I am really a spiritualist

123. Chapter 123: The Town of the Dead

Chapter 123 Undead Town

Hearing Anfisue's words, the faces of several people changed slightly.

"Death Cult?"

Lu Kong immediately thought of the previous mission.

Katarina frowned: "I heard from Principal Zhuge An that the Death Cult might have a big move, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Anfisue nodded, and then she widened her eyes slightly: "A new mission has been issued. Find members of the Death Cult, kill the existence of the Death Cult that spreads diseases and the undead in various regions. The reward is very high. Killing a first-level Death Cult member will get thirty points."

Lu Kong and the others looked at each other.

"Lu Kong, what do you say?"

Lu Kong nodded and decided: "Let's do this mission."


Then Lu Kong bought an anti-gravity truck, went to the school's psychic car shop to pick up the goods, and then left the school.

"Where are we going?"

Lu Kong asked while driving.

Anfischer looked at the college's official website and said, "The school has published some areas where the death god disease is serious. The nearest area to us is Fengyu Town, 200 kilometers southwest."

"Let's go there!" Lu Kong nodded.

The psychic truck was very fast, and soon the group arrived at Fengyu Town.

At this moment, there were already some guards guarding outside Fengyu Town.

Many of these guards were ordinary people. They wore gas masks and held psychic guns, and set up checkpoints at the entrance of the town.

There were some psychic adventurers who entered the town after inspection.

There seemed to be some undead moving in the town, and the sound of fighting was constantly coming from the town, but it was a little unclear.

Outside the checkpoint, there were dozens of large tents.

The tent doors were open, and there were beds inside, with many ordinary people lying on the beds.

Lu Kong looked around and found that these ordinary people were pale, as if they had a serious illness.

There were many psychics and mortal doctors in white robes shuttling among them, treating these civilians.

From time to time, ordinary townspeople died, and cries of pain could be heard from the tents.

Lu Kong and the other four couldn't help but frown.

"This Death Cult is damnable." Catalina clenched her fists.

Lu Kong looked at the tragic scene, and a long-lost memory emerged in his mind.

The same tragic scene occurred after the sacrificial ceremony of the Demon Worship Cult.

It was even worse than the current situation, and there were not even so many survivors.

He exhaled slightly and calmed his heart: "Let's go, let's go in and see the situation."

Several people got off the psychic car and came to the light card.

Seeing the young appearance of Lu Kong and the others, the guards were a little surprised.

"You want to go in?" The leader was a second-level psychic. He looked at Lu Kong and the others and was a little unbelievable.

Lu Kong nodded: "Well, we are students of the Qiyao Academy. We accepted the mission and came here to deal with the undead."

"Qiyao Academy?!" The faces of the guards changed immediately.

The captain of the guard army smiled immediately: "So you are the top students of Qiyao College, you can go in."

He paused and said: "But you have to pay attention to safety. Many townspeople have turned into undead and their strength has become much stronger."

Lu Kong and his companions nodded: "We will pay attention."

The guard army let them go, and Lu Kong and his companions walked into the town.

Fengyu Town is a town of considerable size, with streets extending in all directions and many three- or four-story buildings on both sides.

In the buildings, the hoarse roars unique to undead sounded from time to time, like the roar of wild beasts.

Lu Kong and his companions entered the buildings and began to clean up the undead inside.

Most of these undead were transformed from ordinary people.

But even the undead transformed from ordinary people have psychic power and mastered the power of death, which can be regarded as trainee-level psychics.

For mortals, this lowest level of undead is already very dangerous.

And the more powerful undead are naturally more dangerous.

Of course, these undead are easy for Lu Kong and others to deal with.

Lu Kong, Xiao Qing, Katarina, Anfischer and Monk acted separately.

It only takes a few minutes to deal with a small building.

They are very efficient and soon entered the depths of the town.

When they came to the depths of the town, Lu Kong found that the power of death had become much stronger.

The strength of the undead here is also much stronger than that of the periphery, and many undead have reached the first level.

Lu Kong even encountered a second-level undead, which is extremely powerful.

However, even a second-level undead is not a match for Lu Kong.

For them, the most troublesome thing is the spiritual disease that is everywhere in the town.

Such diseases target the spirituality of psychics, and even Lu Kong sometimes feels a little uncomfortable.

That is, his physical body is strong enough, and spiritual diseases have almost no effect on the physical body.

And Anfischer and others need to use purification potions to purify their own spirituality and ensure their own spiritual safety.

Along the way, Lu Kong and others also met other psychics.

Some are adventurers, and there are students and teachers from other nearby psychic academies.

They just nodded to each other and continued to deal with the undead.

Boom! !

Just then, Lu Kong and his companions heard a violent roar from a distance.

