I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 55 Can you still win even if you are shattered?

"From Josh and Frank at the beginning, the subway incident, to my father now, the god of death loves me so much that he has almost never left me."

Gwen looked at Peter helplessly, "I said very harsh words to my father before. If he can't wake up this time, I don't know how to face it."

Gwen fell into extreme self-blame, with her hands on her chest and her eyes staring blankly ahead.

Peter sighed slightly and sat next to Gwen.

"This has nothing to do with you, Gwen, you don't need to associate these things together and then blame yourself."

Although he expected that George Stacy might get into trouble, he didn't expect it to happen so quickly, catching everyone off guard.

Looking at Gwen's sad expression, he was silent for a moment and then comforted Gwen: "Things haven't reached the worst yet."

Gwen nodded and looked at Peter, "Thank you, Peter, thank you for staying with me."

She wiped the tears from her face and said with her head down: "I always make my life fragmented. I thought I was special enough, but now I know that maybe being special is not a good thing, and its price is too heavy."

Gwen thought about being bitten by a radioactive spider.

At the beginning, she was panicked and afraid, afraid that she would become a monster like Frank.

After that, when she found that her body had not changed, she was more surprised and expected.

Expecting herself to become a superhero like Spider-Man and help more people in need.

But now she suddenly realized that maybe her specialness would make her life heavier.

Gwen raised her head and looked at Peter with red eyes, "I don't know what to do, Peter, I don't know what to do, I even think that maybe my father is right sometimes, I am an ordinary person, my luck may not be so good, it is impossible to win everything." Gwen suddenly wavered in what she insisted on. She tried to help others, but people kept dying. Is this right? Peter, who was sitting next to her, did not speak, his eyes were cast towards the gradually decreasing rain outside. Will Spider-Man have a pessimistic fate? Will every Spider-Man lose something? He suddenly thought of what Mrs. Webber said to him, that the person he loved or the person who loved him was approaching the shadow of death. Could it be that the other party was talking about Gwen? Shaking his head, he threw this fatalism out of his mind. It was said that there was an alien parasitic on his chest, and it should have died long ago. Now he was still alive, just in the process of fighting with fate, how could he believe in the so-called fate. "Gwen."

Peter suddenly turned his eyes to Gwen and asked her, "I remember you once said you wanted to be a superhero, right?"

Gwen was stunned for a moment when she heard Peter ask this, then nodded, "Yes, yes."

Peter looked directly into Gwen's eyes and said, "Your father is right. Ordinary people can't win everything, but heroes can. Although he may be bruised and broken, he will always win in the end, right? Because he is a hero."

Although he thinks he is a selfish person, he is not a creature without feelings.

He can't turn a blind eye to Gwen's pain now.

He once told Gwen that he was a person who couldn't empathize with others, but now he was slapped in the face.

Do I need to add a "hypocritical" label to my negative labels?

Countless thoughts turned in his mind, and he said to Gwen, "I believe that since you want to be a hero, you will not be easily knocked down."

Gwen looked at Peter in a daze, tears flashing in her eyes.

She now wants to tell Peter all her inner thoughts.

Or just throw yourself into Peter's arms, cry your heart out, and then cheer up to face everything.


Gwen thought wildly, but she said, "Can I really do it? I can't even save my dad now."

"The first person a superhero saves is usually himself."

Peter turned his attention to the crowd in the hospital corridor and said, "Start with yourself, Gwen, cheer up."


Gwen nodded, and the confusion and self-doubt in her heart gradually dissipated.

The originally restless heart began to calm down.

It seemed that with Peter by her side, she had the courage to face everything.

Peter was right, maybe this was the hardship of being a hero, and the responsibility brought by ability.

Gwen exhaled and cheered up.

She was about to speak to Peter when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor.

"Peter, Gwen!"

Harry walked towards the two of them quickly and greeted them from a distance.


Gwen looked at Harry in surprise, not knowing why he was here.

"It's raining a bit outside."

Harry shook off the raindrops on his umbrella and said to the two: "I rushed here as soon as I received the news."

Gwen asked Harry in surprise: "Why did you come here, Harry?"

"Peter called me."

Harry cast his eyes on Peter next to him.

"Harry is a well-known second-generation rich man, and his family knows many well-known doctors in the United States."

Peter told Harry the reason why he called him: to use the power of the Osborn family to mobilize more medical resources.

Gwen didn't know that Peter was thinking so much, and cast a grateful look at him.

"Ahem, thank you Peter for praising my rich second-generation attributes from the positive side. Gwen, I have asked my father to invite the most famous doctor in the United States to consult Uncle Stacy."

Harry looked at Gwen: "Uncle Stacy will be fine."

Although Harry is currently in a cold war with his father who slapped him, after receiving Peter's call, he took the initiative to break the cold war agreement and asked Norman for help.

"Thank you, Harry, thank you!"

As Gwen was thanking Harry, other people from the New York Police Department came one after another.

A few minutes later.

"Sheriff DeWolfe."

Peter walked up to Sheriff DeWolfe, "Can we talk?"

DeWolfe looked at Peter in front of her and was stunned.

She knew Peter's identity. This classmate of Gwen had given her old partner a lot of headaches.

"Of course."

DeWolfe nodded after reacting.

"Who was the last person Sheriff Stacy contacted?"

Peter asked her.

"Matt Murdoch."

DeWulf said directly: "We checked the office video and didn't see anything abnormal about him."

She knew what Peter wanted to ask.

After George fainted, she also locked the criminal target on Matt.

But after checking the surveillance video, she didn't find any dangerous behavior towards George.

Matt Murdoch?

When Peter heard this name, his brows furrowed.

Is it this malicious complainant again?

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