I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 31 Uncle Ben’s class has started!


Norman Manor, Norman Osborne opened the door.


Harry was racking his brains on the essay assignment assigned by the chemistry teacher. He raised his head when he heard the sound and saw Norman walking towards him.

"I got a call from your teacher, Harry."

Norman said walking towards him.

"Well, I guess I didn't make any mistakes."

Harry shrugged his shoulders and said, "Except for the fact that I punched Paul, that can't be considered my fault. They are self-righteous little gangsters who like to show me the middle finger when they have nothing to do, so I gave him a punch in the eye." fist."

"The reason I asked you to transfer from a private school to Midtown High School is because I hope you won't cause trouble again."

Norman's expression became unhappy, "You need to become mature and not be as impulsive as before."

"Well, that's my fault."

Forced by his father's power, Harry readily admitted his mistake.


But he quickly added unwillingly, "Maybe... I am a herbivore."

As his father, Norman once told him the difference between scavengers and carnivores.

Carnivores are pure predators, while scavengers are not only predators, but also wait for their prey to be unable to resist.

The Osborne family are scavengers.

Harry calls himself a herbivore, admitting that he may not be the kind of person his father expected him to be.

Norman looked at Harry, frowned and said, "You are not old enough to know yourself yet."

He quickly changed the subject and asked Harry: "Peter Parker is your friend, right?"


Hearing his father talk about Peter, Harry's originally lifeless expression became a little more energetic.

"He is a good friend of mine. He is very smart and very interested in science."

Harry put down his pen and said to his father: "We are researching interests together, so we can be considered partners."

"I'm glad you made a new friend at school."

Norman Osborn's face softened a little. He came over and patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "You can invite Peter's family to our home. I also like such children."

Harry suddenly became excited when he heard his father invite Peter to be a guest.

"Are you kidding? Dad."

"No, of course not. Do you think he would agree?"

"Of course, there's something wrong with that, I mean he'd be happy, for sure, right."

Harry wanted to take out his phone right now and invite Peter's family to his home.

"Very well, let's see you tomorrow."

Norman patted Harry on the shoulder again and turned to leave.

The next day, early morning.

Peter was flipping through the newspapers in the living room.

Since entering the Marvel world, he has developed the habit of reading newspapers.

See if you can find any clues about what you remember from your past life.

News such as "The President of Stark Group was kidnapped by terrorists" and "A sledgehammer fell from the sky in New Mexico".

In addition to looking for familiar news, he also tried to find ways to "make money scientifically".

To subsidize family expenses, as well as the $10,000 that Gwen loaned herself, she needs to handle it herself.

And one's own solutions cannot be doubted.

"There is a biological science exhibition at the Museum of Natural Science and History this weekend. Peter, do you want to go?"

Uncle Ben, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly remembered this matter.


Peter nodded and asked, "How does Uncle Ben know about this?"

"Because you told your uncle a month ago."

Aunt May came out of the kitchen with the dinner plate and said to Peter, "You're always eager for science."

Uncle Ben smiled and added, "Peter is as smart as his father."

But soon he showed a regretful look, "I originally wanted to accompany you, Peter, but I have an appointment over the weekend."

Before he could finish speaking, Aunt Mei next to him quickly exposed his lie.

"Because your uncle is going fishing."

Peter put down the newspaper and looked at Uncle Ben, "Uncle Ben, do you like fishing?"

He didn't know that Uncle Ben was actually a fisherman.

Uncle Ben explained unnaturally: "Ahem, I'm going with my friends, but actually I don't like it."

Aunt Mei still acted as the troublemaker, "Don't listen to your uncle Ben. The friend he wants to accompany has passed away long ago. I remember his name is Qiao, right?"

Uncle Ben showed a nostalgic look, sighed, and said: "Yes, just last year, he wore high-top waterproof shoes to go fishing in the swamp, and was found drowned. The police said that when they found him, his fish There’s a fish hanging on the pole.”

"Maybe it was a trout, or a rainbow trout, or a bass, I can't remember. The police said the cause of death was a stroke."


Peter asked doubtfully: "Is it such a coincidence?"

Uncle Ben nodded, "Yes, it was a stroke. The police speculated that when he caught the fish, he might have been too excited, and then a blood clot burst somewhere in his blood vessel, and then he fell unconscious and fell into the water."

"With no one around to help him, he drowned quickly."

Peter: "."

A little more strange knowledge about the fishing guy has been added.

Aunt May put the pancakes on the dining table and said to Uncle Ben: "So, fishing is also a very risky thing."

"We are living in a fate of coincidence."

Uncle Ben said with emotion: "Each of us, from birth to death, is interwoven with a series of things. Every time we spend a period of time, every thing we do, even a loving whisper or a resentful gesture.

These are just a small vibration on the spring of life. After countless vibrations, until one day, something triggers the alarm clock of life, the alarm clock rings, and our life comes to an end."

Peter and Aunt May looked at each other after listening to Uncle Ben's seemingly philosophical speech.

Uncle Ben's philosophy class began again.

"Your words are too dark, Ben."

Aunt May glared at Uncle Ben, "Peter is here, you have to talk about some sunny topics for teenagers."

Uncle Ben smiled at Peter, "That's not necessarily true, Peter has grown into a mature adult."

Faced with Uncle Ben and Aunt May pointing their spearheads at him, Peter pretended not to see it.

He said to Uncle Ben: "It's a very inspiring truth. Regarding the biological exhibition on the weekend, the school will organize a visit, so Uncle Ben, you can go fishing with your friends."

As soon as Peter finished speaking, the phone rang.

He picked up the phone, and Harry's excited voice came over.

"Peter, are you, Aunt May and Uncle Ben free tomorrow?"

"I don't know, but they shouldn't have any plans. Do you have anything to do, Harry?"

"Of course, my father wants to invite you to visit."

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