I am Really an Insider

Chapter 185 Chapter 182: Junzi Lei’s act of revenge (2nd update, please vote)

While Popovich was frantically looking for trouble with Wayne, the Spurs were taken advantage of by the Sonics.

On the Spurs' side, the situation at the beginning was actually similar to that of the Pacers.

They first won both home games, beating the SuperSonics 2-0.

In the first game, Bowen attacked Ray Allen, who only played 13 minutes before being sent off.

Although Ray Allen returned in the second game, his ankle was still injured.

It is precisely because of this that Popovich has the leisure to disturb the muddy waters in the east and meddle in Wayne's business.

Who knew that before the muddy waters were stirred up, a fire broke out in the backyard.

In Game 3 of the Western Conference Semifinals, the Spurs killed themselves with a five-game iron shot in the last 1 minute and 13 seconds of the game.

The total score of this game was 92 to 91, and the SuperSonics narrowly defeated the Spurs by 1 point.

In other words, if there is an accident in the Spurs' five last-minute strikes, the SuperSonics will not be able to win this game.

What else can I say? Jiedu is fate!

However, after losing this game, Popovich still wasn't too worried.

Because Lewis was seriously injured in this game, it is very likely that he will be directly reimbursed for the season.

As the Sonics' second scoring point behind Junzi Lei, Lewis's importance to Seattle is self-evident.

Without such a general, and with Ray Allen playing injured again, wouldn't the Spurs' abuse of the Sonics be like abusing their son?

Popovich originally thought that the Spurs would, like the Pacers, regroup in Game 4 and return to San Antonio with match point, then naturally win Game 5 and advance easily.

However, in Game 4 in Seattle, the Spurs were photographed against the wall by the explosive Ray Allen.

The kind that can't even be buckled off.

"The game is over, the Seattle SuperSonics played a very efficient offense! When Lewis went down, when everyone thought they were finished.

Ray Allen, a member of the 1996 golden generation, told the Spurs with his outstanding performance that the series is not over yet! You'd better turn your attention back from the east!

Your opponent is not Wei, but me! "

At KeyArena in Seattle, the on-site commentator yelled wildly.

Behind him were nearly 20,000 fans cheering for that magical number 34.

He was kicked in the first game and played injured in the next three games.

But so what?

He can also solve you!

What fan wouldn’t love such a leading star?

Popovich looked at the court, his eyes dull.

What the hell is this? ?

Well, who told him to ignore the opponent in front of him?

101 to 89, the Seattle SuperSonics defeated the Spurs at home and tenaciously tied the series score at 2-2!

Ray Allen scored 32 points today. Except for 5 free throws, they were all scored in sports games.

As a defender, Ray Allen shot 60%, which is higher than Duncan!

In this game, in addition to Junzilei's outstanding performance, the Spurs also felt like setting themselves on fire.

Because today, except for Duncan, the remaining players on the Spurs didn't even look at their shooting percentages.

Parker was 5 of 13, Bowen was 1 of 5, Barry Sr. was 1 of 4, and Ginobili was slightly better, but only 4 of 10.

In the end, the Spurs' team shot only 41.7%.

With this hit rate, who will spoil you?

Perhaps it was Popovich's performance that made the Spurs players feel that they could already look ahead to the conference finals or even the finals.

Therefore, facing the SuperSonics, an opponent "destined to win", I didn't pay too much attention.

As a result, they paid a heavy price.

Now 2-2 means that when the Pacers want to play the promotion game at home, the Spurs can only compete with the SuperSonics for Tianwang Mountain.

This time, Popovich suddenly lost his dignity.

At the press conference, he finally stopped blaming Wayne from the moral high ground.

Nonsense, you can't even protect yourself, why do you still care about Dark Wayne?

But Popovich is not black, so someone will come to criticize him.

At the SuperSonics' press conference, Ray Allen gave Popovich and the Spurs a killer shot!

"Bruce Bowen, or even Popovich, is not a respectable opponent in my opinion.

I have long seen through Bowen's tricks. He is always pushing, pulling, and squeezing people. And that damn thing is always ready to step up to your feet.

In the first game, I dribbled the ball into the penalty area twice. He used the same trick to pull me twice. The second time he added a black foot, and I sprained my ankle.

As for coach Popovich, he acquiesced in Bowen's approach and openly enjoyed the benefits brought to them by Bowen's dirty methods.

Did they think this would bring me down? I said, fuck it! "

As we all know, Ray Allen is not the kind of black player who was born at the bottom. He was well educated and did not grow up in a rough neighborhood.

So most of the time, Ray Allen is polite.

He rarely makes such offensive remarks. Even the last time he publicly dismissed Kobe, Ray Allen was not so excited.

In fact, if he was stepped on by someone else, Ray Allen might not be so angry.

