I am Really an Insider

Chapter 431 428: Everyone who proposes marriage has crossed the threshold (5.4K votes requested)

The finals are over, and the basketball world will usher in a brief period of calm.

Wayne was crowned king and won three championships in five years. He has undoubtedly become one of the hottest basketball players in the league.

Nike released a poster specifically for Wayne to win his third championship.

On the poster, Wayne is wearing a formal suit and three championship rings, sitting dignifiedly on a sofa.

At his feet in front of him were three O'Brien Trophies.

It kind of feels like Al Pacino in the movie "The Godfather".

In one sentence, he is extremely handsome.

There are only two simple words in the background: "The one."

The Chinese poster was translated as "One of Ten Thousands" to highlight Wayne's current status.

If Mousse, who is owned by Nike as well as Wayne, had not taken away the nickname "The Chosen One" early on, this nickname would probably belong to Wayne.

For a time, this poster became the computer desktop of countless Chinese fans.

The paper man didn’t even want his wife, so he arranged for Brother Wei!

At this time, everyone is discussing Wayne's historical status.

Especially between Wayne and Daidai, the topic of who is the first PF has been a hot topic.

Some people say that Wayne has surpassed Duncan because he has knocked down Dumb from the front more than once, and in terms of the number of championships, Wayne also has one more championship than Duncan.

But some people think that Wayne is not enough to compare with Duncan. His first championship was not won as a core player.

The Pacers' championship in 2005 was similar to the Pistons' championship. The role of the team was far greater than the role of the individual.

Putting aside the championship, Wayne and Duncan both have two championships, two regular season MVPs and two FMVPs, so there is no talk of transcendence.

But no matter what, Hardte and Weber have completely fallen behind.

No matter how you talk about it, Wayne is placed in the top three.

Hard: Gan!

No way, winning the championship this time has indeed greatly improved Wayne's status.

He is an Olympic champion and an NBA champion, and this year he also faced off against the likes of Guagua, Najia, and World of Warcraft.

Full of gold content.

Wayne's poster spread across the United States. No Chinese athlete has had such influence in this beautiful country before.

The strongest international player, well deserved!

The whole world is lamenting that a Chinese actually dominates the American basketball league.

Stephen Curry also held a newspaper about Wayne and was fascinated by it.

"Stephen, are you ready to enter the league and fight against players like this?" Jeff Austin patted Curry on the shoulder.

The draft is approaching, but Austin basically has nothing to do.

They are all waiting for New York to call.

The Timberwolves also sent Curry a trial invitation before, but Austin directly told the other party: "Curry doesn't want to play for the Timberwolves."

I really didn't care about others. I didn't even go to the trial training. I was determined to go to New York.

Therefore, everyone is in a lighter mood now.

"Well, I'm ready!" The baby-faced, skinny boy nodded vigorously. People who didn't know would have thought he was crazy.


Challenge the alliance's most fearsome ruler?

Wayne gave you an elbow and you had to be hospitalized for three months!

But Curry is undaunted. If he were a coward, he would have given up basketball long ago.

Most of the players who can be predicted to be selected in the lottery are almost all basketball geniuses. They have been the best players in their area since they were young.

But Curry is not. He almost didn't even have a ball to play after graduating from high school.

To reach this point, he has overcome many difficulties that people thought were impossible.

So for Curry, what else is impossible?

NBA, I really want to go in and take a look!

Of course, few fans now care what the skinny guard coming out of elementary school is thinking.

At this time, reporters all over the world are looking for Wayne.

People are eager to see where this superstar who just won the championship is going to be cool.

Any photo of Wayne on vacation can spark heated discussions.

This is probably the superstar effect.

Well, superstar.

There is no sense of inconvenience in applying this word to Wayne.

However, all reporters found nothing.

Beijing, Moscow, Rio, Los Angeles

They searched every corner of the world, but no one had any news or photos of Wayne. It was as if he had disappeared from the world.

When Sir Charles Barkley participated in T.N.T's TV show after winning the championship and talked about where Wayne might go, Sir Barkley also spread his arms.

"He may have taken Sharapova to the moon. When he doesn't want you to find her, everything you do is in vain."

