
A flame rushed into the sky!

Above the flame, steel roof panels, wood and shredded paper were scattered all over the sky, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of oil and smoke.

The entire playground was brightly lit, as if it was illuminated by lightning in an instant.

A moment later, the shock wave of the explosion rushed to the surroundings.

The garbage placed on the playground whizzed past, followed by a heat wave.

Gwen, who had just got off the car, stretched out her hand to try to block the heat wave, but was pushed back.

A pungent smell came from her nose, and Gwen's head was dizzy.

What happened next was like a slow-motion playback.

She saw the flames rising in the distance, the burning stage, and the police car with a shrill sirens in the distance.

And Peter came into her sight in the slow motion.

His arm reached out and tried to grab her.


Peter grabbed Gwen's hand and hugged her unconscious.

Sparks from the explosion attacked the two of them, and Peter slightly turned sideways and blocked them with his back.

Looking down at the unconscious Gwen, Peter picked her up by the waist.

Looking back at Frank who was completely dead, he carried Gwen to the entrance of the playground.

After everything was settled, the police from the New York Police Department finally arrived.

George Stacy jumped out of the car as fast as he could and ran towards the burning playground regardless of the danger.

"Hurry up and answer the phone! Gwen! Answer the phone!"

While running and roaring in a low voice, he looked down at the phone in his hand.

He kept trying to call Gwen's phone, but he couldn't get through.

Finally, he arrived at the entrance of the playground and saw Gwen's friend Gloria.

"Hey, Gloria, have you seen Gwen?"

Gloria, who was waiting anxiously, saw George Stacy and felt relieved.

Before she could say anything, she heard a deafening explosion.

The heat wave came from inside the stadium.

The two of them stepped back subconsciously to avoid the heat wave that hit their faces.

"Gwen is still in there!"

Gloria coughed, covered her chest and shouted to George Stacy.

"Damn it!"

Hearing that his daughter was still in there, George gritted his teeth and threw his phone to the ground.

"Leave here, Gloria, it's still dangerous here."

Taking off his clothes, George put his coat on Gloria, then kicked open the wire door and prepared to rush in.

But soon a figure appeared in the firelight, which made him stunned.

Peter, who was covered in black clothes, hugged Gwen and slowly walked out of the rolling flames.

Behind him were sparks flying everywhere and water drops spraying down.

The "beeping and popping" sound of the flames burning, the "hissing" sound of the fire hydrants splashing water, and the sirens coming from afar formed a reverberation in the stadium at this time.

Gloria stood there, watching Peter walking out of the flames, and was stunned like George.


George Stacy looked at Peter, who was standing in front of him, holding Gwen.

He could not imagine the scene in front of him.

Peter held his daughter and walked out of the flames that devoured everything.

"She's fine, she just fainted."

Peter lowered his head and looked at Gwen's face. His solemn expression relaxed a little, and then he looked up and said to George Stacy.

George Stacy took Gwen from Peter in a daze and opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But Peter did not stop and turned away directly.

Cars with flashing red lights and sirens gradually gathered here.

Fire trucks and ambulances also drove over here.

George Stacy held Gwen and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​calling Peter.

The most important thing now was to confirm the situation of his daughter.

Gwen woke up from the nightmare with a gasp.

She felt like she was trapped in the seaweed and couldn't breathe.

At first, she struggled desperately, trying to tear off the seaweed wrapped around her head and neck, but she suddenly heard a strange sound.

A sharp and rapid sound entered her ears!

A shark opened its bloody mouth and suddenly swam in front of him along the seaweed.

A smell of corruption penetrated her nasal cavity and permeated her whole body.

She was awakened and struggled desperately to stand up, but when she opened her eyes, she saw Peter.

Peter was leaning over her and pressing her shoulders.

"Don't move, otherwise the gauze will open."

Her right ear was covered with a thin layer of gauze.

At this time, Peter was helping her press the yellow gauze that accidentally fell off.

Gwen blinked and smelled the familiar smell coming from Peter.

"I'm not sleeping?"

She whispered to Peter.


"Not in a dream either."

"I don't think so."

Gwen stood up slightly, let her back lean against the pillow, and looked around.

White sheets and the pungent smell of disinfectant.

She should be in the hospital.

Gwen was filled with mixed feelings and didn't know what to say, so she blurted out, "I'm sorry."

Peter looked at Gwen and raised his eyebrows, "Why are you saying sorry?"

"This matter is very complicated, and it's all my fault."

She said guiltily.

Frank came to school because of me.

If it weren't for me, so many students wouldn't have been killed, and I wouldn't have implicated Peter.

"If it's complicated, don't think about it."

Peter didn't want to ask any more, and cast his eyes on the scenery outside the window, "You should just lie here and rest."

"How long have I been unconscious?"

"One day."

"What about Frank?"

What she cares most about now is whether the culprit has been punished.

Peter sat down on a chair beside the bed and said, "He's dead. Your impact was very strong."


Gwen took a deep breath and felt a pain in her chest.

The wound here should be caused by the impact of the steering wheel when she was driving.

"I think that impact should not be fatal to him. It was you who did it, right, Peter?"

Gwen looked at Peter with burning eyes, as if she wanted to see the secrets in him.

Peter shook his head, "No, of course not me, Gloria can prove that you drove in like crazy."

Gwen was a little speechless, but soon she glared at Peter, "Do you think I will believe it?"


"I don't think so, because if I believe I can do it, I may be the dumbest woman in history."

Gwen looked at Peter and said, "I know my ability. I am just a lucky girl."

"You are more than just lucky, Gwen."

Peter stood up while speaking, "I have something else to do, I have to go first, take good care of your injuries, don't think too much."

Gwen lay on the bed, staring at Peter leaving.

After a while, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Feeling the warm sunshine outside, she lay down, "It's a good day today."

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