But Bruce Bowen and he are old friends, and the two had a very good personal relationship before.

The two families have known each other for a long time. When Bowen wanted to return to the NBA, Ray Allen took him to train together.

I was loyal to my friends, but you got up and turned against me. How can such a thing happen in the world?

It’s just a dog. If you treat it well, it will wag its tail at you.

This feeling of being tricked by a friend made Ray Allen very hurt.

In the first round of the playoffs, Ray Allen averaged 32.4 points, 4.6 rebounds and 5.4 assists in 5 games. He also shot 51.4% from the field and 45.2% from the three-point range. It was simply amazing. It is an existence without solution.

However, after being eliminated in the second round, Ray Allen's personal condition, which was injured and played, obviously declined a lot.

And what made him most angry was not only Bowen's foul play, but also Popovich's!

While he was condoning players doing such dirty things, he was also righteously accusing Wayne!

You can always be a human being!

Is it okay to have some facial expressions at such an old age? ?

To be honest, it is understandable for Ray Allen that the head coach indulges his players.

In competitive sports, victory comes first.

But damn, if you take advantage, just shut up.

While taking advantage of others, you have to stand on the moral high ground and accuse others.

What qualifications do you have?

Isn’t this both true and true!

Ray Allen really can't stand it.

So today, he used basketball to get revenge on the Spurs.

And not only that, he now wants to publicly take sides!

Although he had no personal relationship with Wayne, he did not have a good impression of Wayne.

To put it bluntly, in Ray Allen's view, Wayne is not a good person.

But like Carter, the enemy of my enemy is my friend!

Popovich wants to cause trouble?

Then let's make a big fuss!

"Are you saying that Bowen intentionally caused you to be injured?" The reporters were all excited. Today's press conference is in full swing!

The war of beeping has come to Seattle!

"The whole world knows that Bowen did it on purpose, only Popovich was playing dumb.

He has been accusing Wei recently, but he is completely unqualified.

The prerequisite for accusing others of being immoral is that you must at least be moral.

Craig Popovich himself is not a good person, so he’s talking about others? In my opinion this is even more shameless behavior!

I have written a personal letter to the league president, asking the league to take it seriously and investigate the actions of Bruce Bowen and Popovich in detail!

Even if they win this series, I won't respect them!

Oh, and they don't necessarily win either. Before blaming others, pay more attention to your current opponent, good coach Popovich! "

Well, cultural people are different, they can scold people without using curse words.

Without saying a word, he had already reported all the imperial edicts.

Ray Allen's remarks today represent the end of his friendship with Bowen. The two of them are no longer just friends, but have directly become enemies.

Bowen lost one of his few friends in the league.

At the same time, this also means that the dirty things between Bowen and Popovich have become even bigger and their notoriety has become wider.

Wayne, who originally kicked Larry Brown under Popovich's attack, suffered some negative effects on his image.

But now, after Ray Allen made public accusations, the image of Popovich, Bowen and even the entire Spurs has taken a turn for the worse, becoming even darker than Wayne.

Although Wayne hurts others, he is at least honest and at most he can just say "I really didn't mean it".

And this Popovich is both arrogant and upright, which is really a bit disgusting.

Popular players like Carter and Ray Allen have come out to speak out and speak truth, turning the Spurs into the public enemy in an instant.

Many fans even said: "I really want to see Wayne kick Popovich in the face."

Everyone loves to watch it.

This incident was indeed beyond Wayne's expectations.

I was already prepared to be a villain, but now I suddenly turned into a little anti-terrorist fighter?

So, you have to leave some room for whatever you do.

If you do things too darkly, you will only be attacked from both sides.

The issue of Ray Allen has made Popovich no longer able to take care of the whole job.

If the correction continues, I will be wiped out.

At the same time, on the Pistons side, Larry Brown also discovered the same problem.

The great prospect of two consecutive championships was about to be ruined by myself.

Now when training, Larry Brown finds that his control over the players is not as good as before.

It was obviously a victory won by the Pistons players themselves, but it was exaggerated as "the strong coach Brown led the strong Pistons to continue to fight the Pacers." Are the players happy?

Coupled with the rumors between Brown and the Knicks, this made the players even more uncomfortable.

Seeing that the crucial fifth game is coming, Larry Brown cannot control the team.

Isn’t this a stretch of the balls and a stretch of the crotch?

Of course, this does not mean that the Pistons have lost their combat effectiveness.

Although the Pistons players no longer trust Larry Brown, they still want to win.

As long as they can survive Game 5 and win again at home next time, the Pistons will still have a chance!

The real toughness of the Pistons is this group of players, not Brown who wears a neck protector like a clown.

Even if there is no coach, even if the coach is already thinking about his next big contract, the Pistons players will persevere on their own.

In the next fifth game, it is not that simple for the Pacers to win.

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