Of course the reporters couldn't find Wayne, not that Wayne had gone to the moon, but also because Wayne hadn't even started his vacation yet.

He is busy!

Since the last time the three of them had a chat, the team has confirmed one thing - Pao'er will leave the team.

Although Pao'er also has a tendency to want to start his own business from scratch, if some kind of deal is really reached, the alliance will definitely feel that their trick has succeeded.

The league has the Wayne Clause and a super luxury tax. Isn't it just trying to force Pao'er and Wayne to separate.

Wayne is not stupid. He knew from the beginning that the clause named after himself had ulterior motives.

To put it bluntly, business alliances need benefits.

If you want benefits, you have to balance.

Unless Paul and Way are separated, the alliance cannot be balanced.

It is not the same thing for a team led by international players to win the championship all the time.

So, if Paul really leaves, Stern and the team owners will definitely be very happy.

As expected, you still can’t stand up to my boss Si’s methods!

What Wayne and Paoer have to do this summer is to tell everyone: You are all thinking shit!

Your league is only allowed to seek benefits, but my players are not allowed to seek benefits?

There are policies above and countermeasures below!

Wayne doesn't think this separation is the end. If done properly, it can even become a better beginning.

In fact, sometimes leaving is not necessarily a lose-lose situation. If possible, a win-win situation can be achieved.

What is a win-win situation? Wayne and Pao'er continued to compete for the championship, while the others continued to suffer.

Are you eager to defeat me, Godway, with this trick?

I want to eat shit!

I want to fight with you!

Isn't it just a whole job? This is not your Stern's patent.

Paul's departure can also play many tricks.

As for how to play, the three of them have reached a consensus.

First of all, Pao'er will leave through a sign-and-trade, leaving some assets for the Blazers so that they will not completely fall.

In this way, Pao'er can get 30% of his maximum salary for a penny, and the Blazers won't let go of an All-Star point guard in vain.

Of course, Pao'er's side must also be considered at the same time.

Since he is a good-breasted brother who is easy to hang out with, I certainly can’t push you into a pit of fire.

Pao'er's next home not only needs the chips to satisfy the Blazers, but also requires Pao'er's willingness to go.

But you can't just throw it into a garbage dump and ignore it.

If Pao'er was forced to go to a bad team to waste time, it would be better for Pao'er to stay next to Wayne and serve as helpers.

Therefore, Wayne is not in the mood for a vacation at all during this period. He has been paying attention to the dynamics of the transfer market.

Paul actually didn't think that much. The team he wanted to go to didn't have a good lineup right now, but he had to be willing to slowly build a lineup for himself.

To put it bluntly, it is a team that is eager to win the championship and is willing to use Pao'er as its core.

Paoluo can be a bratty younger brother next to Wei Ge, but in other places, she will never act like a brat!

The only man in this alliance who can conquer me is Brother Wei!

As a result, the Trail Blazers didn't even say anything yet, good guys, the Nets took action directly.

Of course, the Nets are not looking for a deal, they are just throwing money.

Nets general manager Billy King came to visit Paul with a promise of 30% of the maximum salary and told Paul: "Go with uncle! You have a bright future with the Nets!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew he was an old pastry chef.

When you talk to him about the future, he first throws money at you, but he talks about the future instead.

The Nets have been coveting this summer for a long time. Because of the arrival of a wealthy Russian boss, the Nets now have endless checks to spend.

The mission given to Billy King by Russian tycoon Prokhonov is to buy me all the stars that can be sold!

We have nothing to do!

Billy King also reminded Prokhonov and told him that's not how the NBA works.

The introduction of the super luxury tax clause is almost a certainty. You can't stand it if you play like this!

In response, the Russian tycoon just smiled contemptuously: "You may not understand what I mean, Billy. No matter how much money is spent, no matter what the price, I need a team that can win the championship. You know how Paul Allen is Is it successful? Because he does not care about the cost!

Do you know what I mean? Not to mention 300 yuan, even 30 billion doesn’t matter! "

Billy King was also a little confused. Damn it, I have never fought such a rich battle in my life!

Therefore, as soon as summer arrived, he began to contact various players and hit them with checks everywhere.

The Nets' first choice target this summer is Paul. Billy King believes that the Blazers won't be able to match 30% of the maximum salary.

