I am Really an Insider

Chapter 408 405: A new player has entered the game, and he will immediately help Brother Wei create

The 2009 NBA All-Star Weekend was complete, dull, and boring.

Perhaps because last year's Superman vs. Batman drama was so exciting, this year's All-Stars were somewhat overshadowed.

Moreover, this All-Star Game won’t look good without Wayne to cause trouble!

Wayne would be very surprised if he knew fans thought this way.

What! ?

Do you really want to see Mousse get beaten up?

Isn’t it enough to play from the rookie game to now?

Can you be a human being?

Fans: Aren’t you the one who hit the mousse?

In short, the response to this year's All-Star Game was very average. Apart from Shaq and Kobe lifting the MVP trophy together, there were no impressive scenes.

On the Internet, both Chinese and American fans are complaining that without Wei Ge’s slam dunk contest, it would be soulless!

Xiaodou felt very embarrassed, how come I, the slam dunk contest champion, have no sense of existence at all?

Some dunk contest champions may be forgotten one day later.

But some dunk contest champions are immortal in everyone's hearts!

Some even believe that the league should add an all-star charity boxing match.

Anyone who usually has grudges or grudges on the court can have a fair and open fight in this boxing match, and the prize money received by the winner can be used for charity.

In this way, the reason for this fight instantly became higher!

As long as Wayne plays, no matter who he plays, the fans will definitely empty their wallets to buy tickets to watch.

This topic is very popular. Although it is unlikely to be realized, it also proves Wayne's influence in the All-Star Game.

In the past, even if he killed Stern, he would never have imagined that one day an international player would become a box office guarantee for the All-Star Game.

That's it, Adam Dog Silva still doesn't want to be the top vote-getter.

Isn't this just stupid?

Forget it, forget about Adam for now.

Stern is now thinking about how to trick Wayne into doing another fucking vote!

Next year, no matter what, Lian Gu has to let Wayne participate in the slam dunk contest.


Forget it, Stern has given up on Mousse.

Waiting for Mousse to participate in the slam dunk contest, you might as well wait for Jordan to come back.

Not possible anyway.

The only one we can count on is Brother Wei!

At this time, Wayne was speechless looking at the discussions about the boxing charity match on the Internet.

You fans are making false accusations against good people every day.

Dare I ask you, Brother Wei, where have I fought this season?

I've never even been banned!

I am now a first-class civilized person!

Sir Bar: Why do I feel that these words are so familiar?

But if we can really hold one.

I wonder if I can name Bodog and Pachulia to participate.

It’s okay for two people to come together, so we can stay and fly together.

Wayne promised that he would not kill him.

In a joyous atmosphere, the All-Star Weekend officially came to an end.

Wayne is also ready to make the playoffs.

However, as soon as the All-Star Weekend ended, heavy news came from the league.

Over in Salt Lake City, Jazz owner Larry Miller died of diabetes at the age of 64.

This news is undoubtedly a huge blow to the Jazz. Larry Miller is an owner who is deeply loved by fans. He has always been very close to players and fans.

He and coach Jerry Sloan are even close friends.

This is also the reason why Sloan can have a say in the Jazz. With the support of the boss, Sloan has always had a great say in the team.

Miller's death has cast a pall over Salt Lake City.

Not only is the shadow of losing the owner, but also the shadow of uncertainty about the future of the team.

Although after Larry's death, the Jazz still belong to the Miller family, and the team will be managed by his wife and son.

But his wife and son don't love basketball as much as Larry does.

Her son Roger's hobby is racing, and her wife is not a basketball fan and just wants to take care of business.

Will they still give it their all for the Jazz?

Will they still support Jerry Sloan unconditionally?

None of this is known.

After returning from the All-Star Game, the Jazz's first game, all players and fans paid tribute to the old Miller before the game.

But beneath this peaceful surface, there is an undercurrent.

As the core of the Jazz, Deron feels that he should have some say now.

Miller is gone, which means this team is no longer Sloan's team.

He doesn't want to lose to Chris Paul over and over again!

At the same time, the acquisition of the Nets by Russian tycoon Prokhonov is almost completed.

Ratner, the current owner of the Nets, suffered heavy losses in the subprime mortgage crisis and is no longer able to run the team.

