I am Really an Insider

Chapter 184 181: Is the best matchup in the finals revealed? (1st update please vote)

Popovich angrily criticized Wayne's behavior and received support from some coaches.

Some people think that Wayne's behavior is very bad.

"I have never seen a player take the initiative to attack the opponent's coach. How can this ensure the safety of the coach?" George. Law-abiding. Karl sided with Popovich.

"This is a very bad behavior, and the league should punish Wayne." Larry Brown did not forget to curse impassionedly during an interview in the hospital.

Well, it seems that he is still in good spirits.

"I can't tell whether Wayne did it on purpose, but I personally think he should have taken some actions to protect the opponent's coach." Byron Scott, who was already fishing at home, also came to join in the heat.

There is a rare opportunity to punish Wayne. Can Popovich let it pass?

With his influence, it would be easy to create a wave of hatred for Wayne.

Most of the people who oppose Wayne don't really hate Wayne, they are just mindlessly siding with Popovich.

Vicky is an old thief, no matter how you say it, he still has a bit of a reputation in the coaching world.

In this way, the incident of Wayne kicking Larry Brown became a rage in the city.

Once again, on-field violence overshadowed the game itself.

No one cared that the defending champion lost by more than 20 points. Everyone's eyes were on Wayne's flying kick.

"I would say it was a good shot.

This is my old friend in the playoffs. If a player works hard to save the ball in the playoffs, we should give him encouragement and appreciation.

Did Wei do anything wrong? I dare say that if Shaq saves the ball like this, not only Brown, but also the fans will suffer.

Wayne had tried to minimize the damage. "

Buckley supported Wayne on his show, and also took advantage of the situation.

Shaq: Did I do it again?

"People's ambiguity is whether it is necessary for Wayne to stretch his legs in the air." Kenny Smith criticized Flying Pigs every day.

"Oh my gosh Kenny, you should really thank Hakeem Olajuwon for getting a championship ring because you got two championships without fucking saving the ball.

If you have ever saved a ball, you will know that a person in that situation has no regard for his own actions and only thinks about how to get the ball back. "

Kenny Smith looked at Barkley and really wanted to punch his bald head off.

Damn it, why did Wayne talk about me? ?

I think you are jealous of me because you don’t have a ring!

In the last four seasons of your career, didn't you also hug Olajuwon's thigh?

I just didn’t hold it!

It's nice to talk to me!

"So, you don't think Wei did it on purpose?"

"Hahahaha, you are very talented at telling jokes. Because if Wei did it on purpose, Larry Brown would not have suffered a slight concussion.

Besides, don't think the Pistons are the victims.

Look at what they did to the Pacers players before. This is at best a black game. "

Lord Wei Chuiba, the first T.N.T., continued to choose to support Wayne in this matter.

As a result, outside public opinion has basically divided views of support and resistance.

Some people think that Wayne intentionally hurt people, after all, he has a "criminal record."

Some people think that Wayne just wanted to save the ball and that Larry Brown was purely unlucky.

As the matter could not be determined, the league did not impose any punishment on Wayne.

It was just that Stern personally called Wayne to give him a verbal warning and told him to pay attention to his actions.

Wayne said, "Oh, oh, oh, ok, ok, no problem," leaving Stern speechless.

The other party has such a good attitude, what else is there to say?

As a result, the league officially announced that since Wayne did not do it intentionally, no additional punishment would be imposed on him.

At the same time, the league president has personally had in-depth and friendly exchanges with Wayne.

Both sides thought that this matter was almost over, and even the Pistons did not respond to it.

But everyone never expected that Popovich would not give in!

"If such behavior can be condoned, then what order can there be in this alliance?"

During an interview between practices, Popovich remained serious.

He just wanted to trample Wayne to death!

It can be seen that the generous Popovich is still worried about the two front teeth.

Whether he really cares about Larry Brown is beside the point.

Importantly, he now has an opportunity to send Wayne into a whirlpool.

In this way, a very strange scene occurred in this year's playoffs.