If Paul Allen knew what he was thinking, he would faint in the toilet with laughter.

What do you mean I can't match? He said it as if he was on an errand.

Don't forget that the assets of your big Russian tycoon are still below me!

I just have a strategy, I am no longer the me who only knew how to squander my checks!

Billy King came full of confidence, but Jeff Schwartz told him: "Sorry, if you want to get the gun, you have to trade people, not checks."

Schwartz was originally the joint manager of Wayne and Paoer, so it was very convenient for them to blend in between them.

He will never let either party suffer. He is the ultimate weapon for Wayne and Pao'er to achieve a win-win situation.

Billy King was dumbfounded at the time. Did this mean that he wanted to sign first and then trade?

Why bother!

They sign first and then trade because only by renewing the contract with the old owner can they retain the bird rights and get more salary.

Your Wayne clause can be triggered even without renewing the contract with the old owner!

But Schwartz wants to sign first and then trade, it's up to you.

Anyway, Pao'er doesn't have to worry about getting married.

Billy King was frustrated, but not without gain.

Schwartz did not reject it outright, that is to say

There's still drama!

Overnight, rumors that the Trail Blazers could trade Paul exploded.

Billy King is giving the Trail Blazers a wave of free publicity.

Immediately, Schwartz became busy, and all the people who came to propose marriage crossed the threshold.

Everyone has only one goal now: find a way to defeat him!

After Schwartz sends his daughter to school every morning, he has to visit various coffee shops, restaurants, and offices.

The cell phone rings almost constantly.

The fans didn't expect that this melon was so big.

Stern and Danny Ainge were very proud. Well, the Blazers must have had to trade Pao'er because they couldn't meet Pao'er's 30% contract extension!

From now on, we will no longer be afraid of the Blazers being invincible!


At this time, it is inevitable that there will be news that Wayne and Pao'er are at odds.

But soon, both men stood up and clarified: "We just felt it was time."

Regarding the bargaining chips for trading Pao'er, it's a dazzling variety.

The Hornets directly stated that my team has nothing that is not for sale. I would rather take my time and take my pick!

Come and play, uncle, come and play! We have no moral integrity and no bottom line!

Wayne laughed at that time. To put it harshly, I would rather have these vulgar fans in our team.

Then I have to pick someone out!

Moreover, Wayne decided that going to the Hornets was not a wise choice.

If Wayne remembers correctly, it won't be long before the Hornets will enter league trusteeship.

The Hornets were in such disarray at that time that it was simply impossible to build a lineup around Paoer.

In a few years, it will become a pelican. But no matter how it changes, it will be difficult for New Orleans to attract superstars to join.

Generally speaking, everyone is lively, but there is almost no deal that can truly allow the Blazers and Paoer to reach a win-win solution.

At this moment, the hot man finally appeared.

He has long been targeting this summer, targeting Wayne's terms, and targeting Paul.

Now, let’s get started!

"Who are you meeting this afternoon?" Pao'er sat tiredly in the car and asked Schwartz beside him.

During this time, Pao'er was exhausted both physically and mentally.

It turns out that this is a foreign marriage. No, this transfer is so troublesome.

Speaking of which, Pao'er is still a little sad when he thinks about not playing alongside Wayne next season.

Alas, there has been a dilemma since ancient times!

Father-son love and one's own ambition can only satisfy one.

There is no other way, there is no such thing as having your cake and eat it too.

"We need to talk to Jerry West this afternoon."

"West!?" Pao'er suddenly became excited, that was a big shot.

"Yes, he comes on behalf of the warriors."

"The Golden State Warriors haven't made the playoffs for more than ten consecutive years, right?" Pao'er frowned.

"In 15 years, it has tied the Clippers' previous record of not making the playoffs for the first time in the league." Schwartz gave the exact answer.

"Ah, this." Pao'er wiped his sweat. This kind of team sounds so exciting.

In the afternoon, at Paul's house, he met the white-haired but still energetic guy - Jerry West, the logo man!

The first FMVP in history, and the only player so far to win the FMVP despite losing in the finals.

The most important thing is that he also did a very good job as the general manager. The three consecutive championships of the OK team were his masterpiece.

