I am really a spiritualist

124. Chapter 124 The Blood Moon Ends

Chapter 124 The End of the Blood Moon

One of the middle-aged men came to his senses and coughed dryly to cover up his embarrassment.

Just now, the young man said that he was here to help, but he still didn't believe it and asked him to leave quickly.

Although he had good intentions, he was somewhat blind.

Who knew this young man was so strong?

The second level instantly kills the fourth level. Where did this monster come from?

Are you from a big family?

No, even a big family seems to have never heard of such a person.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Thank you for your help, little friend. I am Lu Qing, a teacher from Landy College, and this is my colleague Fang Nan. Thank you for your help, little friend."

"Randy College?" Lu Kong was startled, with a strange expression.

Liu Weiwei and Andre seem to be studying in this academy.

Randy College is also very close to Red Eagle City, but it is not even a first-class college. It can only be said to be an ordinary college.

Seeing Lu Kong's strange expression, Lu Qing and Fang Nan were a little confused: "What happened to Randy College?"

Lu Kong smiled: "It's nothing. I have two friends who are also studying at your school."

This made Lu Qing and Fang Nan's eyes widen in disbelief.

For such a monster, shouldn’t his friends also be monsters?

Why are there still people studying in their school?

Shouldn't it?

"What are the names of my two friends?"

"Liu Weiwei and Andre, teacher, if it's convenient for you, please take care of them." Lu Kong said with a smile.

"Liu Weiwei and Andre..." Lu Qing and Fang Nan remembered it in their hearts and nodded: "Don't worry, my friend said so, we will definitely take care of them."

"Looking at my little friend, he must be a student from the top three universities, right?"

Lu Kong nodded: "We are students from Qiyao Academy. My name is Lu Kong. These three are Anfeixue, Catalina and Mengqi."

Hearing this, the three young men who had been silent beside them widened their eyes and looked at Lu Kong in surprise.

"So you are Junior Lukong?!"

Lu Kong was startled and looked at the three of them: "Do you know me?"

The three of them looked at each other, and the pretty young woman smiled and said, "We are also Qiyao's students, but we are already in the third grade. Of course you don't know us."

Lu Kong suddenly realized: "It turns out they are the seniors."

The young man next to him looked at Lu Kong and sighed repeatedly: "I have long heard that junior Lu Kong is very powerful. He got 200,000 points just one month after entering school. I originally thought it was an exaggeration, but now it seems..."

He smiled bitterly, and the young man next to him also sighed: "Comparing people to each other is really annoying. I have just been in school for a few months, and I can kill a peak fourth-level psyker, which is better than our third-year seniors." Stronger.”

Lu Qing and Fang Nan's eyes widened, and they were even more shocked when they looked at Lu Kong.

This person is actually a new student? !

Are the new students so powerful? Is that human being?

They couldn't believe it.

Lu Kong smiled: "It turns out to be three seniors. Hello."

A few people exchanged a few words, and then left each other to continue dealing with the undead in the town.

At least half of the civilians in the town died, tens of thousands of them.

And these civilians who died due to the death disease have all turned into undead and become a threat to mankind.

If the entrance and exit of the town were not blocked, if these undead went to other areas, they would probably cause more damage by then.

This was also the first time that Lu and Kong learned the horror of death in person.

This contagious disease is so pervasive that as long as one's spirituality is not strong enough, one will die in just a few breaths, and then turn into an undead and resurrect.

So scary!

Throughout the town, there are a large number of psykers dealing with these undead.

Even so, it took them a whole day to kill all the undead in the entire town.

Although Lu and Kong were strong enough, they were also exhausted after killing a large number of undead.

They returned to school for a night's rest.

Early the next morning, they continued to plan to kill the undead in other towns.

"Where are we going today?" Lu Kong looked at Anfeixue.

An Feixue looked at the official website: "Several nearby towns were cleaned up yesterday..."

Suddenly her eyes widened slightly, with a hint of surprise in her eyes: "Nade Town is the closest to us."

"Nade Town?" Catalina was stunned for a moment, then thoughtfully asked: "This town seems a bit familiar, right?"

Lu Kong frowned and said slowly: "It's the town we went to last time with Brother Yunmen and the others."

"Where is it?" Catalina's pupils narrowed slightly.

Appeared on the official website, apparently a town infected by the death disease.

It seems that the previous town was also infected.

Lu and Kong were silent for a while.

Lu Kong said slowly: "Then let's go to Nader Town."


A few people nodded and took the truck again to Nader Town.

The last time I came to Nader Town, the streets were quite lively with people coming and going.

But this time, a defensive line was set up at the entrance outside the town.

There were tents everywhere on the outside, and there were constant moans and cries.

Lu and Kong also fell silent.

"Junior Lukong, you are here too!"

Lu Kong came to his senses and looked towards the direction where the sound came from. It turned out to be the three seniors he met yesterday.

"Senior Peter, Senior Malik, and Senior Sister Shen Manyu met again."