But because of its exorbitant asking price, it also scared away a number of owners who wanted to acquire the Nets.

However, the Russian tycoon said that as long as it is a problem that can be solved with money, it is a problem!

In this way, Prokhonov stood out from the crowd of competitors.

Not only did he spend money to buy shares in the Nets, he also promised the original owner to inject capital into his "Atlantic Pier" real estate project in Brooklyn.

If this team sells, then one can stand and make money.

Not only does he sell the team, but he can also get capital injection into the business.

This guy is the luckiest seller in history.

Because if you hadn't met this Russian tycoon, who would have paid any attention to you!

This is really what happened.

Of course, Nets fans actually don't want to see the team be acquired.

Because Prokhonov has long expressed his hope to move the team to New York.

Go to big markets, attract stars, and win championships.

Home field?

Don't worry, we won't share a home court with a crosstown team like the Clippers.

That's too confusing.

I will build a new arena in Brooklyn when the time comes!

Isn’t it just money?

Prokhonov has reached an agreement with the original owner and is only waiting for the league to review and the team owners to vote before completing the acquisition.

However, it is almost impossible to get stuck in these two steps, because Stern welcomes this "foreign capital invasion" with open legs and hands.

After all, this is a good opportunity for the NBA to further complete its global expansion, and having such a wealthy owner enter the game will also make competition more intense.

Therefore, if nothing else happens, the Nets can officially change ownership before the start of next season!

Therefore, although the acquisition has not been officially completed, the Russians are already thinking about their plans to win the championship.

To put it simply, it’s the same idea as Abramovich at Chelsea – throw money!

This is the fastest and easiest way, but it costs a little money.

But if we really win the championship, and in a big market like New York, wouldn’t we be able to earn money by the truckload?

Throw money!

Prokhonov is already studying the big-name players who will expire in recent years, and when the time comes, he will spend money to buy them no matter what.

Then, acquire stars from other teams through trades.

Form an NBA galactic battleship!

Although this will make him bear a large amount of luxury tax, the luxury tax is nothing!

There are so many stars, how can we not win the championship?

Why are the Lakers so stupid?

Because they also have the league's number one center, the league's number one shooting guard, and the league's number one elbow-carrying small forward.

Why are the Trail Blazers so angry? Because they also have a family of three in Wayne, Paul and Gasol.

Then why is the Nets beeping? Isn’t it very clear?

Buying all the stars will be a success.

The Russians are very confident and are determined to make great achievements in the NBA.

Lacob, who had not yet understood the game after acquiring the Warriors, was very worried. The Russian was very aggressive.

The Warriors' renaissance has not yet begun, but another uncertain factor has entered the game. Can this renaissance still happen?

Lacob approached West with doubts, and West waved his hand: "I'm sorry, please!"

Well, no matter how wealthy the boss is, he must have a capable general manager.

Besides, can you understand this NBA by spending money?

Didn't even take the Nets seriously!

LOGO Man knew that Lacob already wanted to see some results.

But there is no way, West does not have the fast forward button in his hand.

But you don’t have to endure it for long, there will be another four months until the results of the draft lottery come out.

When the time comes, the LOGO man will let the entire league know what he means by displaying it.

Both the Jazz and Nets have begun to undergo huge changes, but the Trail Blazers remain as stable as ever.

After the All-Star Game, another four-game winning streak opened the way. Counting the four-game winning streak before the All-Star Game, this is already eight consecutive wins.

It's simply a win-win machine.

It wasn't until the loss to the Spurs on February 25 that the winning streak slowed down slightly.

The Spurs' strategy this year is different from the past. At this time in the past, the Spurs were basically in a semi-healthy state.

But this season, they played very fiercely after the All-Star Game.

It’s impossible not to be fierce!

If they don't work hard, the Spurs may not even get past the first round this year!

The situation in the Western Conference this year is very chaotic.

Except for the Trail Blazers and Lakers, no other team's ranking is stable.

From third to ninth, the results are very close.

If the Spurs can only finish eighth or seventh in the end, it means they will have to face the Trail Blazers or Lakers in the first round.

If my luck were even worse.

Then we won’t even get to play in the playoffs!

Therefore, the Spurs fought hard after the All-Star Game, and today they just defeated the Trail Blazers.

