I am Really an Insider

Chapter 409 406: The final ranking is confirmed, the determination of the old horse and the old pig

A huge "72" was displayed on the big screen.

Bill Walton stood up and covered his head with his hands in disbelief.

At this time, countless fans had the same reaction as Old Walton.

72 wins, although people have predicted that the Blazers may reach or even surpass this result a long time ago.

But to be honest, 72 wins is still a sacred record in the hearts of fans and is almost impossible to touch.

No matter who is asked to choose one of the "Top Ten Most Difficult to Copy Records in the NBA", the Bulls' 72-win record will appear in it.

The Lakers were so strong last season, but they only won 70 games.

Therefore, everyone has always been skeptical about this magical thing.

From the bottom of their hearts, everyone still feels: "It is impossible to tie the 72-win record."

Just like you know that humans will one day be able to make the exoskeleton in science fiction movies, but you will still be shocked when it is actually made.

So when the Trail Blazers really won 72 games, everyone was stunned.

This is like a miracle!

The Trail Blazers were well prepared for this. Wayne and his teammates quickly put on 72-win T-shirts, and a bunch of colorful confetti fell from the sky.

This posture looks like he has won the championship.

Afterwards, everyone hugged each other, completely ignoring Angua, who was the biggest contributor to the 72 wins.

3 for 18, which is even more outrageous than Westbrook before.

Durant said that I really blamed you wrongly. It turns out that you are not the strongest in this league!

George Karl looked at the Trail Blazers players celebrating on the court and really wanted to applaud Anthony.

Look, look at this glorious moment.

This was all created by Ning!

Okay, now, giving the Trail Blazers 72 wins is a trivial matter. The key is to beat the Mavericks in the first round!

So Nowitzki is easy to beat?

The Germans have now replaced their guns with cannons!

I have so much diarrhea at the critical moment, I really don’t know what the use of you is!

George Karl is so angry, how come he has an ancestor like you!

You are the least promising among the top four in the 2003 session!

Guagua is also a little embarrassed.

You told me before that Tony Allen's defense was so bad, but I didn't believe it.

Today...I really believe it!

Well, Teacher Tony and Guagua can be said to be two extremes.

Guagua puts all his physical energy on the offensive end and doesn't do much defense.

Toto spends all his energy on the defensive end and doesn't do much offense.

The only difference is that as long as Guagua devotes a little physical energy to defense, he can still defend.

But Toto couldn't score even if he concentrated all his energy on the offensive end!

If Tony attacks with all his strength, it's not a blow.

You can lose four to five thousand dollars in one night.

That's all, that's all.

It's useless to say more about a lost game.

If the Nuggets successfully get past the Mavericks, they will meet the Trail Blazers in the second round of the series.

It's not too late to prove yourself then.

This time George Karl and Guagua thought of going together.

Last season, the Nuggets were eliminated by the Trail Blazers in the first round.

This time.

It should be possible to use some external moves!

George Karl touched his chin.

At this time, in LA, the Lakers were competing with the Jazz in the final regular season match.

The game has entered garbage time, because the Jazz are still in sixth place no matter how hard they struggle, so there is no need to fight hard.

Kobe took a break after playing 26 minutes today, and Chairman Yao didn't play at all.

Although the game went smoothly, Kobe clenched his fists and was very nervous.

He took a sip of water to calm down, but something the assistant coach said made Kobe spray water on the spot.

"Pfft! It's so easy to win!?" Kobe Bryant shouted, startling Odom on the court and making a three-shot shot.

"Well, the Nuggets barely resisted and allowed the Trail Blazers to win their 72nd game. They broke our record last season." The assistant coach nodded.

Kobe's mood went from depression to despair to anger in just ten seconds, as if he had experienced all the hardships of the world.

Nachai almost fainted from anger. He was not angry at the Blazers for winning 72 games. He was angry at how Guagua could perform like this in such a game!

What kind of NBA do you play in? Go back to Mars quickly!

Guagua: I am also very aggrieved. There is definitely something wrong with the basket in the Rose Garden.

Now it's better. Naochi knows that his MVP will most likely not be guaranteed.