"This town is the closest to the academy, so it's convenient to go back and forth." Shen Manyu smiled and explained.

"Let's act together today?" Peter invited.

Lu Kong hesitated, then said, "Okay."

"That's great!" Peter and the other two smiled.

After all, Lu Kong's strength is there. If they encounter any overly powerful undead, they don't have to worry about Lu Kong.

After returning to school yesterday, they told their friends that Lu Kong might have the strength of the fifth level.

As a result, their friends spit on them one by one, thinking they were crazy.

A mid-second-level spiritual contract master has the strength of the fifth level?

What a joke?

Only a fool would believe it.

They were indignant in their hearts. They were obviously telling the truth, but others didn't believe it.

They met Lu Kong again today, so of course they planned to hug his thigh.

Just like yesterday, they passed the checkpoint and entered the town.

"Lu Kong, where do we go?" Peter looked at Lu Kong.

The three of them looked like they were following Lu Kong's lead.

Lu Kong was silent for a moment, then slowly said, "Let's go this way first."

Anfischer and Catalina looked at each other, and saw a trace of worry in each other's eyes.

The direction Lu Kong was heading was exactly the direction of Angus's house.

They had seen it before, and perhaps because of similar experiences, Lu Kong had a different kind of sympathy for Angus.

If Angus had an accident, Lu Kong would probably be sad.

However, the two did not speak, and Monk beside him also understood this truth.

But he also did not say much.

Peter and the other two also noticed that something was wrong. They looked at Lu Kong and the others and did not say much.

With Peter and the other two, they handled the undead faster.

Along the way, they killed all the undead in the small building to prevent the undead from rushing out of the town.

Soon, they arrived at the door of Angus's house.

Lu Kong and the others were all psychics, so their hearing was naturally very sharp.

They naturally heard the low roar coming from the room at the first time.

This is a creature unique to the undead.

Lu Kong stood at the door and was silent.

Then he shook his head slightly and stretched out his hand to press the door lock.

With a slight force, the door lock broke.

Lu Kong opened the door.

As soon as he opened the door, the smell of decay came to his face.

Lu Kong saw Angus and Anna rushing towards him.

The two had been dead for two days, their skin was pale, and there were signs of decay, their soul fire was dim, and they were manic.

Lu Kong stepped silently and tapped their spines gently.

The spines of the two people were broken and they fell to the ground.

Lu Kong looked at the two twisting undead and said slowly: "Monkey, can you shatter their soul fire?"

Monkey nodded slightly: "Yes."

As a telekineticist, his soul power far exceeded the two undead at the apprentice level.

With a move of his telekinesis, he quickly shattered the soul fire of the two undead.

Seeing Anna and Angus dead, Lu Kong was silent. He put the bodies of the two side by side, went to Angus's room, took out the family portrait of the three people, and put it in Angus's hand.

He touched Xiaoqing's head, and Xiaoqing howled and spit out balls of flames.

The flames ignited the furniture in the room and began to burn.

Lu Kong said, "Let's go."

The few people walked out of the room. Lu Kong turned his head and watched the flames burn, engulfing the bodies of the two people, and slowly closed the door.

He exhaled slightly and said, "Go on."

Peter and the other two looked at each other, and nodded without asking any more questions.


In the following time, Lu Kong and others have been dealing with the undead in various areas.

There are many towns near the entire Red Eagle City that have been infected by the Death God disease.

And the number of deaths in the infected towns is even more than half.

There are several areas similar to the Red Eagle City, and countless humans have died because of the Death God disease.

Even the other violent spirit beasts and other dangers in the blood moon are not as great as the losses caused by the Death God disease.

Even so, in so many blood moons over the years, there has never been such a huge loss!

Such a loss is rare for the entire human race.

Such a huge loss even alarmed the Blue Moon Alliance Parliament.

According to Anfischer, a Blue Moon Alliance speaker-level strongman angrily rushed into the Death Wilderness with the most undead, killed a large number of undead, and was eventually repelled by two undead demigods.

The Blue Moon Alliance also expressed its position: from now on, it will fight to the death with the Death Cult!

In addition to the Blue Moon Alliance, even the wild beasts, snake people and other races have suffered different losses from the undead disaster.

Only the elves, dwarves, fox demons, dragon people and other powerful races as the ancient god races have not been attacked.

However, even so, the crazy actions of the Death Cult still shocked all the races on the entire Kaga Star.

This is a provocation to multiple races on Kaga Star with one's own strength, including first-class races such as humans and wild beasts.

For a time, the Death Cult was surrounded by many races.

That is, humans, wild beasts, snake people and other races are originally hostile races, and they have been fighting each other in the border area for more than one or two years.

Otherwise, they might unite together to encircle and annihilate the Undead Wilderness!

When the blood moon ended, the effect of the death god disease was greatly weakened without the influence of the blood moon on the spirit world.

This huge disease disaster gradually disappeared.

However, no one knew why the death god cult would attack so many lives so crazily.

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