In this game, the Trail Blazers lost their fifth game of the season.

It's also a warning that the team's second half of the season is indeed more dangerous.

As a result, this team had just been defeated by the Spurs, and in the next game, the Trail Blazers encountered another tough battle.

Against their old team, the Pacers, on March 4, Roy and Aldridge performed very well.

This season, the Pacers' record ranks fourth in the Eastern Conference behind the Celtics, Cavaliers and Magic.

It is the strongest team in the Eastern Conference besides the three leaders.

Roy's precise mid-range strikes today, Tony was a little tired of dealing with them.

Aldridge also has a hot touch and can shoot after catching the ball.

Although the Pacers had been struggling during this period, they still held on to the score tenaciously.

The current Pacers are becoming more and more like those of the past.

Once again, the Pacers cornered Wayne's team.

In the last 11 seconds of the game, Roy broke into the edge of the three-second zone and suddenly turned to the right.

Tony moved and blocked it, but he didn't know that Roy was just a feint.

He quickly turned his body back and then shot a fadeaway jumper!

This set of combos caused Tony to lose his defensive position slightly.

But at this moment, Wayne came out and jumped high to interfere with Roy's shot.

But because Roy's body was leaning back slightly, it was difficult for Wayne to block the ball.

Roy remained calm in the air and shot the ball steadily.

Just like that, the basketball hit the net, and Brandon Roy scored the 28th point of the game!

Scored 28 points without scoring a three-pointer.

The most terrible thing is that after this goal, Roy gave the Pacers a 1-point lead at the critical moment.

Kobe felt extremely uncomfortable after watching it, which reminded him of the game where Roy was the winner at the beginning of the season.

It's over, it's over, the feeling of being involved in the ball is too strong, and he is already getting nervous.

Roy almost completed a quasi-killer, leaving only 5 seconds for the Blazers.

Moreover, the Trail Blazers have no timeouts and the situation is very unfavorable to them.

But even so, Indianapolis fans are still very nervous.

Bird in the luxurious private room was still biting his lip.

They know Wayne too well. No. 99 has created countless miracles on this court.

He would never mind creating one more.

At the last moment, the Pacers focused their defense on Wayne.

But even so, Wayne still managed to get the basketball without any danger.

After receiving the ball, Wayne turned around and prepared to accelerate, but met Granger who was about to steal.

Wayne reflexively dribbled past Granger with a behind-the-back dribble, then crossed half court in two strides.

Two steps away from the three-point line, at the edge of the Pacers stadium's logo, Wayne had to take off and shoot!

Roy and Aldridge raised their arms to interfere. Some Indian fans even raised their arms in advance.

Bird stared at the basketball, and then his heart thumped.


The backboard glowed red and the basketball hit the net.

Wayne Logo shot three-pointer to beat the buzzer!

"Good day." Roy looked at Wayne, who was standing there with his hands folded across his chest, waiting for his teammates to come and worship him, and shook his head in disappointment.

Is this the strength of the previous generation of Cornfield God of War?

Sure enough, I have to keep working hard!

The Pacers fans had mixed feelings about it, both happy and sad.

They were happy because they once again witnessed Wayne complete a game-winner on this court, and everything seemed to go back to the golden era when the Pacers won the championship a few years ago.

And it's sad because this time Wayne killed a walker.

At this time, a Yincheng fan stood up and took out five Franklin cards: "I'll pay you 500, who will fly to New York and beat up Walsh for me!"

A second later, someone offered 1,000.

Good guy, I guess Walsh will never dare to go back to the cornfield again.

This classic counter-attack allowed the Trail Blazers to stabilize their record.

Yes, in the second half of the season, everyone wanted to go further and everyone worked hard.

But as long as Wei Ge is here, the Trail Blazers' status will be stable!

Want to see the Trail Blazers lose streak?

There is no way!

A season without a losing streak is not an exaggeration, because in Wayne's previous life, the Galaxy Warriors once achieved 146 games without a losing streak in the regular season!

They had no losing streak from April 2015 to the beginning of 2017.

Therefore, Wayne will never compromise.

Although we just lost to the Spurs yesterday, we encountered another huge obstacle today.

But Wayne still led the team to survive.

