I am Really an Insider

Chapter 430 427: It’s great, but it’s not everything professional basketball is (4.9K votes requeste

The reward for completing the finals this time is indeed a bit disappointing.

The first is the task of "veteran who realizes his dream".

This mission was unlocked in G1 of the finals when Uncle Mu came on the field.

Mission goal: Win the game as early as possible and let the veterans enjoy the thrill of the finals! In the finals, let Marbury and Mutombo get any 10+10 data combined.

The mission reward is a random lottery package from Marbury and Uncle Mu.

Wayne didn't think much about this task at the time. After all, Lao Ma hadn't been released from the ban at that time, and Uncle Mu had only played for a few minutes and didn't get much data.

Moreover, Wayne felt that the Magic's resistance would be even more fierce after this.

Where to know

Therefore, this mission, which I did not have high expectations for, was completed.

At first, Wayne thought it was the same lottery package from Lao Ma and Uncle Mu. Who knew that when he opened the backpack, he discovered that all the rewards from Lao Ma and Uncle Mu were combined into one lottery package, and one reward was drawn.

It’s so fussy.

After Wayne clicked on the lottery package, he flashed a special action: "Mutombo's happy finger (silver)."

Effect: Each time you complete a block and shake your finger, you can provide a small attribute bonus to the next block. The bonus can be superimposed.

Well, this action can be said to be very Uncle Mu.

Wayne's shot-blocking attribute is already high, and this gives attribute bonuses, so it breaks directly.

Although the NBA stipulates that only Uncle Mu can do the finger-wagging action, in fact only Uncle Mu can wag his fingers at his opponents.

Others wag their fingers at the audience, which is fine.

To be honest, it means relaxing the policy. As long as you don't mess with others' faces, who knows whether you are attacking your opponents or the audience.

But the embarrassing thing is.

Wayne's special action slot has been used up. If he wants to equip Uncle Mu's finger-wagging action for a while, he will have to make a choice.

Later, Wayne started the point redemption system.

Wayne has also won many personal honors this year, including three-point contest championship, double team, regular season MVP, FMVP, and championship.

Although the All-Star MVP and DPOY were robbed, they can be redeemed for 17 additional points in total.

However, after Wayne redeemed the MVP and the three-point contest championship, he found that he could not redeem anything else.

Damn it.

Will there be bugs in the system?

Please don't mess with me, sir!

As a result, after looking at the prompts, I discovered that the 40 redemption limit had been reached.

Wayne almost forgot about this condition, which is that each upgrade can only be redeemed for 40 extra points at most, so as to avoid the bug of Wayne's card being upgraded to the full level at a low price.

After the last exchange, there were only six left.

Good guy, Wayne called him a good guy.

This broken system makes me happy all at once. Can you crash or something?

Why are there so many rules and regulations?


If you want to redeem it again, you can only work hard to upgrade.

There are special moves, but no equipment slots.

The points were redeemed, but they could only be redeemed for 6 points.

Wayne really felt like he was at a loss this time.

After lunch, the Blazers team got on a plane to Portland.

Wayne sat in his seat holding the championship trophy. Well, the championship trophy had been cleaned at this time, and there was no unknown liquid on it.

At this time, Patterson stood up from his seat next to Paoluo, and the two seemed to have been chatting for a long time.

After talking to Pao'er, Patterson walked straight towards Wayne and sat next to him.

"Congratulations, Wei, good job. We have achieved another great success."

Patterson tapped Wayne on the shoulder and traded him for him. This may be the biggest deal of his career.

"Yes, with two championships in three years, we are definitely one of the best teams in the first decade of the 21st century."

"Well Wei, when we get to Portland, we can rest for a few days. Can we talk?"

"About Paul's contract extension?" Wayne looked at Patterson without mincing words.

Re-signing Paul is the Blazers' top priority this summer, so Patterson knew he had to communicate with Wayne.

"Yes, regarding Chris Paul's contract extension. You should also know that the rookie bonus clause named after you is actually a clause proposed by the league to deliberately contain us.

They are afraid of you, afraid that you will completely dominate this alliance.

And I heard that the league is about to introduce a super luxury tax clause. Do you know what that is? "

"I know, I heard."

"So. Wei."

"What did Chris say?" Wayne asked in advance before Patterson finished speaking.

"He said he hadn't thought about it well and hoped to sit down and have a good talk with you."

"Well, then, let's find a time after the championship parade. Now, let's celebrate the victory."

Wayne smiled and nodded. He had already been mentally prepared for this day to come.

At this time, the plane was ready to land.

Wayne put on sunglasses and a championship baseball cap and held two trophies.

It's time for the king to accept the worship of his subjects!

The plane stopped, the door opened, and the roar of the crowd immediately filled in.

Pao'er looked at the crowd of people below with a smile. This was his first time to experience this.

When he walked out of the cabin, the feeling of being worshiped by everyone made Pao'er feel elated.

In the end, Wayne held the O'Brien Cup in his left hand and the FMVP trophy in his right hand for the finale.

Suddenly, the cheers were countless times louder than before!

Well, in Portland, only Wayne is always the protagonist.

