
Osborne Manor.

Peter, Aunt May, and Uncle Ben got out of the car and looked at the luxurious manor in front of them.

All three were dressed for dinner, and Uncle Ben even wore his own black tux.

"I thought, Uncle Ben, you were not interested in such entertainment."

Peter closed the car door and said to Uncle Ben and Aunt May.

In the morning, he told the two of them about Norman Osborne's invitation to be his guest.

For a villain like Norman Osborne, his original intention was not to have any connection with him.

Although Uncle Ben told the two of them, he expected that they would not be interested in the invitation.

"You've made a friend, Peter, and it's your friend's family invitation that we can't refuse."

Aunt May said with a smile.

"This has no impact on my relationship with Harry."

Peter took out the wine prepared by Uncle Ben from the car and said to Aunt May: "Aunt May, you have your own lifestyle and preferences, and I don't want it to change just because you accommodate me."

Although he didn't get along with Uncle Ben and Aunt Mei for a long time, he was not that kind of cold-blooded person.

Of course he could feel the love and protection between the two of them, so he couldn't help but say a few more words.

"No, you're wrong, Peter."

Uncle Ben winked at him and said, "The reason we accepted the invitation is because I think Harry is a good boy."

Several people talked and entered the manor.

After Harry received Peter's call, he came out to welcome several people inside.

Entering the living room, he was greeted by Norman Osborne, who had been waiting here for a long time. After a few polite words, the two parties started dinner.

"Harry told me that he and Peter were like brothers and I was delighted that he had such a friend."

Norman had a faint smile on his face. He was not as aggressive as he was on TV, but instead gave people a feeling that he was easy to get along with.

"Peter, if you need anything, just ask me. I will try my best to help you if I can."


Harry, who was sitting next to Norman, pretended to be unhappy, "Dad, I am your biological son."

Norman said very cooperatively: "Hmm, but Harry, you don't seem to need much help. Don't you often say that you are on your own?"

"Maybe I am unique in some fields, and I haven't discovered it yet. This is not too important, but I know Peter. Peter will definitely be unique in the field of science in the future."

Hearing what Harry said, Norman turned his admiring eyes to Peter and said, "That's great. In addition to being a businessman, I'm also a scientist. We can discuss it together."

"Yes, I have read your paper on the use of nanotechnology and novel chemicals in the human body."

Seeing that both Aunt May and Uncle Ben were looking at him, Peter could only deal with them casually in order not to expose their secrets.

These are the memories left over from his predecessor. Since traveling to this world, he has learned very little scientific knowledge.

"Peter, maybe you can come to Osborne Company for an internship in the future."

Norman put down his knife and made his promise to Peter.

"Thanks, I'll consider it."

Facing the burning gaze directed at him, Peter responded.


Several people were talking, and a slight electronic sound sounded in the room.

The humanoid robot, whose whole body was covered with an organic plastic shell, was slowly walking toward a few people, holding a dinner plate.

The robot is about two meters tall, its body is light gray, and its movements are silky and without lag.

"How about the robot developed by Osborne Industries? Doesn't it look cool?"

Harry stood up and took the plate from the robot, showing off proudly to Peter.

Looking at the robot in front of him, Peter fell into silence.

Is the Osborne Group planning to compete with Stark for business?

Research mechas?

How many shots can this kind of robot withstand from the Iron Man of the future?

"Isn't Osborne Company mainly engaged in chemistry and biology? Why is it studying robots?"

Peter asked Harry.


Norman Osborne stood up, operated on his mobile phone, and the robot turned and left.

He explained to Peter: "This is just a household robot. It does not have any intelligence. Rather than being a robot, it is more like a pair of electrical appliances in a shell. It can be said to be the same product as a sweeping robot."

As he spoke, he looked towards Harry, "I told you, Harry, to mind your manners at dinner."

Harry knew that his father was very dissatisfied with him for making independent decisions and displaying the robot.

So he shrugged, "Sorry, I won't do it next time."

After the robot interlude, dinner continued.

Two hours later, the dinner ended in a good atmosphere and the Parker family left.

Norman Osborne stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the room, watching the vehicle driven by Uncle Ben disappear at the entrance of the manor, his expression becoming solemn.

The next day, early morning.

Osborne Industries.

Outside the laboratory, there was a loud noise.

"It's you, it's all you, you asked me to bring the magnetic airlift system to Osborne!"

A bald white man angrily accused an experimental scientist in a white coat.

"You arranged for me to meet with Norman Osborne. He studied it carefully, then plagiarized my idea and shut me out."

The bald man angrily grabbed the other person's clothes and arrested him.

"I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize, Doctor."

Norman Osborn suddenly appeared in the corridor, followed by several fierce bodyguards.

He said coldly to the scientist whose clothes were grabbed: "Osborn Enterprises does not need to apologize."

The bald man saw Osborn coming out and immediately pointed the spearhead at him, "No need to apologize? Osborn, you plagiarized my technology!"

Norman walked towards him, his expression no longer as gentle as last night, "Your remarks are dangerous, Mr. Tombs, both dangerous and unbearable."


"You have been researching in this field for several years, but you still have nothing to show for it. When you were young, you did not have any research results. Who would believe that you would invent an air transport system when you are old?"

Looking at Norman's face, Tombs gritted his teeth and said: "You are a complete bastard!"

"I may be a bastard, but I funded you. Without Osborn, you could not have developed this flight system, so Osborn should enjoy the results you said."

Toombs grabbed Norman's clothes and yelled at him: "Very good, do you think I will let it go?"

"In fact, you are no threat to me."

Norman waved his hand, and several bodyguards came over and pried open Tombs's hand holding Norman.

"Take Mr. Tums out."

Norman ordered his men.

The bodyguards quickly took the unwilling Tums out of Oscorp.

Watching Tums's back as he left, Norman straightened his clothes that were a little wrinkled after being arrested, and walked towards the laboratory with a serious expression.

Thanks to "An Xiaokang" for the reward, love!

Thanks to everyone for the comments and votes, thank you!

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