After this game, the Trail Blazers' record became 53 wins and 5 losses.

Even if the Blazers lose all subsequent games, 53 wins will be enough to secure them into the playoffs.

The All-Star Game has just ended and a playoff berth has been confirmed, so who else is asked?

This time, when reporters asked the old hooligan again whether it was possible for the Blazers to win 70 games, the old hooligan did not refute, but smiled.

"This time, maybe Charles will beat me." The old gangster said.

As the old hooligan said before, in the final sprint stage of the season, the game became very thrilling, and the Blazers could no longer achieve a devastating winning streak by just playing casually.

Their winning rate began to get lower, and even the Nuggets had a blast and beat the Trail Blazers once.

Even the games that are won, the big wins are not as many as before.

However, the Trail Blazers still have no losing streak, and they can always recover quickly after losing a game.

On April 5, when the Trail Blazers lost to the Lakers for the second time this season, they had lost 10 games this season.

Yes, they only lost 5 games in the previous three and a half months, but at the end of the season, the Trail Blazers lost 5 games in a month and a half.

The competition is obviously fierce.

After losing this game, the Trail Blazers' record is 66 wins and 10 losses.

They still have 6 games to play, and unless they win them all, they can tie the incredible 72-win record.

But on the other hand, even if the Trail Blazers falter in these last six games and only win three of them, they can still maintain their first position in the Western Conference.

Therefore, many people think that the Blazers will definitely choose to be conservative and give up a record of 72 wins or even 70 wins.

After all, in the last six games, the Trail Blazers' opponents were not weak.

The Grizzlies, Spurs and Nuggets are all fighting to the end to reach the rankings, and they will definitely not give up the victory. Moreover, the Grizzlies and Spurs are still back-to-back for the Blazers.

This schedule is very unfavorable to the Trail Blazers.

Then Wayne's crazy show began.

Playing against the Grizzlies on the 7th, Wayne had 34 points, 12 rebounds, 8 assists and 3 blocks, helping the team win by 8 points over the tenacious Grizzlies.

No. 8 plays the Spurs in back-to-back games, and the old Veach team is planning to let the newly signed team's Drew Gooden trade for Wayne.

After being thrown down by Gooden, the two sides broke out into quarrels many times. In the third quarter, Birdman almost gave Gooden a beating, but was stopped by the referee in time.

Wayne knows he has a heavy responsibility, and it would be crazy to lose 70 wins because of Gooden.

The key is that Gooden is not worth 70 wins!

If you were to say that there was a chance to beat Bodog to death, maybe Wayne would consider it.

But for Gooden, it’s not cost-effective!

Gooden saw that he had not died even after three quarters of the game, so he became bolder. Then he used small moves even more crazily to interfere with Wayne. If he could get injured, the better!

On the bench, Barkley and Veach were arguing again, and the smell of gunpowder on the court became more and more intense.

In the fourth quarter, justice came.

Justice may be late, but it will not be absent.

As soon as the fourth quarter started, Lao Ma turned into a horse's legs in a breakthrough, and kicked Gooden's head to pieces with a Foshan shadowless kick.

Seeing Lao Ma kick Gooden away with a flying kick, Wayne suddenly realized.

Oh, when co-author Ning joined the team, he slapped his thigh and said you could still play. It was a joke!

It must be admitted that the Wei Ge security team is indeed strong this season.

If there weren't so many old boxers doing the dirty work for Wayne, how could Wayne have fought this season without being suspended?

Marbury's kick crooked Gooden's nose.

Popovich and everyone were stunned, and my people were beaten again?

Damn, you Blazers are all talented!

Any veteran standing up is extremely skilled.

Naturally, the referee immediately stopped the game and kicked the old horse out.

Lao Ma knows that he probably won't have to play in the regular season. But before leaving the field, he told Wayne earnestly: "Don't think about anything else, brothers will protect you! Go ahead and get 72 wins from him!"

Well, other teams provide bodyguards for their stars because they are afraid that their stars will be beaten.

The Trail Blazers assigned bodyguards to Wayne because they were afraid that Wayne would hit others.

Anyway, the bodyguard did work.

After that, without Gooden's harassment, the husband-and-wife team of Wayne and his sister-in-law teamed up to dominate the fourth quarter.