One day later, the Trail Blazers held a championship parade.

This is also the first time for Paul to participate in the whole process. After all, he was still recovering from his injury when he won the championship last time.

The eyes of the whole world are focused on Portland, and this grand parade is extremely exciting.

After all, this was when the two teams were still playing in the Finals, and Portland was already planning the championship parade. How could it not be grand?

At the celebration dinner on the day of the championship parade, everyone had another carnival.

Jazz Ba held the championship trophy and looked at it over and over with curiosity.

I have won a championship trophy in a down-to-earth manner!

Late at night, under the influence of alcohol, Sir Bar walked up to Wayne and swooped down with a flying pig, knocking Wayne down on the sofa.

"Wei, I'm very happy to be able to fulfill my championship dream in your team."

Wayne couldn't hear much at the time because he was almost suffocated.

No, you have to talk like this! ?

"We have something to say, Charles, and don't do it in public!"

"Hey, hiccup! Uh, Wei, you are my good brother, good brother! You are a tough guy, you know? In this alliance, I admire you the most!"

Looking at the drunk Sir Bar, Wayne couldn't help but smile.

How many peanuts are there to drink like this?

"Don't worry. When I return to the TV station, if anyone wants to hack you again, I will be the first to jump out and confront him! Really, I promise. In the media, you have a loyal friend, brother!"

"Go back to the TV station?" Wayne was stunned for a moment.

"Well, as an old man like me, there's no use staying here any longer. And I feel so tired after finishing this season.

Besides, isn't the alliance going to set up some pre-job training for me?

But go to hell, I won’t serve you!

What happened if I hit a few scumbags? What's wrong? "

Good guy, as expected of Sir Bar, he has a temper!

A boxer should have a temper!

But Ning wanted to return to the TV station because no one was fighting him!

All the drivers with bad tempers have gone to sell tofu, and all the boxers with bad tempers have gone to TV stations. There is nothing wrong with them.

"That's why I came here to tell you this, Wei. Next season, I may not be on the team.

But our friendship is forever, man. Thank you for helping an old man end this dream he has had for decades.

Thank you for letting me experience what it feels like to win a championship. "

With that said, Sir Ba hugged Wayne seriously.

Wayne didn't say anything more. Forcibly retaining people was never Wayne's style.

And Wayne, who has completed his physical tasks, will not have to worry about playing full attendance next season.

Take action when it's time to take action!

Sir Bar is not here, I, Godway, will take over!

We are still the best team in the league!

Everyone in the alliance: Brother Wei, promise me, be gentle!

After Sir Ba left, Uncle Mu also came to have a drink with Wayne and expressed his desire to retire.

Uncle Mu is very satisfied to get a ring at the end of his career.

At his age, if he sits on the bench and blows the air conditioner for so long... he might develop arthritis.

Therefore, retiring at the top is the best choice.

But he expressed that he is still willing to play for the team in another capacity, such as interior defensive coach or something.

"Although I'm old, it doesn't stop me from having dark elbows! I can help newcomers stack armor during training in the future.

Look at DeAndre this year, isn't he covered in armor? "Uncle Mu patted his chest proudly.

Wayne also nodded repeatedly. If you want to talk about elbow strikes, I have a common language with you.

The two old elbow kings exchanged experiences with each other and had a great time chatting, laughing from time to time.

How the hell is this a defensive coach? You are applying for an elbow hitting coach!

Little Jordan on the side overheard the conversation between the two, and instantly became sweating profusely and trembling.

Brother Wei, uncle, Qiuqiu Ning, let’s just be human beings!

Let the child go!

Isn’t my experience miserable enough? ?

At this time, Birdman came over and hugged Little Jordan's shoulders: "Come on, drink this bottle of wine!"

Little Jordan looked at Birdman and was stunned again.

Yes, Brother Bird should return next season.

DeAndre Jordan was on the verge of tears. He might be the first player in the league to retire due to a severe elbow in training.

After the celebration dinner, it means that the champion members can officially start their vacation.

But that's not enough for Wayne and Paul, they still have something very, very important to talk about.

The next night, Wayne, Paoer and Patterson sat together in a high-end restaurant.

During the meal, the three of them chatted about something and nothing, and none of them mentioned anything serious.

But after Wayne had had enough wine and food, he took a deep breath and got to the point.

"Chris, come on, let's face it together."

Well, this is a conversation that might be enough to shape the league.

Pao'er also put down his wine glass and his expression became serious.

"Okay, let me tell you first, there is no option to give up the Wayne clause. I don't care whether you leave or stay, you must sign a 30% maximum salary.

This is your first maximum salary. If you lower your worth, you will only become less and less valuable. "

Seeing that the talks had reached an impasse, Wayne spoke first.

Again, Wayne doesn't want to suck his brother's blood. This is what he had planned when the Wayne clause first came out. He cannot force Paul to cut his salary and stay with the team under any circumstances.

To be honest, it is easy to solve the contract extension problem. Just ask Paul to give up 30% of his maximum salary.

In this way, the space will not be locked up, there is still room for operation, and the lineup can be preserved to the greatest extent. They are very likely to win the championship again.

