I am Really an Insider

Chapter 432 429: The best partner to become bigger and stronger (4.6K votes requested)

The 2009 NBA Draft, to be honest, did not attract as much attention as in previous years.

Especially after last year's draft, which was known as a big year, this year is even more shabby.

In 2008, it was Rose, Beasley and Mayo again, which gave the fans a climax.

Therefore, this year's draft lineup is somewhat petty.

Apart from Griffin, there are basically no promising rookies.

Even someone like Thabit can be ranked in the top three in the prediction rankings. I wonder if you are afraid.

Speaking of Thabit, Wayne thought of Warcraft again.

Back then, Warcraft was touted as Hard Special + Duncan.

Good guy, Thabit directly called Mutombo + Olajuwon.

It's so hard to blow, it's just magical.

Although Thabeet's height and wingspan are indeed beautiful, it is obvious that his figure is uncoordinated.

The whole person feels like a 1.7-meter upper body is placed on a 2.2-meter lower body. The upper body frame is as small as a defender, and the shoulder width is a dimensionality reduction compared to a muscular man like Howard.

Based on this alone, it cannot be Olajuwon + Bob.

Moreover, Thabeet has not been exposed to basketball for a long time. His skills must reach Olajuwon's level to be worthy of success.

Wayne is not opening his eyes. Even if he had not opened his eyes, Wayne would not think that Thabit could succeed.


There are people in this world who believe in Thabeet's talent.

Grizzly:? ? ?

To be honest, the Grizzlies were lucky. They took the sister-in-law in the second round. After Randolph came, he immediately turned around.

Otherwise, God knows how miserable this team would be.

Wayne was also sitting in a luxurious private room at this time. Apart from his own draft, this was the first time for him to sit at a draft in such a capacity.

Now, holding the fate of the guys below in his hands, Wayne really feels... this is so exciting!

Just like God!

It turns out that this is how the pleasure of being a general manager comes. No wonder West likes to build his own team so much.

The gaming experience is great!

"Wei, are you really sure?" Beside Wayne, Steve Patterson's face was full of doubts.

"Of course, I won't change my mind, what about you?"


Patterson shook his head and said nothing more.

A few days ago, Patterson and Logo Man had reached an agreement.

The Warriors used this year's No. 3 pick, the 2011 first-round pick and the 2013 first-round pick, plus Wayne's old buddy Wu Sheng Jackson, to acquire Pao'er.

Because the Warriors have almost cleared their salary space, they can take Pao'er's 30% maximum salary contract to complete the deal if the salary does not match. There is no need to abide by the salary matching principle.

This is also the reason why many large contract-for-air deals were concluded in history.

In the original history, when Remus left the Cavaliers for the Heat, he did so through a sign-and-trade, but the Cavaliers really changed a lot of air.

Originally, Patterson wanted to steal the No. 5 pick from West, but West just kept doing Tai Chi.

Although he is actually willing to give in his heart, it does not mean that he will give it simply.

Big Logo is very smart, willing to spend money, but not indiscriminately.

After several rounds of confrontation, it seemed that Pao'er was also interested in the Warriors. To be honest, Wayne felt reassured about Logo Man. With him, Pao'er would never be cheated.

Therefore, based on the principle of win-win for both brothers, the No. 5 pick was finally left for the Warriors, leaving some room for Pao'er.

It's considered Pao'er's dowry.

After all, if you only rely on Love and Ellis, it will be difficult for Pao'er to make a name for himself with the Warriors.

This is the hell of the West.

So, the deal was concluded.

Of course, the deal has yet to pass formal review by the league. But after the draft ends today, it will be officially approved.

Therefore, as a trailblazer for the championship team, he appeared in the draft today.

They will be the protagonists of this year's draft!

Patterson and Wayne had some disagreements over who to draft with the third pick.

Patterson is more optimistic about Arizona's chubby James Harden or the strong and tall combo guard Tyreke Evans.

The Warriors even tried out Evans for the Trail Blazers, and his performance was perfect.

But Wayne insisted that Davidson College's Stephen Curry was the better choice.

On this point, Wayne was well thought out.

The best candidates for the third pick are Evans, Harden and Curry.

In terms of personal achievements, Wayne, who is open-minded, knows that Harden and Curry can send Evans flying into outer space.

But in fact, this is not the most important thing. Wayne's decision to choose Curry is not simply because he knows he will be great in the future.

Evans is actually the most powerful among the three.

It's no joke to have 20+5+5 in his rookie season, he will be able to use it next season.

But Evans is actually the toughest of the three.

Well, if you look at the flow of impressions, Curry is the most glassy one.

But in fact, Curry's attendance rate has always been very high in the first few years of his career, except for the 11-12 season.