They turned around and saw that it was a tall building in the center of the town.

"Is that... the Executive Building?" Anfisue's eyes widened slightly.

"Such a strong spiritual pressure, the strength of the undead, I'm afraid it has reached the fourth level?" Catalina frowned.

"Let's go and take a look?"

Lu Kong nodded: "Let's go!"

The fourth-level undead are extremely powerful, and ordinary psychics may not be able to deal with them.

The Executive Building was not far from them. Xiaoqing used the wind element to lift everyone up, and several people came to the front of the tall building at a very fast speed.

There was a roar on the tall building, and glass was broken in the area seven or eight floors high. Two figures shot out from it and fell heavily on the square not far away.

The stone square was cracked by the two people.

Lu Kong and others looked and found that they were two middle-aged men of considerable age.

They had blood at the corners of their mouths, coughed repeatedly, and were covered in dust and looked a little embarrassed.

Lu Kong discovered that these two middle-aged men were also fourth-level psychics.

However, their spiritual pressure was still a little worse than the spiritual pressure in the tall building.

The spiritual pressure in the high-rise building may have reached the level of the fourth-level peak.

The next moment, a tall figure rushed out of the high-rise building and landed on the square.

It was a warrior undead with a height of more than three meters and dark blue skin.

The undead stepped on the ground, and hideous cracks appeared on the ground, spreading like a spider web.

He roared angrily.

The two middle-aged men's faces changed, and when they noticed Lu Kong and the others beside them, their faces became even uglier.

"Why don't you leave quickly?! This is a fourth-level peak undead!"

At this moment, several figures rushed over.

"You two, let's help!"

There were three young people, both men and women, with strong auras, and they were at the third-level peak.

There were also psychics here, but they looked at the powerful fourth-level peak undead and were a little daunted for a while.

With their strength, it was too dangerous to join in.

The two middle-aged men saw that the three third-level peak youths were going to help, and their expressions relaxed slightly.

Although there is a big gap compared to the fourth level, the three third-level peaks can also play a certain auxiliary role.

"Why don't you leave? Aren't you afraid of death?"

A middle-aged man couldn't help but scolded Lu Kong and his friends when he saw that they hadn't left yet.

Lu Kong smiled and said, "We are here to help too."


Everyone present was stunned, and a question mark appeared in their minds.

"What did he say? A few second-level psychics dare to say they are here to help?"

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Which academy are they from?"


The psychics on the periphery of the square changed their faces slightly and whispered.

They looked at Lu Kong and his friends and felt a little funny.

The gap between the second-level psychic and the fourth-level is like a world of mud. Their hearts are good, but this behavior is obviously very reckless.

This will only cause trouble for others.

The middle-aged man in the early fourth level frowned and was about to speak when the warrior undead roared again.

It turned into a residual image and rushed towards the middle-aged man with a terrifying breath.

The middle-aged man's face changed. He didn't dare to be careless. He hurriedly went up with another middle-aged man.

The other three young men also used their own spiritual arts to assist.

One of the male and female youths condensed a series of flaming spears at the same time and shot them at the undead.

The other male youth slapped his palm on the ground, and stone walls appeared on the ground, blocking the undead.

The undead roared, waved his big hand, smashed the flaming spear, and his huge body directly smashed the stone walls.

Such a violent undead made the faces of the three people change.

"So strong!"

The two middle-aged men were warriors. They roared, one holding a big sword and the other holding a spear, and went to meet the undead.

However, the power of the undead was obviously greater than the two.

The two retreated repeatedly in the battle and were suppressed.

It can be seen from the dusty appearance of them shooting out of the tall building just now.

Their strength is still a little behind the undead.

Although the power burst out by the three young men can have a certain restraining effect.

But it was only a little bit, and it couldn't help the two middle-aged men turn defeat into victory.

Seeing this, the psychics on the side changed their faces.

"There are such strong undead here?"

"Are there other strong men here?? If this goes on, they will lose! By then, this town may be breached."

"Go back and find the guards and ask them to ask for help!"


Just as they were discussing nervously, a residual image flashed by.

Most people didn't even see what happened clearly. The terrifying undead head suddenly turned into blood foam and disappeared.

The headless body of the undead shook and finally fell heavily to the ground.

The square became quiet for a while.

Only the two middle-aged men and the three peak third-level youths saw the situation.

They stared at a figure next to the undead corpse with wide eyes.

It was Lu Kong.

Just now, they saw that it was this young man in front of them who blew up the head of such a powerful undead with one punch.

Lu Kong smiled at the stunned people: "I said I was here to help."

The two middle-aged men and three young men were all confused.

Who is this boy?

It's only level 2, but it can kill even level 4 peak undead instantly? !

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