But that would be too selfish, to achieve oneself at the expense of others.

Because no matter how many more championships he wins, if Paul is with Wayne, he can only be Pippen and a supporting role.

In the original history of the Thunder, it was because Durant triggered Rose's clause that later Westbrook and 18K had to take a salary cut to ensure the integrity of the lineup.

Durant is right here. If you can sign a big contract, of course you have to sign it. No one is here to do charity.

Wayne just felt that Westbrook and Ibaka were not very valuable. Although Westbrook took a salary cut, he still had conflicts with Durant.

Not to mention Ibaka, he was cut in salary and closed down, and in the end he was sold without even saying he was sold.

Wayne didn't want Paul to walk the same road again.

Knowing that the salary cut is not worth it, pushing him into the fire pit is called eating steamed buns with human blood.

Brothers don't become brothers when they win the championship. When they win the championship, they just want to exploit each other.

Therefore, Wayne firmly disagrees with Paul's salary cut.

Although they hated him when they were in college, to be honest, after getting along with each other in the past few years, Wayne and Pao'er have already become deeply attached to each other.

Moreover, based on Wayne's understanding of Paul, it would be very cruel for him to give up his maximum salary and stay with him as the second child for the rest of his life.

Pao Luo is harsh on his companions, and of course he is also harsh on himself. His competitive spirit is not much different from that of top superstars.

For such a demanding and progressive person, it is probably unrealistic for you to expect him to stop at the last step and not take charge of his own affairs.

In the original history, it was because Paul did not have a ring, so he was willing to sacrifice after the Hornets and join forces with Kobe, even though he knew that the Lakers could only be Kobe's team.

The worst thing is that this hasn’t happened yet…

But now, Paul has won the championship twice, and he is still so young.

If you want to say that he has no ambition, that's impossible. People's desires expand step by step.

Just like Wayne, all he can think about now is to win a championship in a row. Winning the championship next year can no longer satisfy him.

What about after winning consecutive championships? Wayne will probably take Jordan as his goal and try to surpass him.

Wayne himself had desires, and Paul certainly had desires too.

Therefore, Wayne did not expect Paul to stay with him forever.

When a child's wings harden, he will always have to fly alone.

Why the hell do I suddenly feel like an old father?

Paul nodded. To be honest, he has been struggling very much because he can't let go of this team, Wayne, and Gasol.

He is very happy with this team.

We work together when we have something to do, we carry it together when something happens, we go crazy together when we win, and we can even learn a few Chinese sentences from the great sage no matter what.

These are all good and wonderful.


These are not all professional basketball!

At least not all Paul wanted.

He is not playing happy basketball. He desires to become as powerful as Wayne.

When he got off the plane, he also wished he could be the protagonist for once.

He also hopes to receive the FMVP trophy from Bill Russell.

He also hopes to touch his younger brother's head when the team is desperate, and tell him like Wei Ge handsomely told him: "Don't panic, I'm still here."

The most difficult part of this matter is whether Pao'er can reach his little brother's head

Ahem, he hopes that after he retires, he will be Wayne's good partner, good brother, and one of the greatest point guards in NBA history!

If he wants to achieve his goal, he has to stand alone and prove himself.

Life in Portland is hard to let go, but a higher goal is equally desirable.

No matter how many championships he wins with Wayne, he can't achieve his goal.

Patterson originally wanted to persuade Pao'er to give up the Wayne clause, but after hearing what Wayne said, he wisely did not mention it.

Renewing Paul's contract with 30% of the maximum salary is very risky.

Once it's done, it will be a dynasty and a legend.

Maybe it's just a mess, the team has completely blocked the channels for reinforcement, and is paying a high luxury tax.

If it really comes down to it, Paul won't even know how to get his contract out when the time comes.

To put it bluntly, Patterson can accept failure, but he cannot accept that there will be no retreat after failure.

Don't think that everything will be stable if you keep Paul. What Patterson is most worried about is that the OK combination will happen again in the Trail Blazers.

We have come this far, who doesn’t want to go one step further?

Dynasty, three consecutive championships, dominating the league, this is what the Blazers want next.

Although they have won two championships in three years, the Trail Blazers have just taken the first step before winning three consecutive championships. There is still a long way to go.

So, any instability could ruin it all.

The loser who is paranoid about winning or losing is actually a lot like Kobe.

If we really break up in the future, wouldn't that embarrass each other? At that time, the damage to the team will also be very great.

If you delay for a few more years, Wayne's peak period will be exhausted, and the dynasty will be ruined.

Paul has been hesitant on this matter, but Patterson already has the answer.

If he hesitates, it means he has something on his mind.

If he was willing to be an assistant next to Wayne, he would have decided to renew his contract long ago.

After thinking for a while, the three of them looked at each other.

Then, they all opened their hearts.

Some things have to be faced after all.

Now, it's time!

After several hours of talking, the three reached an agreement.

To sum up, this summer has one goal - maximizing profits!

Try to maximize the benefits for everyone.

A wonderful and colorful summer officially begins in the conversation of three men!

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