Even if the star of the 72-win team doesn't win the MVP, it doesn't make sense.

In fact, the Lakers' record this season is also good.

Winning this game will bring the Lakers to 69 wins, one step away from last season's 70 wins, and only three games away from 72 wins.

But when people vote, they don't care how close you are to the first place. The first place is the first place, and the second place is the second place.

Last season, Wayne was only two games away from Kobe Bryant's 70 wins, so he also sentenced Kobe to one year.

Najia sighed, now, only the final bottom line is left.

You must defend your title successfully, and you must defend your title successfully even if you work hard!

Otherwise, this season will be a complete loss.

Black Mamba, enter hunting mode!

Back in Portland, fans took to the streets the moment the game ended and celebrated wildly.

Wayne, wearing a 72-win T-shirt, waved to all the fans in the middle of the court.

Off the court, Comrade Ma Qichao, who had not yet finished his suspension, was so excited that his hands were shaking.

Damn it.

Can you believe that my old horse joined a 72-win team?

Although they are a half-way couple, they are still part of the 72-win team!

I feel comfortable, my old horse’s career is no longer useless!

Fortunately, I didn't hear Boston fooling Garnett.

If he went to the Celtics, where would he have the chance to touch such a high-end record?

Hard: You are the big liar, and your whole family is the big liar! I am obviously the smartest person in Boston! snort!

Sir Ba was also stunned. My old pig, He Dehe, actually won 72 wins.

Why the hell do I win 72 times if I lose a bet?

Sure enough, believe in Brother Wei and get the honor!

Although Sir Ba only won 72 games as an assistant coach, he can also boast about Liu Bip when he returns to the TV station in the future.

If Kenny Smith wants to talk about the championship again, Jazz can backhand and say: "Do you know what Portland's 72 wins are like? No, no one knows winning better than me!"

That's right, Sir Ba has even thought out his lines for pretending to beep in advance.

At this time, Sir Ba and Comrade Ma Qichao looked at each other.

In the vast sea of ​​​​people, maybe it was God's arrangement, the two of them just stared at each other like mung beans - they saw each other right.

These two people are destined to be together because they were born on the same month and day. In the first round of the NBA series after Marbury entered the NBA, he was eliminated by Jazz Jazz's Mosaic.

Now, they are inexplicably on the same team again.

It must be a special fate to become a family along the way.

"Old horse!"

"Old pig!"

Those who didn’t know it thought they were in the animal world.

The two of them leaned together, side by side, looking at the young people reveling on the court.

"72 wins, no need to say more about what's next, right? You must be prepared, Stephen!" Sir Ba's eyes flashed.

"Don't worry, Old Pig. When the playoffs come, I will do my best!" Old Ma said, stretching his legs.

In the playoffs, who touches Wayne?

Who the hell is dead!

If you can't get along with Wayne, you can't get along with the championship of Lao Ma and Lao Zhu!

Steve Patterson thought he signed an assistant coach and a point guard.

No, he couldn't be more wrong.

On the court, Wayne waved to the fans in the stands and then accepted an interview with reporters.

The person who came to interview Wayne was Director Zhang, an old acquaintance.

That's right, CCTV sent Director Zhang to the scene during the regular season for the first time.

After all, according to CCTV, a team with two Chinese players can win 72 games, which is as important an event as winning the championship.

Director Zhang is very happy. He has finished interviewing Wayne now and will have an exclusive interview with the Great Sage later.

It's so exciting.

"Wayne, congratulations! You just won the Olympic gold medal in August last year, and now you have tied the Bulls' record of 72 wins. Since the Olympics, you have been going very smoothly this year.

Do you think you can finally win the championship in one go? "Director Zhang was dancing and very happy.

"We must win it. With 72 wins, there is no reason to give up the championship! Last year it was the Lakers, and this year it is our turn!"

Kobe felt like shit, why didn’t you say it was you the year before last?

As they spoke, Teacher Tony and Pao'er hooked up on each other's shoulders and rushed over, pushing away Wayne who was being interviewed in front of the camera.

Then, Teacher Tony grabbed the microphone in the hand of instructor Zhang and shouted with Pao'er: "Six strokes of tail pigeon! Six strokes of tail pigeon!"

