I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 56: New York is not peaceful tonight

At night.

Gwen returned home from the hospital.

Although she wanted to stay in the hospital, the doctor refused her request on the grounds that the patient was not out of danger.

She opened the door of the room tiredly, threw the key on the table, and threw herself on the sofa.

Her body was immersed in the night, and she felt extremely tired and powerless.

This powerlessness and fatigue enveloped her completely, both mentally and physically.

Lying on the sofa, covering her face with her hands, Gwen was stunned and did nothing.

It started to drizzle outside again. The rain lasted for a whole day, making the whole city smell wet.

After a while, she got up from the sofa and walked to her father's room to prepare to bring some clothes.

A photo frame on her father's desk caught his eye.

In the photo frame, he was held by his father, and his mother was laughing beside him and splashing sea water on him.

He was very small in the photo, and his short blond hair was stained with beach sand, and the sun was particularly dazzling.

When was this?

Was it when her parents took her to Cooper Beach for a summer vacation?

She suddenly remembered the feeling of being on the beach at that time.

I walked with my parents along a white beach, where every grain of sand sparkled in the sun.

The sand under my feet was warm, the tide kissed the coast, and the air was salty, but not as salty and bitter as the sea water, and there was no unpleasant fishy smell.

If possible, I really want to stay here, on this beach, and in this bright sunshine.

With a "pop", Gwen put the photo frame into the bag.

At the same time, throw this childish idea out of my mind.

The past is over, why recall these meaningless things now?

"Peter is right, I must get my mood in order, even if I am broken, I have to win. Shouldn't being a so-called hero be accompanied by more responsibilities?"

After adjusting her mood, she walked out of her father's room.


The phone in her pocket suddenly vibrated.

She took out her phone and found that the incoming call was from an unfamiliar number.

After hesitating for a while, she answered the call.

"Hello, I'm Gwen."

After talking to the other side for a few words, Gwen's face suddenly changed color.


Peter landed on the tallest municipal clock tower in Brooklyn with his feet, splashing rain.

He was covered with a dark exoskeleton, and the cape behind him slowly receded.

The exoskeleton fit his body perfectly, and the raindrops from the sky slowly dripped down the gaps in it, reflecting the entire "armor" in bright black.

He stretched out his hand and gently put it on his face, and the extended bone part of the mask disappeared from his face.

Looking at the city under the night sky, he took a step forward and stood on the edge of the rooftop.

The city skyline in the distance was illuminated by colorful lights, and the rumbling fog was full of mystery.

Peter stared at the distant skyline for a while, and stretched out his hand to his chest.

Since the subway incident, there has been no abnormal movement of the embryo in his body.

There has been no sudden vomiting, dizziness and other symptoms before.

It seems that the alien embryo has entered a new stage.

This new stage seems to be more stable than the previous stage.


He slowly stretched out his hand forward.

In the diffuse mist, his fingers began to deform and change towards the claws of the alien.

The sharper and more lethal changes were born with his thoughts.

This kind of claws is not like ordinary aliens, which are all sharp and lethal. It also has strong swiftness, and he can feel that it also gives him stronger jumping ability.

What type of alien embryo is in his body now?

With his thoughts, his hands returned to normal and covered with exoskeleton again.

In the information he had read in his previous life, he remembered a kind of "spider web alien".

This alien is based on the alien "fighter" with humans as the host, and is a product of the genes of jumping spiders.

The whole body is mainly dark blue, and the head is pointed.

Compared with other types of aliens, its jumping ability has been significantly improved, and it can easily jump to a height of about five meters.

The "spider web alien" is very good at jumping to a high place to accumulate strength, and then inflict a fatal blow on the target, and the claw attack on the ground is also super fast.

Is the alien embryo that absorbed Frank's genes considered a "spider web alien"?

Peter, who was lost in thought, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and felt the power surging in his body.


It's not just a "spider web alien".

The tyranny and killing desire that had been rolling in his body before began to gradually decrease.

He remembered that the most common type of alien was the "worker bee alien", also known as the "stalker alien".

This type of alien would walk upright on two feet, have logical thinking with a spirit of teamwork, and its whole body was filled with streamlined mechanical structures.

They were responsible for going to unknown places to die and carrying large objects, and were also responsible for protecting the "Alien Queen". Compared with normal aliens, their biggest feature was that their attacks were more active and aggressive.

Peter suspected that the embryo in his chest before was a "worker bee alien".

That naked killing intent and destructive hunting impulse were born from it.

But now this killing intent and impulse is slowly decreasing. Does it mean that the face hugger in the body is transforming from a "worker bee" to another form?

In his memory, worker bees can be transformed into queens.

"Queen" has a strong learning ability, a huge body and hard exoskeleton skin, strong strength and sharp claws.

And she can command various aliens to do different jobs and issue various orders at the same time.

The embryo in his body is the queen?

But this transformation occurs between adults, how can it evolve into a queen in the embryonic stage?

Peter gently put his left hand on his chest, feeling the two "heartbeats" inside.

Shaking his head, he threw these complicated thoughts out of his mind and turned to the matter in front of him.

Looking up, Peter cast his eyes on a building opposite.

Matt Murdoch's law firm is there.

He took a step forward, and with a "whoosh", his figure fell rapidly.

The "cloak" on the back of his back instantly appeared, stopping his fall and driving him to his destination.

The last person George Stacy saw was this guy.

He would not believe that the other party was pure and had nothing to do with this matter.

With a "bang", his feet landed on the rooftop of the building where the office is located.

But the moment he landed, he saw a figure coming towards him not far away.

At the same time, a cat's cry suddenly came from the trash can in the nearby alley.

Peter frowned when he saw that there seemed to be other uninvited guests.

Is there more than one here tonight?

He shook his head, his face covered with the extension of the exoskeleton, and his body was completely hidden in the darkness.

Thank you for your votes, ninety-degree bow!

Have a happy weekend, I want votes!

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