The coach of a Western Conference team got into trouble with a first-year rookie of an Eastern Conference team.

This situation can be said to be unprecedented.

During the first practice after Wayne and the team arrived in Detroit, some reporters tried to interfere with it.

Continue to stir up the conflict between Wayne and Popovich.

Well, it was Larry Brown who got kicked, but Popovich got all the heat.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew he was an old thief.

"You mean, coach Craig Popovich thinks I should be punished? He's got a really good sense of humor. Because Bruce Bowen is the most punishable player in the league.

Popovich is very suitable to be a politician, and his ability to deflect conflicts is superb. "

Wayne didn't shy away from exchanging blows with Popovich, "I kicked Larry Brown, why are you so orgasmic?"

Or do you want to be shot too?

As soon as Wayne said this, many stars also expressed support.

Among them, the one who supports Wayne the most is Carter.

"If Wei is suspended for saving the ball, then what does Bowen's actions count? If Popovich is so upright, why doesn't he let the league investigate Bruce?"

With the UFO making such a fuss, the influence of this incident has continued to expand.

After all, if it's just Wayne and the Pistons fighting, then it's at best a conflict between the two teams.

But now that Carter and Popovich have stepped in, the war has suddenly become exciting.

Carter's temper is indeed relatively mild to be honest.

As for being kicked off by Bowen for the third time this season, Carter is probably the only one who can bear it.

Therefore, when Carter, who has a gentle personality, took the initiative to intervene in this matter, it was obvious how angry he was.

The thief shouted "Catch the thief", Carter really couldn't stand it.

He and Wayne actually had no personal relationship, and the two of them had spoken less than 10 sentences in total.

But as the saying goes, if you can't beat me, then join in and beat the same enemy and we will be friends.

Therefore, Carter stood firmly with Wayne this time.

With one of the league's most popular players backing him up, Wayne was able to pull it off.

Fans are now sitting back and waiting for something to happen, but Stern will not sit still.

Are they tearing it up? No, this is creating knife music!

Think about it, if the Pacers and Spurs finally met in the Finals

It will definitely be a highly watched series!

Stern looked at the various news on the market and smiled happily.

"Go on, keep hating each other."

Pacers and Spurs, you all have to work hard.


The incident of Popovich tearing up Wayne off the court has caused a lot of noise recently.

But the most important thing for both sides right now is not to fight each other from a distance, but to solve the opponent in front of them.

After coming to Detroit in the Eastern Conference semifinals, the fans here were as "enthusiastic" to Wayne and the others as ever.

In the third game of the series, Larry Brown appeared on the basketball court wearing a neck brace in a very exaggerated manner.

Wayne was stunned at the time. You prepared this prop very carefully!

You will definitely be the first to participate in a miserable variety show!

"Coach Larry Brown still insists on participating in the game under such circumstances. It is indeed very respectable." Cole said respect, but he couldn't help but want to laugh!

Larry Brown's movements were very stiff because he could not turn his neck.

It looks extremely funny.

Do you think Larry Brown is thinking that? I don’t want to use this to inspire the players!

However, the effect is not very good.

Because Billups had not denied the quarrel with Larry Brown before, the matter was frantically added to by the media.

Now, everyone knows that Larry Brown is interested in New York and has been negotiating contracts with the other party during the playoffs.

In this regard, Larry Brown did not clarify the players.

And that's exactly the problem.

If you didn't do it, how about clarifying it with everyone?

It is precisely because Larry Brown did not clarify or deny that the players could not help but become suspicious.

So, when we were fighting tooth and nail on the court, taking Wayne's steel elbow.

You old boy only want to run away?

No player would be comfortable replacing him.

Therefore, seeing Larry Brown insisting on playing through injury, the Pistons players did not feel the slightest emotion.

He may be able to impress fans and commentators, but he cannot fool players.

No one knows whether Larry Brown cares about New York or Detroit now.

In this crucial third game of the series, Larry Brown actually played a very small role.

Mainly because the Pistons players were willing to work hard, they finally won a victory through overtime at home.

