

According to the information I have seen, the skeleton of the alien is usually generated based on the host as a template (such as birds, reptiles, and even arthropods).

The external skin is close to the skeleton and silicified, which is the direct visual experience of the external skin of the alien.

This exoskeleton is composed of silicification. Since the ossified skin has no thermal conductivity, it can adapt to various external environmental temperatures and pressures.

At the same time, it does not emit heat, and thermal imaging and other equipment cannot see it at all.

This ossified skin is equivalent to wearing a set of armor on itself. Gunshots and electric shocks have little effect on it, and the damage caused by high temperature, high pressure and freezing will also be greatly reduced.

At present, I am equivalent to wearing this layer of armor.

In the distance, Frank stared at Peter wearing a layer of "black armor" in amazement.

This visual impact made his mind short-circuit for a short time.

"Peter, you are the same as me!"

After a while, Frank murmured.

The red light in his multiple eyes became even more intense, and he said to Peter: "You and I, we are the same kind of people, and you are also a monster with a beast in your body!"


Peter frowned when he heard Frank say something familiar.

"Are you from the Hand?"

"No, I'm not, of course I'm not."

Frank shook his head and said angrily, "But my father is. I like spiders, so he used me for animal experiments and planted the so-called 'beast' in my body, wanting to harvest me. Maybe he didn't expect that I would awaken my ability in advance by mistake."

"And the end result was that he was wrapped in a cocoon and eaten by me."

In the flames and the splashing water, Frank made an insect-like sound from his mouth.

"Is it strange? Isn't it the same for insects? When the eggs break open, it's the time for the larvae to eat their parents."

He made a "hissing" laugh from his mouth and walked towards Peter step by step.

"Now I want revenge, hurt them, listen to them cry, and make them show funny expressions for survival. Is there anything better than this?"

"Peter Parker, you are like me now. We are monsters, but also gods. We don't have to kill each other."

However, before he finished speaking, the voice stopped abruptly.

Peter, covered with a black exoskeleton, moved in front of Frank at a speed several times faster than before.

He grabbed his throat and lifted him into the air.

Being held in the air, Frank, who had multiple spider eyes, felt a sharp pain in his throat and looked at Peter in disbelief.

"You are wrong. You and I are not the same kind of people. In my eyes, you are just a simple prey."

Frank opened his mouth and squeezed out a word with difficulty: "Walter?!!"


A weapon similar to a tail covered with a black silicon shell and emitting cold air stretched out from behind Peter and instantly pierced Frank's neck.

The "tail" emitting cold air penetrated from the right side of his neck and came out from the left side.

Blood spurted out instantly!

Frank's eyes flashed with disbelief and horror, and the several eyes on his forehead slowly extinguished the light.


Peter let go of his hand and let the other's body fall to the ground.

The tail growing on his tail slowly disappeared.

Just now, the tail on his buttocks grew naturally, and pierced the opponent's throat with his killing thoughts.

It was as if this was a fighting skill cultivated in his body, and it was born to be used in battle.

The tail of the alien is one of its most powerful offensive weapons.

Now, he, who was affected by the alien, also showed this feature of the alien, and gave birth to a tail to attack the enemy.

Looking at the burning stage, Peter's expression became solemn.

The sense of accomplishment as a hunter who killed Frank disappeared instantly, and was replaced by solemn thoughts.

He was changing more and more towards the direction of the alien.

He lowered his head and cast his eyes on Frank on the ground.

Will he become a monster like him in the future?

In the distance, the sound of sirens sounded, and the flames burned more fiercely, and even the splashing water could not stop it.

Temporarily abandoning the complicated thoughts, Peter turned around and prepared to leave.


A roar sounded from behind him, and Frank, who was already dead, jumped up and pounced on him.


The powerful sound of the motor sounded, and the roar of the car sounded in the night.

The roaring car broke through the wire gate of the playground and rushed straight into the campus surrounded by flames.

Frank, who had just stood up, was hit hard by the car before he could take any action.

The front bumper of the Mercedes-Benz was knocked away in an instant, and the car rushed forward for several meters before stopping.


The car door was pushed open, and Gwen, panting, staggered out of the deformed car.

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