Good guy, Director Zhang was stunned at that time.

Is this broadcast or not?

I thought they would only say a few words about "Ni Hao" and "Xixi" at most.

Who knew you all had learned Chinese to this level?

Yes, you don’t need to bring a translator when you visit China in the future.

Wayne was not angry at all, and opened his arms to hug Tony and Pao'er.

Although one is the predecessor and the other is the current one, they don't seem to care and serve Wei Ge at the same time.

True winner in life.

With the highest honor of the regular season of 72 wins, everyone in the Trail Blazers returned to the locker room cheering.

Paul Allen had been waiting in the locker room early. Allen had to participate in this historic moment.

The last time the Trail Blazers entered the playoffs as the league's No. 1 team was in 1991.

As soon as Allen was happy, he announced that all bonuses from this year's playoffs would once again go to the players.

If the NBA hadn't strictly regulated players' salaries, Allen would have loved to give each of them a big red envelope.

72 wins.

This is enough for Paul Allen to brag for a lifetime.

This is something that no amount of people can buy with their money!

Dolan: I think you're targeting me.

After Allen left, the players carried a large bucket of Gatorade and washed the three coaches, Carlisle, Jazz and Donovan.

It was quite sudden at the time, and I was really heartbroken.

When a bucket of Gatorade went down, both Carlisle and Donovan were surprised at first, then giggled.

Only Sir Ba squatted on the ground covering his head for some reason.

After a long time, he shouted: "Who put ice cubes in the horse stall!"

Poor Sir Ba, a bag was smashed out of his bald head.

Amid the roars of laughter from everyone, the night of 72 wins came to an end perfectly.

Wayne was very tired when he returned home. The regular season was over for another year, and the time was so fast.

Thinking of this, Wayne turned on the system and switched to the task interface.

Looking at the big word "mission accomplished" behind the physical limit task, I couldn't help but laugh.

Wayne actually played 82 games this season. Can you believe it? ?

Wayne himself couldn’t believe it anyway.

Although some were fined and some were expelled.

But he was not suspended, which is really a bit dreamy.

For Wayne, this was almost like completing an impossible mission.

This security team has become stronger, but it is different.

Of course, another reason is that fewer and fewer people dare to compete with Wayne.

Alas, no fun at all.

But it doesn't matter, after all, there is an influx of new players in the NBA every year.

Among so many people, there must be two who do not believe in evil.

Fights are worth fighting.

But not in this year’s playoffs.

In this year's playoffs, Wayne will win the championship no matter what!

This is not only about honor, but also about the conversation between him and Pao'er last year, and about the promise between men!

Well, before I knew it, it had been a year.

This time, no more failure is allowed!

At this point, the 08-09 regular season is over.

In the East, the top eight teams are the Cavaliers with 65 wins, the Celtics with 61 wins, the Magic with 59 wins, and the Pacers with 54 wins. The remaining four teams are the Hawks, Heat, 76ers and Bulls with 40+ wins.

For various reasons, the 66 Cavaliers became the 65 Cavaliers. In the original history, the Pacers, who did not make the playoffs this season, directly became fourth in the Eastern Conference.

In the West, the top eight are the Trail Blazers, Lakers, Spurs, Nuggets, Mavericks, Jazz, Mosaic and Grizzlies.

Well, the Sike team, which threatened to compete for the championship at the beginning of the season, almost didn't make the playoffs, after all, it was stretched every day.

Do you think Alexander and Thunder will be sad?

It’s not too late for them to be happy!

There will definitely be many teams asking for Shaq to be traded this summer, and then he can find a way to save some money, Kai Xun~

The Trail Blazers' opponent in the first round of the playoffs will be the Memphis Grizzlies.

The Memphis Grizzlies have both black and white bears, a gay brother, and no cancer like Mayo.


For Wayne, this is nothing. In the first two rounds, no surprises are allowed.

There is only one opponent in Wayne's eyes - Nagging!

The Logo man was also excited at this time. Finally, the day of the draft lottery was getting closer and closer.

Today’s Diwanzi update is here~

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