Both sides defended very well in this game, and overall it was a melee style.

However, there are not so many malicious collisions by the pistons.

In the last 5.8 seconds of the game, the Pacers clearly led by 3 points thanks to Wayne's key mid-range shot.

But Prince, who suddenly found his sights, hit a three-pointer at the last minute to tie the score.

After entering overtime, Payton's physical energy was almost exhausted, so Billups abused him and finally helped the Pistons win by 4 points.

Wayne encountered a decisive and tight double-team by Double Wallace at the last moment, so he did not get many opportunities to perform.

It's not that Wayne couldn't make a shot, it was that he simply couldn't get the ball and was too guarded.

If you can't catch the ball, it doesn't matter whether you are an "offensive kaleidoscope" or a "big-hearted" killer.

In this way, the Detroiters regained a victory at home.

After the game, all the fans chanted the word "murderer".

Cursing Wayne, no doubt.

Larry Brown also raised his hands toward the stands and accepted the fans' worship.

What a great image of a disabled person with a strong will!

Billups was disgusted when he saw it. Today's game was a result of the players' hard work.

Larry Brown did nothing except "pay attention to defense and avoid personal heroism".

Oh, we won the ball, and you did it all by yourself.

I really just got used to picking peaches.

Billups now doesn't say he sympathizes with Larry Brown, he even feels a little disgusted.

After the game, Tianzun, who finally won a game, was very happy: "We have regained our form, and the Pacers should pay attention. The defending champion will not fall easily!"

Tianzun's voice was impassioned, as if the veteran was finally breaking the shackles of fate.

The Detroit media also played and danced along.

In Indianapolis, the media in Indianapolis has done so many things, but the media in Detroit are shameless?

Of course I have to get it back!

So the next day, the headline in the "Detroit Sports News" was: Tremble, 61-win Eastern Conference runner-up!

It's clear that it's stepping on the Pacers' sore foot last season.

Everyone thought that the strong Larry Brown would lead this strong team to complete the counterattack!

However, if the car is driven too fast, it will overturn.

In Game 4 of the series, the Pistons immediately overturned.

In Game 2 at the Palace of Auburn Hills, while Larry Brown was still wearing a neck brace, Rick Carlisle had adjusted his strategy.

He suddenly put Stephen Jackson in the starting lineup and changed the offense to focus on cutting to the basket, catching the Pistons off guard.

Larry Brown was still thinking about his contract with the New York Knicks and telling the media about his experience of being kicked every day, and he had no plans for a backup plan.

The Pistons obviously didn't respond well to Carlisle's sudden change of tactics.

As soon as they came up, the Pistons were beaten.

Miller's outstanding performance during the rotation also sealed the victory for the Pacers.

The defense that the Pistons were proud of was broken by this change of formation.

When the Pistons' defense fails, it becomes very difficult for them to win.

The originally menacing piston was disarmed again not long after it became hard.

Carlisle relied on this move to change the formation, allowing the Pacers to win the fourth game of the series 88-79, gaining match point!

"3-1, the Pacers got the match point early! This also means that in the next game in Indianapolis, the Pacers are likely to end the entire series!"

Cole was a little surprised. Is the defending champion so resistant to beatings?

If the Pacers really win the next game, the Pistons will be completely "gentleman swept."

The defending champion is already in danger.

Wayne, who scored 20 points, 7 rebounds and 3 assists, was the most critical part of the Pacers' victory today besides changing their formations.

He scored efficiently today and withstood the Pistons' counterattack.

When asked what he thought of the big win, Wayne just laughed.

"As the Detroit media said, I'm scared right now. Our situation is very, very dangerous. After all, we only need to lose three more games and we will be eliminated."

As soon as Wayne opened his mouth, he gave Detroiters a hard time.

At the same time, it also made Popovich a little nervous.

The Indiana Pacers are really a bit aggressive this season.

They... couldn't really ruin a good thing, right?

Thanks to You Ye Shen Zhi, Shen Ye alone, Defense Tower No. 9527, Woofer and other big guys for the rewards, thank you all~

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