The title of Glass Man comes from the fact that Curry's ankle always has recurring problems. Although the rest time is not long each time, it always feels like there are many injuries.

Secondly, the serious injury that ended the season made people think that this guy was finished. After all, the injury was to a key part like the ankle.

If it weren't for this reason, the Warriors would not have signed a child labor contract with Curry, and there would be no Galaxy Battleships.

But in fact, before being reimbursed for the season, Curry missed a total of 10 games in the first two seasons of his career.

Needless to say, after being reimbursed for the season, Curry, who changed the way he exerts his strength, has been on the road to success ever since.

On the other hand, Curry's injury can be avoided. As long as he changes the way he exerts force and controls the time, it should be possible.

But Evans was different. In Wayne's impression, this guy's attendance rate was appalling.

Evans played well as a point guard, so why did the Kings randomly change his position?

It's because Evans kneeled down in his second season and only played about fifty games. When he came back in the third year, the Kings already had Thomas Jr. and Marcus Thornton, and these two were playing well.

So Evans is often asked to play the third position.

His life was delayed by the King's random position changes and injuries.

And Evans is different from Curry. Although Curry was reimbursed for one season, his attendance rate in other seasons was okay.

Evans' attendance was low most of the season.

Later, when he came to Waterfowl, he had just regained his second youth, but fell down due to injury again.

Later, Evans was about to rejuvenate, but...he ended up taking drugs.

As a result, he was suspended from the league and ruined his future.

Well, that's another reason why Wayne didn't want to draft Evans.

God knows when this guy started taking drugs?

Although Birdman used to be a drug addict, he has really changed his ways and become a bird again.

But that's not necessarily the case for Evans.

If this stuff spreads to the locker room, it will be very troublesome.

Let's talk about Beard Den. Wayne Beard Den also knows that he is healthy and has unlimited potential.

In the early stage, he has immediate combat effectiveness when playing the sixth man, and in the later stage, when playing the core role, he is directly at the MVP level. He is simply Wei Ge's caring little cotton jacket.

However, the disadvantage of Husband is that he did not focus on winning in the early stages of his career. Like Kobe, he is a representative figure in the NBA who does not go home at four in the morning.

This happy little chubby guy has a lazy nature. Although Wayne can influence him, he doesn't know if tightening it too tightly will be counterproductive.

Later on, he was willing to work hard and wanted to win, but he couldn't always get along with his teammates.

In the original history, both Howard and Lao Paoer ended up having conflicts with Hudeng and leaving.

In Wayne's previous life, before he crossed over, it seemed that Turtle had also gone to Mosaic. Wayne didn't know how he and Turtle got along, or whether they were separated.

Therefore, if Hudden is used, either Wayne will be mad at him for coming home at four in the morning, or it is very likely that Hudden will leave after playing for a few years.

And what does Wayne want?

It's about becoming bigger and stronger, it's about winning consecutive championships, it's about establishing a dynasty.

Wayne has done it three times to win the championship every now and then, and he doesn’t want it anymore! What’s the point of being so stagnant! ?

Mousse: No, that's interesting, I want it.

Jiute: Me too, it doesn’t matter if it’s three or five times apart, as long as I can win the championship

If you want to win consecutive championships or even establish a dynasty, this is not a matter of one or two years. This is a long-term project that requires the team to stabilize.

To take a step back, the Blazers may not be able to choose if they have a beard.

In the original history, Beard was the third overall pick, and the Grizzlies selected Thabeet with the second overall pick.

But now it is the Thunder that holds the second pick. Thunder general manager Presti is a draft genius, and he may not necessarily be blind.

Therefore, Beardden is likely to be taken away with the second pick.

To sum it up:

Evans, glass, drug use.

Hudden, loves to play, and loves to make trouble, so I may not be able to choose.

Therefore, they are not the best candidates.

Stephen Curry is extremely consistent with this.

First of all, from the perspective of injuries, although he has always been labeled as glass, he rarely misses key games, which helps the team's stable development.

From a personality point of view, Curry is also very interesting and easy to get along with.

In Wayne's previous life, Curry had basically no conflicts with any teammates for so many years in the Warriors, and his reputation among fans was really good.

Brother No. 1 once said that he has never seen anyone as good as Curry, and that Curry is the motivation for him to choose to continue playing. He will do everything to protect Curry's achievements.

Fans have rarely encountered Curry acting like a big star. Wayne remembers hearing a little story before, saying that the mother of a young fan stopped Curry after the game and hoped that he could take a photo with her child. .

As a result, Curry turned around and discovered that the young fan was wearing Durant's No. 35 jersey.

Well, that game was when the Warriors had just lost to the Thunder in the playoffs, and Curry was really depressed.