Divac simply replaced Kobe, which was a masterpiece.

He was radiant almost everywhere he went.

Thinking of this, Pao'er felt that the Warriors were no longer so top-notch.

"Chris, I'm glad to meet you. Congratulations, you have won another championship. It's absolutely overwhelming!" The old man came up and said some nice words to Pao'er, then changed the subject and got straight to the point.

"To put it bluntly, my team needs a leader. And you are the most suitable person.

I know that the Warriors have not made the playoffs for 15 consecutive years. I have to say, this is a regrettable thing.

But I came here to change this situation.

I am committed to building the Warriors into a championship team.

I've arranged everything, just waiting for you to form the head.

Get in the car and go. "

Pao'er smiled, this old man is quite good at joking.

But West did not laugh, but looked serious: "Are you willing to accept the challenge? Fight for the championship without Wayne."

When West said this, Pao'er was obviously touched.

Schwartz knew at that time that he had met a master.

West came prepared, and every sentence was focused on the key points!

"Sir, why don't we talk about your so-called team building plan?" Schwartz was also very cautious. Although West had outstanding military exploits, he didn't just believe everything he said.

The Warriors are so bad, what can you do to compete for the championship? It cannot be saved by just one Paul.

"I will build a suitable lineup for Chris, and in addition to him, I will also bring in another star, a star in his prime, the best kind.

But with all due respect I can't tell you who he is right now, I have to keep it a secret, and you know, it's always good to be careful.

Chris, that mystery guy, plus Kevin Love, well, a good guy. He's a great, great young man.

With the three of you forming the core lineup, we have a chance to make a name for ourselves! "

Logo Man didn't tell all his plans in advance because he was afraid that Schwartz would regret it.


If everything succeeds, the Warriors can directly threaten the existence of the Trail Blazers next season!

In its implementation, Watts really hopes to send Paul to the East to avoid direct competition with Wayne.

In this case, it is even possible that Paul and Wayne will compete on the same court in the finals.

But the problem is that there are too few teams in the Eastern Conference that can afford it.

The Nets are not even willing to offer Carter, so why don't you talk about it?

"Where are the chips? I thought I warned you before, sir. We just want to get out on a sign-and-trade."

"The bargaining chip, our No. 3 pick this year, our first-round pick in 2011, our first-round pick in 2013, Stephen Jackson. Of course, we can still talk." West is an open-minded person and goes straight to the point.

As for Monta Ellis and the No. 5 pick.

Although it is for the Magic, it is not bad for the Trail Blazers.

Well, the Orlando Magic.

From the beginning, Logo Man's plan was Paul + Howard + Kevin Love!

Paul is a first-class organizer who can make Howard eat bread until he has diarrhea!

Love is an enhanced version of Lewis. His defense is acceptable, his rebounding is excellent, and his three-pointers are not worse than 614. He is more suitable to partner with Warcraft.

On this basis, introducing some role players is enough to create a championship team!

After all, Howard is making a lot of trouble with the Magic, so it's easy to deal with the Magic. If both parties want to break up, the asking price will not be so high.

Speaking of which, this was thanks to the Blazers' 4-0 victory, which directly knocked Howard into isolation.

So, we still have to talk about it.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to give some of the chips originally given to the Magic to the Trail Blazers.

In the eyes of Logo Man, Paul is more suitable to be the core of the team than Howard.

The two parties later discussed a series of details. In the evening, Wayne was shocked to get the news from Schwartz.

Golden State Warriors Logo Male. No. 3 pick in 2009


Why did this great god enter the stage?

Wayne really didn't expect that.

At first, Wayne thought the Warriors would be reborn according to the old path of history.

but now.

Well, things suddenly get a little interesting!

Number three, number three...

Rumors about Pao'er's transfer were aroused, and in the blink of an eye, it was the day when the 2009 draft started.

The man with the logo was sitting in the luxurious private room, looking at the skinny child and the chubby little boy below with some disbelief.

But he couldn't care less, it wasn't something he should worry about.

West turned his head, looked at team owner Lacob, and told him confidently.

“Get ready, we’re about to overturn this alliance!

The Bay Area's dark ages are over. "

Here comes the update of 10,000 words~

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