In the end, under the stubborn resistance of the Spurs, they won the game with a 12-point advantage and won this back-to-back round!

After the game, Popovich still did the same thing, crazily condemning Marbury.

Lao Ma is also an honest person. He openly admitted directly in front of the media that his flying kick was intentional.

"That was really a malicious move on my part because I wanted to warn everyone to stay the fuck away from Wayne!"

Well, as expected of Lao Ma, he is social enough!

Can Lao Ma not be social? Wayne is his hope for a ring in the NBA!

Wayne is down, and Lao Ma and you all have a lot to gain.

Stern is so angry, you old comrade are so lawless!

Even if he kicked someone, he actually admitted it openly.

Why don’t you even pretend!

This is going to be the opposite!

I, the chief helmsman, don’t want to lose face?

As a result, Stern directly banned Sembury for 8 games. If the regular season ban is not enough, it will be extended to the playoffs!

It's a very, very severe punishment.

But he doesn't care about the old horse. He just wants to take good care of his legs and strive to continue to shine in the playoffs!

After taking care of the Spurs, the remaining Mosaic, Clippers and Thunder, the Blazers were very arrogant and directly rested Paoer and Sister-in-law.

Wayne led the team alone to beat these three teams, and he clocked out in three quarters, so it was equivalent to Wayne also getting a rest.

This is a rotation and I have to take a rest, and the game is won.

Rick Carlisle is a genius in taking turns.

After the Clippers game, the Trail Blazers, like the Lakers last season, won a historic 70 wins!

But after the game, Wayne told reporters: "This is not over yet!"

After going back, the Trail Blazers players did not celebrate 70 wins.

In the words of Birdman: "70 wins? Only the Lakers will celebrate this."

Kobe Bryant: Anderson, you're gone.

Although there was some resistance when fighting Thunder, Wayne still taught Du Xiaoshuai how to be a man without Pao'er and his sister-in-law.

But Du Xiaoshuai doesn't think so. Am I being taught how to behave by Brother Wei?


I was taught how to be a human being by Westbrook when I was riding a horse!

The brother from the sewer had a great time today. He took 16 shots in the game, but he only scored 4 goals!

Durant felt that he could shoot better than him with his eyes closed.

When Wayne looked at Westbrook, who was so impressive in his rookie season, he couldn't help but shake his head and sigh: "Young people are so scary!"

In his rookie season, he was already full of turtle flavor.

Westbrook hit Du Xiaoshuai with a combination of irons that hurt his head and made him dizzy.

The key is that Westbrook doesn't seem to care at all. The more he gets stronger, the braver he becomes, and the braver he becomes, the stronger he becomes.

With Westbrook's positive performance, the Thunder disarmed after three quarters.

After it was over, Westbrook went to comfort Durant: "It's okay KD, we will definitely beat them in the future, don't be discouraged!"

Durant smiled on the outside, but felt MMP in his heart.

I beg you to hold back your vote next time!

In this way, the Trail Blazers ushered in their last regular season opponent, the Denver Nuggets, with five consecutive victories.

Although it is the last game, the Nuggets do not intend to give up resistance.

Because if they can win, the Nuggets will be firmly in third place in the Western Conference this season.

This means they can avoid the Mavericks and play the Jazz in the first round of the playoffs.

There is still a possibility of ranking changes until the end, and no one will give up.

But George Karl never expected that Anthony would have diarrhea at a critical moment, and the diarrhea would be so severe.

Today, I only made 3 of 18 shots, a shooting rate of less than 20%!

George Karl laughed at that time. I must be crazy to be looking forward to this game so much.

Damn that melon is really unreliable!

Following the Olympics, Angua once again overturned in front of Wayne.

This melon slaughtering meeting will definitely be very lively.

Before Wayne could exert any force, the Nuggets fell by themselves.

In this way, the Trail Blazers ushered in a historic 72 wins in a single season in the most outrageous way, tying the single-season win record of the peak Bulls!

It wasn't until today that the Trail Blazers players finally celebrated wildly on the court.

A six-game winning streak silenced all doubters.

The air inside and outside the rose garden is full of joy.

It's the last day of November. Those who still have tickets should stop hiding it and smash me to death. I'll take it with my face!

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