At this time, if you take photos with the opposing fans, most people will refuse.

The child's mother also said awkwardly: "He is a fan of Durant."

However, Curry was not angry, but responded: "It doesn't matter, I am also a Durant fan."

Finally, I patiently took a group photo with the little fan.

Wayne has never really gotten along with Curry, but he really can't find anything bad about his character.

In the NBA, if you want to pretend, you definitely can't.

Because any slightest disturbance in the locker room will be discovered by the media and reported.

Even so, Curry has never had similar news.

Therefore, Wayne believes that he and Curry will get along well.

Finally, let’s talk about the level of effort. Wayne is also full of confidence in Curry on this point.

How embarrassing is it for elementary school students to graduate from high school?

As a former NBA player, his father was looking for connections but could not find a university willing to take him.

Coach K even bluntly said that this kid has no future and advised Curry not to waste any more energy.

In fact, in high school, Curry couldn't even play the main role in the second team at first.

Later, it was because Curry went through a devilish training with his father during the holiday that he became famous in high school.

In the end, only Davidson College, a small school with a student population of about 1,700, was willing to accept this scrawny guy.

What's going on at Davidson College? A total of 5 NBA players have been born in history, 4 of which were NBA players in the 1960s and 1970s in ancient times.

The only modern player is Brandon Williams. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know him, because he only played a total of 18 games before completely disappearing from the league.

In other words, Davidson College has never produced serious NBA players.

At the same time, Davidson College is also one of the smallest teams in the NCAA Division I. It has not won a game in March Madness since 1969.

Either don't enter, or it's just a round trip.

Only a team of this level is willing to accept Curry.

But the elementary school students did not complain. Instead, they used actions and their own efforts to bring this team into the quarterfinals of March Madness and slapped everyone in the face.

So, Curry is a hard-working guy, and he is also a guy who wants to win.

He was never favored, but he never gave up.

Taken together, Curry is the most suitable person to cooperate with Wayne for a long time and do something big.

He is neither noisy nor fussy, concentrates on playing, is easy to get along with, has a funny personality, and the key is that his ability is still online.

This is why Wayne insists on wanting Curry, and it's not a decision he made at once.

Pao'er: Brother Wei, you're a scumbag. We broke up just a few days ago and you, you, you actually got a new son!

Wayne: No, you're my only son.


While Wayne was thinking, Stern took the stage.

Boss Si is so happy, so happy. He was full of energy and felt as if he was several years younger.

If Pao'er is to be traded, he no longer has to worry about making no money because the finals ended 4-0!

No one knows balance better than me!

Boss Si came on stage and announced the start of the draft.

Wayne clenched his fists, while Patterson took a deep breath and finally compromised: "Then, I'll do what you want, Wei."

"With the first overall pick in the 2009 NBA Draft, the Los Angeles Clippers selected Blake Griffin from the University of Oklahoma!"

Captain Si announced the winner of this year's top pick. Just like in the original history, Tyrannosaurus Rex is here!

"With the second overall pick in the 2009 NBA Draft, the Oklahoma City Thunder selected James Harden from Arizona State University!"

Wayne smiled. Sure enough, the Thunder did not repeat the Grizzlies' old path. Presti should not say anything about the draft.

When Harden was drafted, he hugged his mother affectionately.

He told his mom he was going to be a superstar and he took the first step!

At this time, Logo Man called and asked if the Blazers had made a decision.

On the phone, he also made a joke.

"You won't regret it, hahahaha."

Can a Logo Man stop laughing? Seeing that the thread he laid is about to be retracted.

"Just Stephen Curry." Patterson answered decisively.

"Uh, are you sure?" At this moment, Logo Man was a little confused.

Curry has never tried out for the Warriors, but Evans's trial results were excellent. He always thought that the Trail Blazers would choose Evans.

Although Logo Man is also optimistic about Curry, he still feels that this decision is a bit sudden.

"Sure, let's get started, Jerry."

"Okay, then, let's start the show."

At this time, the elementary school student's agent Jeff Austin had just finished a phone call with Knicks general manager Donnie Walsh.

He told Curry that the Knicks had found a home for him in New York.

The family was very happy after hearing this, waiting for the call from New York.

Stern took the stage again, smiling. Curry is still wondering who the lucky guy will be with the third pick.

"With the third overall pick in the 2009 draft, the Golden State Warriors selected Stephen Curry from Davidson College!"

After Stern finished speaking, Curry looked around and asked, who is it? Why hasn't anyone stood up yet?


Stephen Curry

Isn’t that my dick?

"Ah this!" Curry's face was full of questions, as were his agent and family.

Wayne looked at Curry's confused expression on the big screen and couldn't help but smile.

Well, the feeling of controlling other people's destiny is so damn good.

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